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Comprehensive Guide to Making Gold

This will get a little tl;dr so I'll use spoiler tags where I can. This guide isn't in any particular order, and there are a lot of common sense things. There may be legitimate spoilers ahead so bear that in mind.

Gold FAQs
1. What's the easiest way to make gold?
There isn't one. Each way to make gold has it's drawbacks and rewards. For instance, provisioning is a very easy way to make gold as ingredients are everywhere, but it takes time and patience for a relatively small reward. Selling things in a guild store is also a pretty easy way to get gold, but it also costs a listing fee and you are at the mercy of the market for how much profit you rake in or even the ability to sell the item in the first place.

2. Why should I bother with going the extra mile for gold?
Gold is used to purchase goods and services not only from NPCs, but from players as well. If you are having a very difficult time coming across crafting motifs, recipes, style materials, or even gear that you want gold will make it a lot easier for you. The more gold you have the easier of a time you'll have getting items that you want.

3. Will this guide teach me some glitches or hacks to get a lot of gold?
Absolutely not. While some of the methods in this guide are considered 'cheap', not a single one is against the terms and conditions of the MMO. If you want to cheat for your gold, you are going to have to go elsewhere.

4. Can I make gold even if I'm a low level?
Of course, but the amount you make will incrementally increase as your level goes up. The more skill points you invest in certain skill trees, the more gold you can get out of those skill trees. The higher your level, the better dungeons you can do, and the better gear you can get which all leads to more gold.

5. What's the fastest way to make gold?
Quests, basically. Sidequests, daily quests, and main story quests usually have gold and loot rewards for completion. Relatively speaking quests usually take far less time to complete than any other method of making gold, especially when the amount of time spent leveling certain skill trees and acquiring the skills for them is taken into account. That said though, quests will not get you as much gold as most of the other things listed below.

6. What can I sell?
Everything that isn't 'Bound'. If an item is bound to your character then you cannot sell it to other players, and instead you will have to deconstruct said item (or sell it to an NPC where applicable) to make any gold from it. Most bound items are bind on equip, which it tells you at the very top of the item description screen. This means that you can sell the item as long as you do not equip it. Armor that isn't normally bind on equip will become bound if you dye it.

7. Will this guide show me popular farming areas?
No. Those you have to find out by asking other players or by personal experience. The reasons why are simple. Farming locations change frequently enough that keeping them updated in this guide would be a hassle, too many people farming lessens the effects of farming (i.e. severely drops the value of the farmed items), and because listing farming locations is a sure-fire way to get them patched.

Storage Tips
One of the most important parts of getting gold is having enough storage to carry the stuff you want to sell. You will need to upgrade both your bank and your inventory if you want to revel in the 'big bucks'. Bank is better than inventory, though, because your bank space travels across characters while your inventory space does not and you can access crafting materials that are in your bank while creating things.

It is up to your personal preference the amount that you want to upgrade your bank and inventory to, but the more you invest in it the more convenient it will be for you. Here are the pricing guides.

Max slots - 240

Crown Store - 1000 crowns per upgrade for a maximum of 10 upgrades (10 slots each). Does not allow you to go above 240 slots.
70 slots - 1000 gold
80 slots - 3300 gold
90 slots - 6800 gold
100 slots - 11400 gold
110 slots - 20500 gold
120 slots - 28300 gold
130 slots - 31700 gold
140 slots - 37500 gold
150 slots - 42700 gold
160 slots - 45000 gold
170 slots - 50000 gold
180 slots - 55000 gold
190 slots - 60000 gold
200 slots - 65000 gold
210 slots - 70000 gold
220 slots - 75000 gold
230 slots - 80000 gold
240 slots - 85000 gold

Bag Space
Max Slots - 200

Crown Store - 1000 crowns per upgrade for a maximum of 10 upgrades (10 slots each). Does not allow you to go above 200 slots.
Stable - 250 gold per upgrade with a limit of one slot every 20 hours and a maximum of 60 upgrades. Also purchasable with crowns in the crown store for 1000 crowns each.
Pack Merchant
70 slots - 400 gold
80 slots - 2000 gold
90 slots - 5900 gold
100 slots - 11000 gold
110 slots - 19200 gold
120 slots - 30700 gold
130 slots - 46000 gold
140 slots - 64500 gold

Questing is the most common sense way to gain gold. The majority of the quests in the game are fairly easy and the rewards vary. Some quests are even repeatable, so you'll never run out of them.

