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New PVP Ideas

Soul Shriven
I have played over 300 hours in this game and I love the ability to wander a large area and quest it up by myself. I haven't had that much PVP experience though. Mostly because it is a siege style PVP which works because of the war for the Imperial City but I think there should be another style. What if with the remaining spaces around Tamriel (undesignated zones) be areas that offer questing just like in each faction but it is a neutral zone where people from any faction can join. It can work the same way as Cyrodil (level segregated) but the actions that take place in these areas have no effect on the war. That is the kind of PVP I'd like to see in this game and I'd like to see if anyone else feels the same.

P.S. Just made my forum account today, so be gentle.
  • TheNephilimCrow
    So, basically, make safe zones to quest? It would be nice to turn in or do quests without worrying you will be ganged up on by other factions. Though, they won't do that. The IC DLC will test to that.

    I would like to have Duels between characters in the same factions. It could be used for training guild members and such. Or just a simple fight between friends. Or even a wagered fight.

    Oh, and welcome to the community!
    Edited by TheNephilimCrow on October 1, 2015 3:08PM
    PSN, Youtube & Twitch: TheNephilimCrow
    [NA] ESO EP Guild (GM): The Order of Crows (PvE) - 300+ Members (Discontinued)
    [NA] ESO AD Guild (GM): The Blades of Ayrenn (PvP) - 45 Members (Actively Recruiting)

    |:Veteran Rank:|
    VR16 - AD Breton - S&S/Bow Werewolf Stamina Nightblade - Title "Savage Shadow"
    VR 1 - AD Altmer - DW/Resto Magicka Sorcerer - Title "Spellsword"

    LVL 45 - DC Bosmer - Jack of Trades (Master Provisioning, Blacksmithing, etc.)
    Lvl 22 - AD Breton - Templar - Hybrid Build - PvE - Title "The Holy Knight"
    LVL 21 - AD Imperial - Dragonknight - Tank Build (In Progress)- Title "The Copper Knight"
    Lvl 13 - AD Khajit - DW Magicka Nightblade - Title "Mystical Thief"

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