Resetting skill points - too expensive?

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Hey guys. I've reached vet rank 3 and was just looking at the builds that other players have suggested and noticed that I may want to make a couple of changes to my own build.

The problem is in that order to change my build I would need to re-morph a couple of spells and it seems that they only want to do that is to pray at the shrine for 10 000g!!!

Is there another way to change your morphs? Because honestly I wouldn't want to pay 10 000g (or more) every time I wish to try a new build as I may not even enjoy the new build and be willing to change back.

I understand there are skyshards everywhere so I could unlock a lot of skill points to use. And mind you, I have 12 spare skill points atm, so I have not run out of them, but I do need to change morphs.

How about introducing an ability to reset a certain skill for 500g each, rather than resetting everything at once for such a ridiculous price?

Thanks for reading.
  • Amene
    Soul Shriven
    I have the same problem. I want to try 1 or 2 different morphs, because I'm not sure if I made the right choice at low level, being new to the game and all...
    Resetting Skills will cost me 9900 now, for only one or two morphs I want to change :/

    I too, think that they should somehow let you reset morphs only for less money...
    Now I have to pay for all the points I put into crafting, that I'll just distribute the same. This doesnt really encurage to explore different options your skills offer you :o
    Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination.
  • Artemiisia
    think its just fine, if it weren't 100g pr skillpoint, people would switch skillpoints everyday, for pve/pvp/raids and so on, now they have to think carefully about what they want, and not just do the easy way.
  • PukeyFromSweden
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    think its just fine, if it weren't 100g pr skillpoint, people would switch skillpoints everyday, for pve/pvp/raids and so on, now they have to think carefully about what they want, and not just do the easy way.

    What's wrong about changing your build everyday until you find a perfect one for yourself? Or more than 1 perfect build? Doesn't hurt anybody and brings more enjoyment to the game rather than worrying about having to waste so much gold to fix 1-2 mistakes.
  • Tolio
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    think its just fine, if it weren't 100g pr skillpoint, people would switch skillpoints everyday, for pve/pvp/raids and so on, now they have to think carefully about what they want, and not just do the easy way.

    And with a free skill system like ESO has it, that would be wrong exactly where?
    The skill trees actually encourage trying different things, thinking out of the box etc. Yet the respec system represents a wall there.
  • GwaynLoki
    Artemiisia wrote: »
    think its just fine, if it weren't 100g pr skillpoint, people would switch skillpoints everyday, for pve/pvp/raids and so on, now they have to think carefully about what they want, and not just do the easy way.

    I do not see why that would be a problem. I always think carefully when I put a point into a morph and I still ended up regretting my choice several times.
    Also, with the sometimes substantial differences a morph makes to your dungeon, solo PvE or PvP play and experience I would rather vote FOR the ability to switch skill points for at least LESS money or the ability to reset specific morphs. This is something I consider important since I am a person who likes experimenting with how different skills synergize.
    Edited by GwaynLoki on April 27, 2014 11:57AM
  • Vorsaken
    Soul Shriven
    It's definitely too expensive. I guess the devs don't want you to experiment with builds in ESO. Which is quite odd considering all of the build options. Quite counterintuitive I must say.
  • PukeyFromSweden
    Yep. Same applies for changing attributes (although it's twice as cheap). If i wanted to tank I'd have to get rid of my mana and blow more into health and so much into stamina (currently I have 0 attributes on stamina). This is making me reluctant to even consider learning to tank/levelling up the 1h+shield skills on my sorcerer.
  • Shadowshire
    Although I have not discovered how much it would cost to reset the skills for my L12 Imperial Sorcerer (Stormcaller) it seems the wisest choice is continuing to play my L8 Breton Sorcerer (Daedric Summoning) instead until the next major patch causes the ESO system to re-set all skill-point allocations to zero. Thus I can re-allocate them differently from what they were before.

    That way, I won't have to pay some ludicrous price to re-set them for the L12 avatar -- who has acquired a lot of skill points via Skyshards and Quests. However, it could be several weeks or months before the next major patch requires all of us to re-allocate the attribute and skill points for our avatar(s). It is not unlikely that Bethesda will avoid re-setting them as a general practice because of the disruption that it causes for gameplay. So there seems to be some risk that waiting for the skill points to be reset by installing a patch could be waiting for something that will never happen.
    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
  • danno8
    Although I have not discovered how much it would cost to reset the skills for my L12 Imperial Sorcerer (Stormcaller) it seems the wisest choice is continuing to play my L8 Breton Sorcerer (Daedric Summoning) instead until the next major patch causes the ESO system to re-set all skill-point allocations to zero. Thus I can re-allocate them differently from what they were before.

    That way, I won't have to pay some ludicrous price to re-set them for the L12 avatar -- who has acquired a lot of skill points via Skyshards and Quests. However, it could be several weeks or months before the next major patch requires all of us to re-allocate the attribute and skill points for our avatar(s). It is not unlikely that Bethesda will avoid re-setting them as a general practice because of the disruption that it causes for gameplay. So there seems to be some risk that waiting for the skill points to be reset by installing a patch could be waiting for something that will never happen.

    Major thread necro dude. Not really relevant anymore since you can respect just morphs for like 1-2K.
  • Elsir
    Although I have not discovered how much it would cost to reset the skills for my L12 Imperial Sorcerer (Stormcaller) it seems the wisest choice is continuing to play my L8 Breton Sorcerer (Daedric Summoning) instead until the next major patch causes the ESO system to re-set all skill-point allocations to zero. Thus I can re-allocate them differently from what they were before.