Quests not only offer set rewards, but they also usually involve fighting NPCs which drop loot in the form of gold, gear, or crafting materials. See the tips section on Farming for tips regarding the loot for NPCs. Most quest rewards can be sold to either NPCs or other players. See Guild Stores and Area Chat for more information on how to go about doing this.

The primary benefit to questing to gain gold is that time flies when you're having fun, and quests can be rather interesting. So, it's less soul-crushing than farming for eight hours straight. The primary drawback is that it still takes quite a bit of time, and depending on the quests that you are doing you may not get as high of a reward as you would have if you spent that time farming instead.

Player Versus Player in Cyrodiil and The Imperial City
There are multiple ways to get gold in Cyrodiil and all of these ways have their benefits and drawbacks. Let's go over the most common ones first.

Quests and Dailies
There are both normal quests found on bulletin boards and there are daily quests spread throughout Cyrodiil. These quests, if done in a timely manner and in a group, can net you a decent amount of gold in a relatively short amount of time. Groups can be found all throughout Cyrodiil or you can even create your own. Bear in mind that you need to clearly communicate the purpose of your group to potential group members or they may not stay in your group. More details on why grouping is good can be found in the Farming section.

Conversion of Alliance Points to Gold
This is one of the more inefficient ways to get gold, but if you're spending a ton of time in PVP this is good information to have. Gathering Alliance Points can be done by doing certain quests, helping take resources and forts, and even by killing enemy players. Once you have some alliance points, you can begin converting them into gold by purchasing things like Grand Soul Gems that have intrinsic value to merchants. Then simply sell the items to merchants for gold. Or you can go for the purple items and deconstruct them to gain certain blacksmithing materials that are otherwise difficult to come by and sell them to other players (or outright sell them to other players if you can). For more information on this see the Crafting (Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Tailoring) and the Guild Stores and Area Chat sections.

Imperial City and Sewers

Conversion of Tel Var Stones to Gold
This one is a bit more difficult. Tel Var stones are accumulated in the Imperial City by killing NPC enemies and the more you have the more you get.
The multiplier goes like this:
1x 0-99 stones
2x 100-999 stones
3x 1000-9999 stones
4x 10000+ stones

However, when you die you lose some, so depositing them as often as possible is a good idea.

Death by NPC = 10% of TV stones lost
Death by Player = 80% of TV stones lost

When a player is killed by other players, 80% of their current haul of TV stones will be split among the players that killed them. If you are killed by an NPC, you can revive yourself using a Grand Soul Gem, but if you are killed by an enemy player (or killed by an NPC after being damaged by an enemy player) you have to either 'release' or be revived by a friendly player.

Tel Var Stones can be traded for some really decent equipment (go for purps), which can then either be sold to other players or deconstructed and sold for parts. You can also use Tel Var Stones to purchase refined materials that you can then use to create items to sell or sell the materials to other players.

There are trophy drops that can be gained by killing and looting NPCs in the city and sewers. When you get enough of them (60 for normal vaults, 150 for the Veteran Dungeon vaults) you can open a vault. You get some awesome loot from these vaults, which you can sell to other players or deconstruct and then sell the parts.

Alternatively, you can sell the trophies in guild stores or via area chat. This is suggested if you have bad luck with RNGs, and if you don't feel like fighting your way to the vaults. See Guild Stores and Area Chat for more information.

Farming is the most traditional way to get gold in MMOs, but is also the most time consuming. To properly farm, you are going to have to find an area with NPC enemies that you can fight, kill, and loot. This method requires time and patience in abundance. Here are some tips.

