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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Why is there now "preview" of the model of item I'm about to create?

Isn't it a no brainer to be able to see what the item is going to look like?

I can't tell you how many times I've either A. built something that I thought was going to look awesome, and it wasn't... or B. built something that looked outstanding, but cannot for the life of me figure out which pieces and parts made up the combo to get the same armor look.

Why not just have a preview screen of the part on your toon before you commit to the craft? Is it really that hard?

While we are at it... could you make the "level" of the item about to be crafted a bit more plainly obvious? When crafting a full set I have blown a particular piece more than once by crafting just one piece the wrong level. Would really like to see a way to make sure I have all of the pieces set to the same level.

Thanks for listening
Edited by tactica on September 17, 2015 9:05PM
NA, PS4, vr13-DE Maj DK, vr9-HE Maj Sorc, vr1-Kaj Stam NB
Knowledge is Power
  • dreamfarer
    A preview of the item would be rather nice. Some times the icon for the gear looks pretty close and others times not so much.

    I've lost track of the number of times I've used "Convert to Imperial style" because a particular piece came out looking awful. Imperial style is nice enough in most cases but sometimes it just not the look I'm shooting for.
  • josh.lackey_ESO
    I totally agree about gear preview. I could understand if it wasn't a major priority initially, but we've been able to preview items from the crown since it debuted. It really shouldn't be too much work to expand that system to show arbitrary items.

    In the meantime, there's eso-fashion.com.
  • Alucardo
    Some of the little thumbnail pictures are similar, but I found in the higher levels they looked nothing like it. I remember one of the greatswords looked awesome, so I used my remaining mats and received something that looked like a floppy díldo.
    Edited by Alucardo on September 20, 2015 2:55AM
  • Gilvoth
    realizing more and more and its finaly sinking in how truely broken eso really is. and its quite sad.
  • Auricle
    realizing more and more and its finaly sinking in how truely broken eso really is. and its quite sad.
    While gear previewing would be a nice feature, it's not like it's necessary or realistic. And not having such a feature hardly means the game is broken... Yeesh.

  • tactica
    realizing more and more and its finaly sinking in how truely broken eso really is. and its quite sad.

    I don't think I'd go so far as to say it's 'broken'. However, there seems to be an obvious 'preview' opportunity that could be set up if they wanted to offer that to the crafters. It would definitely imrpove the immersion and it would help players build looks they actually wanted.

    Right now, if I craft a look I like, I have to right it down and remember the combination of items OUTSIDE of the game... that's a problem to me. The game world should offer everything I need to enjoy the game - in the game, to truely keep me immersed.

    That's part of the problem I have with the PS4 side NOT including the skyshard / lorebook elements on the map... and same goes for Cyrodil elements on the map like we have elsewhere. It's not like I can't go on my PC / tablet and bring up a map of these things, then bring my map up in game to navigate too them... and the PC players have add-ons for both these things. Why don't we have it on console? Just seems like a no-brainer.

    NA, PS4, vr13-DE Maj DK, vr9-HE Maj Sorc, vr1-Kaj Stam NB
    Knowledge is Power
  • Surragard
    I'd love to see the feature. Hard to know what's coming down the pipeline but we can always hope!
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • Nestor
    We have been asking for this since Beta on the PC. The standard ZOS response is, "We are looking into offering this".

    In the mean time, this will get you close.


    I have also had some success scaling up the UI on the PC to see the icon preview better. I think you can scale the console UI too.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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