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Inter-Racial Relations

I know there aren't crossbreeds between the races, it's been stated.
I'm just wondering if it applies to all races, or just between beast, elf/mer and human races?
Like, can a nord and a Breton have a kid? Or a dunmer and an altmer?
I will not even get into either beast race and any other partner, I'm fully certain they can't have kids outside their race, no matter how many donations are made.
NA, PC Megaserver
Zhaani, Female Khajiit, Nightblade, AD (current main)
(Unless otherwise put in my sig, all characters are below level 50)
  • Nestor
    Bretons are half human so not sure on them.

    However you can suss out the answers here

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  • Rioghnan
    I know that in Oblivion there was an Orc/something hybrid, his name was the Grey Prince. So there you have it. I don't really think Khajits and Argonians can breed with men or mer but otherwise I'm sure it's possible.

    Edit: Okay I found it. Just look up "Notes on Racial Phylogeny". They can breed. It's in the lore.
    Edited by Rioghnan on August 6, 2015 2:17AM
    You die first!
  • thunderwell
    @Rioghnan are you referring to the last guy in the arena?
    He was half vampire.
    Thanks for more insight, too. :smile:
    NA, PC Megaserver
    Zhaani, Female Khajiit, Nightblade, AD (current main)
    (Unless otherwise put in my sig, all characters are below level 50)
  • Berret
    Aside from the beast races, yes they can! However the child takes the race of the mother. :smile:
  • Totalitarian
    When I read "Notes of Racial Phylogeny" and "Racial Phylogeny" (both good reads by the way), I picked up that men and mer can all freely interbreed and produce fertile offspring (as we have Bretons). As for Khajiit, it is mentioned that Khajiit are different in dermal and digestion, so they are notably different than humans, while Argonians are cold-blooded and lay eggs. That being said, it does bring up that there are reported cases of Khajiit and Argonians having children with men or mer, but none are confirmed. To further add to the ambiguity, it mentions that most people would not report having a mixed race child between Betmer and men/mer.

    On that subject though, men and mer are likely incredibly closely genetically related (if they are different species, and not different races of the same species), probably upwards of 99.99% in order to be able to breed. Humans and chimpanses are somewhere around the 97-99% range of genetic similarity, and are not compatible in terms of natural child production.

    On the topic of children, where are they? Where are the kids in ESO? Unless they're all hidden, there have to be children around somewhere. Maybe Molag Bal took them all. Maybe if ZOS wants to pull a fast one, they can just spawn in friendly Banekin, Scamps, and Wood Elves to act as kids.

    Still, I am surprised that there are not many mixed-race people you see (Bretons do not count in this case). There are a few from across the games, but they seems relatively rare. It should seem like there would be a lot more non-Breton mixed people running around. Of course, this then brings up the ever taboo subject of racism and racial boundaries, and before I go on all night on that, I should stop.

    To end my rant, saying: I thought that my Altmer character could make a pretty convincing mixed race example. I always ask people what they think my race is, and they always guess Altmer, so maybe it is not as convincing to them as it is to me :expressionless:
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  • thunderwell
    I'd wager there's no children because of gameplay or legal issues?
    I believe ZOS may not want people to be able to kill, steal, etc children, hence there are none.
    Making them unkillable or immortal would just become a nuisance for would-be thieves when those meddling kids get involved.
    For why there are children in Skyrim, I ask Bethesda?
    NA, PC Megaserver
    Zhaani, Female Khajiit, Nightblade, AD (current main)
    (Unless otherwise put in my sig, all characters are below level 50)
  • Rioghnan
    Yea I mean if you're going to have kids in there then you have to go all the way and make all kinds of kids, first of all, like in TES V there's only Nord kids, racisssst! And if you can't kill em then that's dumb too. I don't want to kill kids but if somebody's sick like that, hey... maybe make the bounty super high if you do it or something.