1. Grouping is good. When you are in a group you and your group-mates can all loot the same enemies, regardless of who in the group killed that enemy. For instance, if you and another player are not grouped and you kill an enemy, that player would not be able to loot that enemy if that player didn't attack it and vice versa. However, if you two are in a group if you kill an enemy and can loot it, so can that other player regardless of whether or not s/he attacked it and vice versa.
2. Loot is usually level specific. If you are in a dungeon that is five levels above or below you, you are likely not going to get any good loot. This goes for non-dungeon enemies as well. While there will be some loot for you (usually materials), it's best to stay within your level range for maximum loot.
3. The longer you farm the more rewards you get from it (duh). If you are going to farm, it's best to make sure you can actually put the time into it to make it rewarding.

There are certain dungeons which are great for farming both raw materials and rare drops, but I'm not going to list those here for obvious reasons. Ask around in the game or experiment on your own to find out where these are and how best to use them.

Crafting (Blacksmithing, Woodworking, and Tailoring)
If you are a crafter you may as well make some gold off of it as well. You're not going to get massively rich quickly off of doing this, but here are some ways to make a decent amount of money from NPCs and players alike.

All 'refined' materials are worth 4 gold to NPC merchants.
All 'raw' materials are worth 2 gold to NPC merchants.
The value of an item displayed in the item creation screen is how much that item will sell to an NPC.
Adding traits to created items does not increase their value, so either save the trait materials or sell them to players.
Improving items does increase their value, but not by very much. Selling improvement materials to players is the most profitable route.
The style of the item you are creating does not effect the value of the item.
Materials stack to 200 but created items do not stack.
Researching traits seems like it will take forever, but the eventual payout is definitely worth it.

The quick and lazy way to make gold is to gather raw materials, refine them, and sell your surplus materials to NPCs. This isn't the even the most profitable way to sell to NPCs though.

The most profitable way to get gold from selling to NPCs lies in the actual creation of items. You can find your 'profitable zone' using this simple formula.

a=amount of materials required to create item
b=value of item
c=amount of profit received from item creation


It takes 6 sanded maple to make a level 1 maple shield worth 6 gold. 6-(4*6)=-18 so you would lose 18 gold by creating a level 1 maple shield.
It takes 4 sanded oak to make a level 16 oak healing staff worth 34 gold. 34-(4*4)=18 so you would make a profit of 18 gold by creating a level 16 oak healing staff.

Using this formula you'll quickly gather that it's not profitable to create items using the lowest level materials, not as profitable to create items using the highest level materials, and completely counterproductive to create low or high level gear that requires a lot of materials (e.g. a cuirass).

Selling crafting materials and crafted equipment to players is generally more profitable, but also takes more time on average. See Guild Traders and Area Chat for more information.

Researching traits takes a long time, but the payoff can be ridiculously worth it if you plan to sell trait or set items to other players. Some players are willing to part with hundreds of thousands of gold for certain set armor types with certain traits. Even if you can't find those guys though, there are usually players willing to pay 20k+ for it.

Provisioning is one of the easiest and time consuming ways to make gold in the game. Recipes and ingredients can be found almost everywhere, which is why it is so easy. The simplest way to make gold from provisioning is to level it up and craft things.
To get the most out of provisioning, max out the Chef and Brewer skills. This gives you four servings for the ingredients of one, and thereby quadrupling your profit.
If you plan on selling the food or drinks you make to players you'll need around thirteen skill points to make the best foods that are worth the most gold.

All ingredients are worth 0 gold to NPCs.
There are recipes that only require one ingredient, but there are ingredients that are not covered by these recipes. The servings created by these recipes are worth only 1 gold.

Alright, so let's talk maximum profitability using NPCs. The most common recipes create servings that sell for between 2 and 4 gold to NPCs. There are recipes that create servings worth 5 and more, and recipes that create servings worth one, but your moneymakers are going to be the ones worth 2-4 gold as far as NPCs are concerned.

Recipes that are worth 4 gold that only require two ingredients effectively double your money that you would otherwise receive from those ingredients. Recipes worth 3 gold that require two ingredients multiply your profit by 1.5, and recipes worth two gold don't multiply your profit at all. Recipes worth five or more gold generally require three or more ingredients meaning that they only multiply your profit by about 1.7 instead of the double that you get by the other recipes. Of course, when you start doing provisioning writs you will get recipes worth 5 gold with only two ingredients, giving you a profitability of 2.5 gold per ingredient.

