Hi Guys,
I'm a spanking brand new player looking for some friendly, mature, yet fun people to play with.
A bit about me:
Name: OptimalTurnip (or O.T. for short)
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Occupation: Solutions Architect (Information Technology)
Country: United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
Character: Azora
Gender: Female
Age: Classified
Occupation: Sorcerer (currently employed by the Aldmeri Dominion)
Country: Summerset Isles
I mostly game for a few hours during the daytime (depending on how busy I am with work commitments) and after 10pm in the evening (due to real life commitments) and if I'm very lucky, I get a few hours in, over the weekend
As you can see above, I do not really have 'x' set hours @ 'x' times that I get to play, so I'm looking for a fairly active guild that has people playing at all hours (especially late at night on weekdays) to ensure I get the most out of my playtime and allow me to socialise and group up.
I'm interested in both PvE and PvP. If there are any guilds out there who think I'm a good fit please get in touch
Kind regards.
Edited by OptimalTurnip on September 15, 2015 3:33PM