    And about the hybrids thing, in any believable universe I bet that happens all the time. Even before I read it was possible I was like yea... that totally happens. It happens on earth so you know it happens on Nirn.
    You die first!
  • Junglejim82
    Click bait! The lack of inter racial links vids etc was quite frankly disappointing
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  • Rioghnan
    Um well I have a slightly smutty story about a Dunmer chick and a certain large Oblivion-dwelling man beast but I don't think that's what you were after...
    You die first!
  • zedich
    All races of men and mer are able to procreate and bear fertile offspring, the spawn of these unions will -always- resemble the mother as far as race is concerned with small bits of the father thrown about. This is stated in an in-game lorebook and a generally accepted rule for the RP community. Now I havn't been able to find anything that gives specifics on if a Breton woman can get preggers by an Argonian, the book I mentioned before said that such unions are rarely heard of because of possible shame a Breton woman might feel from her peers if they found out the father was an Argonian or an Orc. We do however know that Harpies reproduce by kidnapping males of men and mer and having sexy time with them....the more you know.
  • thunderwell
    It sounds like all the males in Tamriel have mostly recessive genes.
    A boy born between two different races can still look like a man when he grows up, but things like skin tone, some or most facial/body structure, ear shape/size, etc, aren't as obvious.
    Maybe male's "donation" doesn't hold as much weight, other than determining gender, and eggs determine most of the physical traits.
    NA, PC Megaserver
    Zhaani, Female Khajiit, Nightblade, AD (current main)
    (Unless otherwise put in my sig, all characters are below level 50)
  • Frozstee
    Do argonians hatch from eggs?
    Things just got even more complicated then.
    GT: Frozstee = Xbox - NA =
    "Bright Moons, and Sharp Claws my friends." - Zarum
  • Lightninvash
    imagine seeing an egg lain by an argonian. it starts to wiggle and you hear something moving inside. as the shell starts to crack you see fur, and out comes a furry argonian that starts purring... let the hate flow in about now..... this is why I doubt inter racial can't be achieved.
    Edited by Lightninvash on August 7, 2015 7:22PM
  • Frozstee
    imagine seeing an egg lain by an argonian. it starts to wiggle and you hear something moving inside. as the shell starts to crack you see fur, and out comes a furry argonian that starts purring... let the hate flow in about now..... this is why I doubt inter racial can't be achieved.

    I was thinking more of a tiny Nord breaking through the egg... like breaking a wall during a raid, already with a little beard, axe and viking helmet.
    GT: Frozstee = Xbox - NA =
    "Bright Moons, and Sharp Claws my friends." - Zarum
  • Lightninvash
    Frozstee wrote: »
    imagine seeing an egg lain by an argonian. it starts to wiggle and you hear something moving inside. as the shell starts to crack you see fur, and out comes a furry argonian that starts purring... let the hate flow in about now..... this is why I doubt inter racial can't be achieved.

    I was thinking more of a tiny Nord breaking through the egg... like breaking a wall during a raid, already with a little beard, axe and viking helmet.

    would he have the scaly hide of an argonian? cus that'd be funny haha.
  • Rioghnan
    I would take the little furry lizard and keep it. Or the scaly cat.
    You die first!
  • ArrerBoy
    I'm pretty sure any child takes after the mother in most cases for simplicity. Bretons came around from generations of Elves doing the nasty with their Manmer servants.
  • Levo18
    I would pay money to see a argonian-khajiit breed. Maybe some mad necromancer can do it?
  • ArrerBoy
    Levo18 wrote: »
    I would pay money to see a argonian-khajiit breed. Maybe some mad necromancer can do it?

    Well then it wouldn't be a breed, it would be a stitched together corpse. Theoretically anyone can become Argonian as long as the Hist deems it. Saxhleel are what you see most.

    But from a Khajiit? Pretty hard seeing as how their forms are decided by the moon they are born under. For all we know, that pact with Azura makes it impossible to mix with Khajiit. Because magic.
  • notimetocare
    Nestor wrote: »
    Bretons are half human so not sure on them.

    However you can suss out the answers here

    This is an older post, but Bretons are fully human. They are a human race with some traditionally elven traits. This is due to the fact that some of a males traits are passed to offspring. This becoming the norm would be resulting from mostly females being born of elven fathers and human mothers (in this case Aldmer and Nedic). That is, the reason the traits became readily dominant is that consistent interbreeding made females that present the traits to pass on.
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