Here's an example of an efficient way to craft, in order of crafting:
5 gold 2 ingredients
4 gold 2 ingredients
5 gold 3 ingredients
3 gold 2 ingredients
4 gold 3 ingredients
3 gold 3 ingredients
2 gold 2 ingredients
1 gold 1 ingredients

Great places to gather ingredients are the Hollow City in Coldharbour and Eyevea because you can loot everything in both cities without receiving a bounty. Simply use a wayshrine to go to the Hollow City and loot all of the containers and food lying around and then go to one of the Mages Guilds and use the portal to get to Eyevea (because the wayshrine is bugged). Loot Eyevea and then use the wayshrine to get back to the Hollow City. Rinse and repeat.

Also doing provisioning writs daily will get you better recipes and larger amounts of ingredients. The hireling is also a great way to get a decent amount of the rarer ingredients.

Alternatively you can sell ingredients as well as food to other players. See Guild Stores and Area Chat for more information.

If you are into Alchemy or Enchanting you're going to have a rougher time making gold than if you chose a different craft. The reason being that the materials for crafting are a tad harder to come by in large amounts.

With Alchemy the easiest way to make gold is to sell the ingredients, but with Enchanting a good chunk of the ingredients aren't worth anything. Glyphs are generally worth anything between 2 and 7 gold a pop, so depending on which glyphs you use you can make a decent amount of gold while using the 'worthless' glyphs.

The best way to make the most gold from this is to sell potions and glyphs, or their ingredients, to other players.

Guild Stores and Area Chat
When it comes to selling things to players things get a bit complex. There are several things to consider when selling items to other players. Things such as supply and demand, competition, and location. A lot of the following is common sense though, so feel free to skip ahead.

To get a guild store a guild has to have at least 50 members, and to get a guild trader a guild has to win a bid on said trader. Some bids can get into the millions of gold, so many guilds with a trader charge a premium rate to be a member of said guild. Be sure to ask about what is expected of you when you join a guild for trading. When you sell things with guild traders, customers are coming to you and choosing between buying your goods or some other player's goods. So it is wise to look at other guild traders in the area (and maybe some abroad) to determine how much to sell an item for. For instance if someone at a nearby guild store is selling the item that you are selling for 5k you can sell your item for 5k, or you can undercut that person and sell it for 4.9k instead. Or you can sell your item for 6k and hope that two people come buy and buy both of your items instead. Also, the lower price your item costs, the higher up on the list it is on default sort.

BE WARNED that if you do undercut people constantly it is going to drop the net worth of that item rather quickly. It's best to only do this if you absolutely need to make gold quick. Alternatively, if you are a farmer you could make a deal with someone who has a guild trader to sell your items to them so that they can sell them higher. This will get you fast gold while not dropping the value of the items as well.

Knowing which items do what is a real boon to selling items to other players. It allows you to be able to mentally picture what someone would pay for said item.
Knowing which builds are most used is also good, because that allows you to gather the proper items for those builds and sell them to those using them.
Check the sales history of guild traders that you are in to see what is selling and for how much.
Check patch notes to see which items will be more in demand or less in demand in the future. If something will be more in demand, stock up on it. If it will be less in demand, try to offload it before that time comes.
When crafting items to sell, be sure to check what your competition is offering for them. Either that or only sell them via Area Chat on an as ordered basis.

Selling in bulk is also a great way to offload items and make a profit at the same time. If you have ten of an item that cost you 1k each, instead of charging 2k each you can sell the lot of them for 15k and still make a profit of 5k.

Three things to consider when it comes to selling your items to other players is what the item is worth, how much it cost you to get, and how badly you want to sell it. If an item cost you 1k to get and nobody will buy it for 10k, it's best to drop the price. The faster you want to sell the item, the lower the price you should have for it.

Buying cheap items and selling them at a higher price is a decent way to make gold, but also carries inherent risk. Before you drop big money on items that usually sell for twice as much as what you're seeing, make sure that those items are still selling for that price in other areas. Buying items from someone who farms them and selling them at normal market price is also a great way to make money, but again you have to be sure that the prices haven't dropped. The easiest way to lose 100k gold is by not checking market prices before buying a lot of items.

