ALLOT of people not issued crowns for up to 3 months.

So, ZoS.. The great crown robbery continues. After numerous ticket corrospondance we're still in the very same position. No crowns.

After ZoS told me it was a subscription issue and as soon as microsoft services resume the crowns will appear. They did not, They still have not.
Now... Apprently, After a lenghly conversation with a xbox live agent, The problem now is getting responce from ZoS themselves. Microsoft told me they had had countless complaints about this issue but are yet to even hear from ZoS. They infact referred to elder scrolls as Bethseda and that they were trying to contact them instead of Zenimax.

So, Weeks have passed and my ESO Plus slowly running out with no disire to renew.. No recognition this is even a problem nor anything suggested other than the old "sign out, hard reset, sign in" type of loonology they use to fob off none tech savy people...

You advertise 2500 crowns as a part of ESO Plus. I have not got 2500 crowns. False advertisement much? I mean, heaven forbid any compensation for ripping us off nor even so much as an apology for your clear error. My bank comfirmed the payment had cleared and xbox have also comfirmed the payment.

All I want is a plasable explanation for why your trying to throw the blame anyone but yourselves.. 2 out of the 3 parties comfirmed transaction, now where is my recievement, Our apology and something for the community to see your not a useless blame thrower avoiding owning up to a mistake and moving on.

GT: DeadSkiniviask
Oppressive Ideology AD
  • Deadskinmask
    Just to point out the severity of ZoS's ignorance to this matter. Other subjects have had zos responce yet, there is none anywhere regarding the crowns... Somewhat pathetic for a multi-million doller company to try and ignore its PAYING players when there is clearly more than just a handful of players who are experiencing this problem..
    GT: DeadSkiniviask
    Oppressive Ideology AD
  • Zerkcie
    They're official stance on this is to have no stance and just ignore everyone. There has to be 20 some threads about this issue and the 303 error that is making a large group of players unable to play the game they have paid for and still zero response from them on this. It's making it harder and harder to continue playing the game when they keep showing that they don't care about these problems at all. There is a bunch of great games coming out soon and I'm guessing through the lack of any kind of help on these issues people will go elsewhere. It's a shame that such a great game is being driven into the ground by such bad customer service. ZoS we want to continue playing this game, but if you don't care about us how can we continue giving you our money?

    Hopefully my post wont we pulled down since I've stated that the customer service is not good, they do seem to like to try to hide the truth.
  • Deadskinmask
    Thats another dictator like tactic, they remove people voicing their opinions. In my opinion ZoS do not deserve to manage a game like this.. I hope Microsoft get involved since ZoS are effectively ripping off Xbox customers.
    GT: DeadSkiniviask
    Oppressive Ideology AD
  • Deadskinmask
    So, an update. According to Microsoft they are "TRYING" to work with ZoS to reslove the issue. Now, ZoS support are now saying to take screenshots of the transaction and that you have had no crowns and send it to them.

    Pretty much guilty until proven innocent. They disbelieve even though they can see the transactions and purchases through their player files, which the microsoft rep told me.

    Microsoft and Barclays bank confirmed the payment cleared already, Why ZoS wont look into their own transaction history for each account who hasnt recieved the crowns they so clearly false advertise.

    Microsoft also do not know why an issue that has effected so many people has not been posted about. The woman I spoke to also said to me that she herself has had many people approach the microsoft support team regarding the none issuing of crowns with a part of their advertised subscription package.

    All in all this just proves ZoS are not the type of management a game like this needs. The game if chosen to invest into is not cheap. We use our hard earned money to help support a game we enjoy, we play it for fun.. Some of us play for stress relief after a hard day working... Yet, The whole experience has left us stressed out, out of pocket and in my case, disheartened with the game.

    I almost think Paul Sage left Bethseda to work on the new Boarderlands MMORPG because he didnt want to have his game represented by such an ametuer management team.

    Zos failed in the early release last march, which was strike one. Throughout my 18 months of being a member of ESO the customer support has been a joke. They blamed me and then my bank and finally microsoft for this problem, which was strike 2, both microsoft and my bank comfirmed my payments had cleared. What's going to be strike 3.

    So, ZoS.. The, KGB type games managemental team... Why wont you issue a statement about those who paid you but not recieved what you advertise. All the posts are ignored while meaningless posts get a reply. Your clearly embaressed, I would be too.. I mean, Your trying to run a game but kids who run private minecraft servers offer better support to its donators than you do to people who have spent hundreds of dollers... ZoS, Your a Joke.
    Edited by Deadskinmask on September 26, 2015 9:55AM
    GT: DeadSkiniviask
    Oppressive Ideology AD
  • Rlos
    It is very crazy they have not addressed us. Second month I have had to prove my purchase that I am an ESO Plus member. I asked if they had a fix because I don't want to do this a third month. I have spent an hour talking to Microsoft and COUNTLESS emails to ZoS. They can't even answer the simple question is there a fix. They just tell me to talk to Microsoft even though I had the same problem the month before. I want to support them but what are my options. Microsoft stated they would give me a refund. i don't want a refund but I also don't want to show proof of purchase every month. Maybe I just get refunded every month and get the free xp and Imperial City for my trouble. Please ZoS talk to the gamers and get a fix. And for god's sake if we tell you we didn't get our crowns just give them to us without a hassle. Obviously I paid because I am still listed as a plus member and you can look at my account or call Microsoft themselves. Currently I am telling my friends not to buy this game until they fix this major issue, address their lack of good customer service and fix all the new glitches and bugs Imperial City brought. Sooooo very frustrating
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