I want to complain abut the threads complaining about the complainers complaining.
I will only then complain about the complaining about the complaining about the complaining about the complaining.
I am pleased that you picked up on how ridiculous this thread is, because it is meant to be.
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »The sad part is all these people complaining about trifles never bother to find a work-around that works for them and instead whine to Zenimax because it's "ruining the game". Maybe about half at most of the complaints are about something legit but frankly as often as people are always barking at Zenimax if I was them I'd say "get off my back already!" which is probably why they only respond to posts that actually deserve attention.
I want to see bugs fixed as much as the next person but crying on the forums 24/7 isn't gonna solve anything. The sooner people realize that the sooner these forums can gain a bit more positive of an atmosphere.
You said it Joe....crying on the forums doesn't achieve anything. Except someone might offer that work around...though its more likely they will say something like "crying on the forum doesn't achieve anything", followed by a clever mocking gif and a l2p message.
The main point of this thread is to point out how silly complaining about complaining is. You are not forced to read anything in the forum. Let them "cry" if that's what you think they're doing. It doesn't hurt you.
If that's all you see all the time, why would bother Joe? If you know something upsets you, and it clearly does, why keep exposing yourself to that? Because believe ne, there will ALWAYS be more threads expressing problems than offering praise.
I do see threads that are blatant whines, but I don't see them nearly so often as others seem to. In fact, I think such threads are quite rare.
Perhaps if Zos didn't ignore the majority of threads, they would be repeated nearly as often. And if people are repeatedly making the same complaint, and it is different people, then maybe... Just maybe.... It's because its a real problem?
UltimaJoe777 wrote: »
Things that have been answered people still make threads about. Also it isn't just complaints that get repetitive threads but suggestions too. Zenimax may not respond to every single thread they see but they do look at at least the majority of them and respond in the ones that actually need it in their eyes. This is usually when it's something they have not seen reported yet.
Fact of the matter is rage is all that fuels the people that come to complain. When they're that mad all they want to do is rant and for them the quickest way to do so is make a new thread. However, not all of those threads are about actual problems but rather something didn't or isn't going their way and they blame Zenimax for it.
Ate you seriously suggesting every single complaint in these forums is motivated by rage? None of mine were...so there goes that theory. I think you see what you want to see, my friend.
Play enough MMO's and browse their forums and you'll eventually see a pattern.
1. "X/Y Developer doesn't care about us and only wants our money!!"
2. "OMG! They nerfed X/Y my build is ruined!"
3. "I'm quitting Game X/Y and here's a tl;dr post explaining why. And no, you can't have my stuff"
4. Random lolz
5. Pretty much everyone else pointing and laughing at each other ("LOLLOLO I'm trolling you." "No, I"M trolling YOU". "NO, I AM!!" )
You get used to it. The more things change, the more they stay the same.