Selling items in Area Chat is a quick way to make some gold, but it also gives people the opportunity to haggle with you. If you're good at haggling you can make some serious bank, but if you lack vocal skills it's best to refuse to haggle and demand a set price. It will take you longer to sell your item this way, but you'll end up making what you want to rather than being talked into making half of it.

Area chat is also a great way to sell a lot of items at once, as it gives the buyer the option of buying more than what they normally would in a guild store.

People are more likely to buy things from you if you're somewhat like-able, so spamming the area chat is counter-productive. Participating in conversations and striking up a rapport with others, while not being the fastest way to unload items, is a good way to sell what you need to.

Area chat is also a good way to sell 'services' rather than items as well. If you are a higher level player, you can offer to group up with lower level players for a certain amount of gold per dungeon run. Or you can sell werewolf/vampire bites.

Stealing is one of the more efficient ways to get gold, but it does have it's risks.

Things to remember:
1. Guards will confiscate any and all stolen goods you have, even things stolen from other areas.
2. You have a limited amount of 'interactions' with the merchants that buy stolen goods, up to a maximum of 140 per day.
3. Common (white) stolen goods sell for 30 gold, uncommon (green) sell for 100 gold, blue items sell for 250 gold, and purple items sell for 750 gold.
4. Stealing is also a good way to get recipes and motifs for crafting as well. You do not need to launder these items to use them.

The most efficient way to get gold using this method is to find areas that are not usually visible by NPCs and check all baskets, drawers, wardrobes, barrels, and crates. Turning off autoloot for stolen items will allow you to check containers without worrying about getting a bounty. This will allow you to pick and choose which containers to loot when an NPC has its back turned.

When you use a wayshrine to go to another area the containers in the area you left will fill back up. In some cases you don't even need to use a wayshrine. For instance, in Davon's Watch (Ebonheart Pact) if you enter the Outlaw's Refuge and exit back into the city containers will refill.

So you can hit one city picking up everything that will net you gold, use a wayshrine to go to the next city and do the same thing, and rinse and repeat until you've got a full load. Remember, you only have a maximum of 140 items to sell per day. So if you get all white items you're going to max out at 4,200 per day. Or you can keep grinding until you get a load of green items resulting in a gain of 14,000 gold per day. The maximum amount of gold you can make from this is 105,000 gold per day with all purple items. There are efficiency guides that will assist you in making the most out of your time.

Pick-pocketing can also get you a good amount of gold, but is riskier than simply looting containers. It is a lot easier to get caught pick-pocketing, which means it's a lot easier to lose all of your stolen goods.

You will get a bounty and guards will pursue you. Escaping the guards and visiting the Outlaw's Refuge is the quickest way to get rid of your bounty without losing your goods, but if you wait long enough away from guards your bounty will eventually drop back down to nothing. Logging out while waiting also works, so if you do get caught and have some chores to do, just log out and log back in later.

Fishing is easy, boring, and profitable given enough time.

Here's a quick guide to which baits to use where. Protip, if you can't tell what kind of water you're fishing it, try using any normal bait. If you catch a fish it will immediately tell you the type of water you're at. If you catch Used Bait, you're not using the correct bait. Using the incorrect bait will give you a 50% chance of catching Used Bait, while using the correct bait will eliminate that risk. Using the correct bait will also give you a chance to catch a 'Wet Gunny Sack' or 'Special Bait'.

Foul Water - You catch Slaughterfish and Trodh using Crawlers [normal] or Fish Roe [special], or you can catch Chub [special]
Rivers - You catch Salmon & River Betty using Insect Parts [normal] or Shad [special], or you can catch Fish Roe [special]
Lakes - You catch Spadetail & Silverside Perch using Guts [normal] or Minnows [special], or you can catch Shad [special]
Ocean - You catch Dhufish & Longfin using Worms [normal] or Chub [special], or you can catch Minnows [special]

There are two ways to make gold from fishing.

Green Fish, Blue Fish, I Fish, You Fish
This method is best done in a group, because each player fishing in a fishing hole (up to four players) increases the odds of landing 'rare' fish. This is also one of the ways to get the Master Angler title, but who cares about that. So here's the breakdown.
Green Fish - 36 gold
Blue Fish - 110

Obviously you want to go for all blues, but if you have access to Craglorn and a group of fishermen then that will be your best bet. Bear in mind fishing holes dry up faster when you are group fishing.

