They want you to buy imperial city and play its content to get 16 gear. It's a business decision.
Bosmer Stamina NB
Altmer Magicka TEMP
Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
Altmer Magicka NB
Breton Magicka Sorc
Redguard Stam Sorc
Max CP
My guildmates and I have been asking eachother the same question since we hit v16 and started grinding dungeons in search of the new drop only sets. It's total crap that they are dropping old useless vendor trash and Shadowhide Scraps, of all the things Showdowhide ***ing Scraps. WHY were these not removed from the loot table?
Corpsage The Blackened - V16 Altmer Templar DC
Corpsage The Bane - V16 Imperial Templar DC
Corpsage The Decimator - V16 Dunmer Night Blade DC
If you don't want your shadow hide send it to me, I'll refine it to get improvement materials.
But for the armour sets you're right, it would be nice if the old sets would scale up to v16. It's kind of boring to have no other option than using willpower / agility jewelery.
If I could get vet 16 stuff without going to IC, why would I go?
Just a money thing
^This one knows...
Bosmer Stamina NB
Altmer Magicka TEMP
Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
Altmer Magicka NB
Breton Magicka Sorc
Redguard Stam Sorc
Max CP