As the title said, not a "fix this or I'm leaving!" but these just happen to be MY most frustrating moments in ESO. In no particular order:
Cyrodiil: 5 - almost 10 minutes of Cannot Mount after combat. Not always, but often enough to be absolutely CRAZY frustrating and every time it happens I feel like logging off to do house cleaning...=/ I've seen people from PC say it's been happening since beta, imo that's rather lol.
Anyplace but exasperated greatly while in pvp: Sometimes after swapping weapon bars I seem to get stuck in a run/stamina loss mode. I can't use abilities and the only thing I've found that fixes it is to do nothing but move....till my stamina is gone and it suddenly fixes itself.
@shrugs@ pretty sure one can guess why that is rather annoying lol. Those are my two biggest "OMG, crush the controller angry" issues

Honorable mention: Consoles only I believe and soon-ish to be fixed, NO prices listed in the guild stores. People are quitting those guilds, and I've stopped making money because it's just plainly ridiculous. What's your most "omg please...please fix this" issues?