Fish Farming For Finances
So as you may know, you can 'filet' common fish (you cannot filet green or blue fish) by finding them in your consumables submenu and selecting 'use'. When you do this, you get the provisioning ingredient 'fish', one per fish filleted. However, you also have a chance to get a material known as Perfect Roe, which is a rare drop and highly sought after for it's use in Psijic Ambrosia. You can either use the ingredients to craft food/drink to sell to NPCs or other players, or sell the ingredients (or maybe even the fish themselves) to other players.

You do NOT want to group while using this method. Grouping will decrease your odds of getting common fish as well as 'dry up' the fishing hole faster. The primary goal with this method is to get as many common fish as possible, so grouping is counter-productive.

You can also sell bait to other players if you do not want to fish.

That about covers it. Did I miss anything or get anything wrong?
Edited by AAN2 on October 26, 2015 11:43PM
Say no to drugs.
And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • Olivierko
    Although it falls under existing categories such as "Farming" and "Guild stores and Area chat", a note regarding using Alliance Points to buy and sell items would be in place considering this is/was a good gold source.

    1. Dar'diov ★ AvA 25 ★ Nightblade
    2. Tig'ger ★ AvA 9 ★ Dragonknight
    3. Ba'bushka ★ AvA 28 ★ Sorcerer
    4. Hails-To-Putin ★ AvA 18 ★ Templar
    5. Ba'boon ★ AvA 13 ★ Sorcerer

    6. PC EU ★ Aldmeri DominionYoutube
  • jackiemanuel
    Sell your stuff in your guild stores. Those recipes and raw mats worth 4 gold to vendors are worth 100 in the guild store. Not to mention the high value of rare motifs, upgrade materials, perfect roe, purple recipes, alchemy reagents, etc. With minimal effort you can make 10-20k gold a day selling mats in a few trade guilds.
    Edited by jackiemanuel on August 19, 2015 12:22PM
  • AAN2
    Edited to include section Player Versus Player in Cyrodiil.

    Thanks Olivierko for the suggestion.
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • phairdon
    Majority of my came from selling loot picked up from quests, delves etc, through vendors. A smaller amount from grinding. Around $25k from two motifs.
    Edited by phairdon on August 26, 2015 4:35AM
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Eshelmen
    Another way to earn gold and keeping it, is learning what to buy and what not too.

    I find that, if I take the extra time to search around for the best deals, I'm not only saving money, I'm also saving time in buying those items for cheap, later on.

    Example would be.

    100 potions are $5-7k within some guild vendors,
    other guild vendors have them for a fifth of the price!
    Totally worth the time spent to save quite a few bucks, especially since traveling from wayshrine to wayshrine is free!
    Edited by Eshelmen on August 26, 2015 4:21AM
    PC and PS4 EP only player
  • Antubis
    In short...just play the game...
  • Casdha
    I've not had time to play recently but trading guilds are the way to go to make yourself rich. I made about 100k + a week without a lot of effort. When I started I really got into it, I bought every Nirn trait item to learn and after about a month I had bought everything I wanted and maxed out all of my bank and bag slots for my two main characters and still made a million profit above that. I got tired of being broke and just decided to do it and it went pretty quick.
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • nordsavage
    I found your guide quite lacking and I would elaborate but if everyone had tons of gold my millions would be worthless.
    I didn't choose tank life, tank life chose me.
  • AAN2
    nordsavage wrote: »
    I found your guide quite lacking and I would elaborate but if everyone had tons of gold my millions would be worthless.

    Oh hey look, you answered the reason for it being 'lacking' with your own comment about it lacking. Good for you.
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • Qyrk
    You forgot stealing. You can make 20k in about an hour, with max fence and selling only blues and greens. The justice system can be lucrative if done right.
  • stewart.leslie76b16_ESO
    Why isn't stealing mentioned? I make around 110k a week with minimal effort.
    I, as a loyal member of the Foamy Cult, do solemnly swear to live a logical life free of stupidity, ignorance and all round jack assery. I shall do my best to enlighten those in need of Squirrelly Wisdom in hope of one day ridding the world of human idiocy. This I swear.
  • AAN2
    Qyrk wrote: »
    You forgot stealing. You can make 20k in about an hour, with max fence and selling only blues and greens. The justice system can be lucrative if done right.
    Why isn't stealing mentioned? I make around 110k a week with minimal effort.

