What is up with the droprates!?

Hello fellow eso'ers! I'm wondering is this is a bug or just my insanely bad luck! I ran darkshade caverns about 50 times and I still didn't get the helmet!? Also I did some other dungeons aswell, in total about a 100 different runs. I got 1 helmet drop!?
Yes all my runs where on vet mode, and yes I made sure I looted the final boss lol


Add 'px alpha' on xbone for runs. EU - AD
Wood elf nightblade, GT: Px Alpha
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    On NA/PC, the drop rate is random and small, but probably at least one helm in the group per 10 runs or so (albeit usually with the wrong trait). My own personal helm gain rate seems much lower than that of another person in our group - did others get a helm or no-one at all in those 100 runs?. It sounds like you may be playing on XBox - confirm? Try /Bug report the issue if you haven't already. (I don't know how you do that on consoles tho :)
  • Doughty0
    i believe i read somewhere that the drop rate is 5 percent (.05) and that was posted by ZOS its really just luck of the draw some people get it on the first try or first 5, others take 20+ runs to get the helmets to drop.
  • SmileOnCrack
    Hey guys, thanks for the replies! Apparently it was simply a case of incredibly bad luck lol. I got the engine guardian helmet twice in 3 runs yesterday!
    Wood elf nightblade, GT: Px Alpha
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