And so ends the tale of the enraged Atronach, May his op fists of doom rot in the flesh sculptor's pit.TheDarkShadow wrote: »On the blue corner, we have a VR14 Templar healer, wearing full epic and superior heavy armor, with a health pool of over 25k, a VR 15 Dragon Knight tank and 2 dps.
And over here, on the red corner, we have a vr 2 Flesh Atronach, wearing... well, almost naked.
The team on the blue corner has an advantage with HoTs and damage shields. And the fight begin.
The templar starts with a Channeled Focus and Purifying Light, very typical move. The tank engages and taunt. The dps are doing their job. The Atronach's health pool quickly drop to 2/3. Everything seem too easy. It's a nice, quick and easy victory you have there. What if... something... happen to it?
What's happening? The tank is taking an insane among of damage! Holy $h!t, he's only have 1/5 health left. The Templar quickly pop Healing Ward covers 4/5 of the tank's health, then Breath of Life, which does an insane heal on a low heal target. Oh yes ladies and gentlemens, only Templar, the most epic heal bot of all classes can do that to save the day. But wait... What the heck? The damage shield is BROKEN! The shield was broken IMMIDIATELY and took a huge chunk of tank health with it! "I SWEAR I BLOCKED IT!" The tank yells.
Now the tank is almost die again! The Templar pop Healing Ward and Breath of Life AGAIN! The tank rises his shield and blocks the attacks. POOP! Shield broke, tank almost die. Healing Ward, Breath of Life. POOP! Tank is dead. I REPEAT: THE TANK IS DEAD!
The Atronach runs toward the Templar. He sees it's coming. He pop a Shield and stands his ground, on the lightning Channeled Focus puddle. He trusts on the Major Resolve, Major Ward. He trusts on the damage shield. He trusts on his heavy armor. He trusts on his 25k health pool. The Atronach rises its claw above him. The Templar hold block with his shield. CRACK! The Atronach broke the shield, eat thru all the 5k damage shield. Its Claw tear thru the Temp heavy armor and crack his skull for a 34k damage.
The Atronach looks at the dps. They start to run around and yell in panic. SMASH! SMASH! Without mercy, the atronach 1 shotted the dps with 99k Claw.
The fight has ended. Requiescat in Pace, our brave little soldiers.
The_Outsider wrote: »I'd much rather have the new content be too hard than too easy! We've already seen a damage nerf with the last incremental update (last Monday I think?). Thanks for making challenging content ZOS!
Scyantific wrote: »
Mobs with bullet-sponge levels of HP and Armor/Spell Resistance that also hit like trucks is not challenging. It's stupid artificial difficulty that developers toss in because they can't think of interesting mechanics to make the game challenging.
The_Outsider wrote: »I'd much rather have the new content be too hard than too easy! We've already seen a damage nerf with the last incremental update (last Monday I think?). Thanks for making challenging content ZOS!