    Well there are about three or four guides to stealing, but fair enough. Edited to include section Legerdemain/Stealing.
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • Ch4mpTW
    Hmm... A rather educational and interesting thread. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one. Thanks for the posts, everyone.
  • firstdecan
    There are some sections of Windhelm where the drunk nords will pay you good gold to /danceredguard for them.
  • leepalmer95
    So TL:DR play the game ^^

    Best way to get gold is go do high end dungeons, VDSA, trials etc.. and sell the drops.

    Also with alliance points, pve people pay a lot fo gold for pvp sets, simp,y find a buyer and turn that 250k ap into 75k gold or so, buying v14 cyrodiil light rings or such and most people don't pvp enough to get such a high amount of cp.

    Don't buy random items and turn them to mats...
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • stewart.leslie76b16_ESO
    AAN2 wrote: »
    Qyrk wrote: »
    You forgot stealing. You can make 20k in about an hour, with max fence and selling only blues and greens. The justice system can be lucrative if done right.
    Why isn't stealing mentioned? I make around 110k a week with minimal effort.

    Well there are about three or four guides to stealing, but fair enough. Edited to include section Legerdemain/Stealing.

    I'm going to give you my tip. I don't like giving it out because if other thieves in the area don't want work together, then I just go into shark mode and lock the place down making sure no one but me get's the chest.

    Find a circuit for stealing and only run that route till you know it like the back of your hand. You have to be able to know where all the chest spawns and the best places to be to pick it. Once your levels in legerdemain is high enough, don't mess around picking locks, force them open. Once you are familiar with all you need to know about your route, when you unlock a door, the door remains unlocked to you for 5 minutes, you must be able to complete a circuit and get all chests within them 5 minutes, that way you don't have to mess around playing with door locks, you can pop in see if the chest is there and move on.

    FYI, my thief is Maatkara (V16 NB Assassin), AD, EU server, and my route is Shornhelm. that town can easily be worked by 2 people at the same time so everyone gets a fair share of chests and able to check all the other places to get a nice loot set per run. I usually announce myself that I'm about to start my run, so if other thieves want to work with me and split the city in 2 so we don't cross each others paths, I'm all for that, less stress. Want to be ignorant and take everything for yourself... Well, good luck. Also upper Shornelem is a great place to work on pick pocketing and escaping the guards ;)
    I, as a loyal member of the Foamy Cult, do solemnly swear to live a logical life free of stupidity, ignorance and all round jack assery. I shall do my best to enlighten those in need of Squirrelly Wisdom in hope of one day ridding the world of human idiocy. This I swear.
  • AAN2
    Updated Storage Tips, Provisioning, Alchemy/Enchanting, and Guild Stores and Area Chat with a couple of sentences each.

    Will update with Tel Var stones and other PVP stuff when I've got more time.
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • RatedChaotic
    See alot of things incorrect. Wouldnt use this guide he posted. There are many guides that are more useful and more profitable.
    Edited by RatedChaotic on September 20, 2015 1:59PM
  • AAN2
    AAN2 wrote: »
    That about covers it. Did I miss anything or get anything wrong?
    See alot of things incorrect. Wouldnt use this guide he posted. There are many guides that are more useful and more profitable.
    *rolls eyes*

    Name three things I got wrong.
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • CGPsaint
    See alot of things incorrect. Wouldnt use this guide he posted. There are many guides that are more useful and more profitable.

    OP is just trying to help folks out, and you feel the need to rain on his parade why?
    "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs—horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
  • tplink3r1
    Antubis wrote: »
    In short...just play the game...
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • AAN2
    Changed Player Versus Player in Cyrodiil to Player Versus Player in Cyrodiil and The Imperial City and added information about Tel Var Stones and Vaults.
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • AAN2
    Added FAQ #5, edited section Storage Tips, and edited section Legerdemain/Stealing
    Say no to drugs.
    And nerfs. Nerfs are bad mm'kay.

  • Volkodav
    Qyrk wrote: »
    You forgot stealing. You can make 20k in about an hour, with max fence and selling only blues and greens. The justice system can be lucrative if done right.

    No,the OP didnt forget stealing.Its at the bottom,with the Legerdemain skill.
  • PinoZino
    I like this guide. Thx for sharing dude.
    Founder of Tradelodge, a trade guild operating on the European Megaserver for Playstation®4.

    Visit our website:
  • ClearArrow
    I mainly get my gold from spam running though vet dungeons or selling x200 v14 matts though the Guild Stores :)
  • PinoZino
    nordsavage wrote: »
    I found your guide quite lacking and I would elaborate but if everyone had tons of gold my millions would be worthless.

    Ok. You're more about 'me, myself and I'. But why is it key that we know you're more on the selfish side?

    Are you that important?

    You have no clue how an MMO community works. It's not about 'me, myself and I'. In this setting you share. And the more you share, the more you will get.

    Odds are high that countless people knows your 'secret' information anyway. It's pretty arrogant to assume it's not.
    Founder of Tradelodge, a trade guild operating on the European Megaserver for Playstation®4.

    Visit our website:
  • Belidos
    AAN2 wrote: »
    Qyrk wrote: »
    You forgot stealing. You can make 20k in about an hour, with max fence and selling only blues and greens. The justice system can be lucrative if done right.
    Why isn't stealing mentioned? I make around 110k a week with minimal effort.

    Well there are about three or four guides to stealing, but fair enough. Edited to include section Legerdemain/Stealing.

    I'm going to give you my tip. I don't like giving it out because if other thieves in the area don't want work together, then I just go into shark mode and lock the place down making sure no one but me get's the chest.

    Find a circuit for stealing and only run that route till you know it like the back of your hand. You have to be able to know where all the chest spawns and the best places to be to pick it. Once your levels in legerdemain is high enough, don't mess around picking locks, force them open. Once you are familiar with all you need to know about your route, when you unlock a door, the door remains unlocked to you for 5 minutes, you must be able to complete a circuit and get all chests within them 5 minutes, that way you don't have to mess around playing with door locks, you can pop in see if the chest is there and move on.

    FYI, my thief is Maatkara (V16 NB Assassin), AD, EU server, and my route is Shornhelm. that town can easily be worked by 2 people at the same time so everyone gets a fair share of chests and able to check all the other places to get a nice loot set per run. I usually announce myself that I'm about to start my run, so if other thieves want to work with me and split the city in 2 so we don't cross each others paths, I'm all for that, less stress. Want to be ignorant and take everything for yourself... Well, good luck. Also upper Shornelem is a great place to work on pick pocketing and escaping the guards ;)

    Hmn, I was under the impression that loot spawning in furniture, chests and individual items like armour and weapons were personal to each player.

    When I do a stealing run I pick a house (one I need to load into) that contains a lot of furniture, chests and stuff like armour/weapons, I run around loot it, then I log out and back in again and everything is respawned, rinse repeat, no need to run a circuit and no need to share because it's all personal loot.

    Dagerfall fighters guild is a great place to do this if you want weapons and armour for decon'ing, there's a ton of them in there and the crafting area although isn't very close is pretty clear of guards if you take the right route.
    Edited by Belidos on October 8, 2015 9:27AM
  • Alvar
    Under storage tips:
    Bag space max slots is now 200
    last slot (140) is 64,500 to purchase.
    130 is 46,000
    Don't remember the other amounts, sorry.
    You can't sprint and use abilities at the same time.
  • Belidos
    1. Grouping is good. When you are in a group you and your group-mates can all loot the same enemies, regardless of who in the group killed that enemy. For instance, if you and another player are not grouped and you kill an enemy, that player would not be able to loot that enemy and vice versa. However, if you two are in a group if you kill an enemy and can loot it, so can that other player and vice versa.

    That's only partly right.

    You don' get any loot if the other person kills the mob and you haven't hit it, but if you hit a mob you will get a chance at loot, even if you only do 1 point of damage. The exception to this is in IC where the loot rules have been changed so that only the 12 highest damage/heals will get loot from a mob.
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