    That way, I won't have to pay some ludicrous price to re-set them for the L12 avatar -- who has acquired a lot of skill points via Skyshards and Quests. However, it could be several weeks or months before the next major patch requires all of us to re-allocate the attribute and skill points for our avatar(s). It is not unlikely that Bethesda will avoid re-setting them as a general practice because of the disruption that it causes for gameplay. So there seems to be some risk that waiting for the skill points to be reset by installing a patch could be waiting for something that will never happen.

    You didn't check the age of this thread before posting, did you?
    Anna (AKA: Elsir)
  • hardcore_gmr
    Advice for if you need a complete respec:

    Pay the gold this one time. then assign only those skills and morphs which are critical to your build. Do not spend any points on crafting, even if you plan on crafting. Do not spend any points on weapons you will not use. Do not take the mage guild persuasion or the fighters guild intimidate skills. Do not take morphs unless you need to see how that morph functions in the new build. Go back and hunt every shard you missed. Only take skill line passives if they are absolutely necessary. Only pick up the racial passives. Only invest points in skills that you plan on using right away and often. Respec'ing again should only be about 5k if done correctly and you get to test a base version of the build. Call it a testing fee. Never complete respec unless you are going to test something completely new. if the new build you want uses most of the skills you already have, just a different morph, then use the morph shrine instead. If it works, invest points slowly into building out the new build. If it doesn't then it only cost you about 5k the next time to go back to your old build. 5k is not a lot of money at vet 3 if you are looting and selling any un needed pieces of gear. While testing, anything that you pick up that does not have an immediate use is sold for gold. I've respec'ed at least 20 times just trying out new things, and I have only paid 10k gold once.....that was the first time I ever respec'ed.

    Advice for if you want to just test a new morph:

    Use the morph shrine.

    Tips for testing:

    First test with a purpose. Trying new thing is fun but testing with no goal is pointless. Test only a few things at a time to get the desired effect. Some things will work right away, others will require more time learning how to put it into your build. Second, testing is not where you want to be progressing into new areas, you want to run the same areas, over and over until it feels comfortable or you realize its not going to work. Best thing about this is that its a win/win situation for the savvy tester as you can quickly gain CP by grinding mobs and testing gear. I've spent days in one area just trying new gear, and grinding CP points. wanna test boss DPS, go back to that pesky world boss and try to solo it, wanna test group setting (without involving other players) go to a delve and try to beat it in a certain time, wanna test a tanky build, go to a world boss with high damage and see how long you can last. Vet mode is new game plus, not a race to max level, if you wanna test a build take your time hanging around in areas with no quest but lots of enemies. Last, do not test in a group. I know this is an MMO and we all wanna meet and play with new players and our friends, but random people and some friends will not appreciate you going into high level areas with them without a sure build in place. if you must play in a group (only if you want to be a healer), be up front with the people you are playing with. Vet dailies are not where you want to be cutting your teeth on a new build.

    once you have the build you like and the gear you need to progress:

    Decide whether a new respec is necessary. Decide whether you need to craft pieces. If you determine you need to craft, respec only putting points into crafting (should cost you no more than 2 or 3k) go to where you need to make the items and make them, then go back to the respect shrine and respect again to get the points back. do this until you reach VR 12. By VR12 you are at the end of the road, you either have a good build (or an idea for a good build) or you don't. At VR 12 assign your points where it makes the most sense, remember to allocate slowly. Plus if you have a good build by that point, you will be so used to playing gimped (because you weren't taking all the passives and morphing every skill) that once you unlesh your full potential it will feel like the rest of the game is moving in slow motion. If by some crazy miracle you make it to VR 12 and still don't have a good build, consult any of the many endgame builds out there for your class. At this point you should have more than enough CP to pull it off and the will be just about max so you can start to invest more heavily into seeing it through.

    Lastly remember that CP carries over to new characters, so if you need to re-roll, once you've got some CP under your belt a new character should be a cake walk, especially if its the same class.

    TL;DR: The respect system is fine and encourages players to try new things within reason. Use your skill points wisely and do not commit to anything if you are just testing things out.
  • zornyan
    Jesus these forums are crying over something new every day!! 10k? Come-on that's cheap as chips!

    Seriously at vr ranks I earn about 40-50k for a lazy days worth of questing/grinding. Some endgame stuff costs in excess of 50k+

    At that rate, you could reset your character 5 times a day. Hell bank space costs more than that, as does bag space...
  • OmniDevil
    I'm perfectly fine with the respec system, though a cheaper cost wouldn't hurt.

    Honestly, about the only thing I would change with it is adding in a dual spec feature. I don't mind tanking, as it ensures I can always get my daily pledges done. What I hate is doing anything outside of a group takes too long because it takes longer to kill on my tank. If they added in dual spec, out of combat and not in pvp, I could change back to a dps build without having to pay for resetting skills, attributes and champion points each time.

    That is the only thing I miss from another mmo that shall not be named.
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  • Malcom86
    Soul Shriven
    I totally agree on this thread propose: resetting skills should be absolutely more easy and cheap (10g each skillpoint, maybe ?). It adds a lot of fun to have the possibility to change role everytime I want. It's actually what gets me bored these days^^

    Just an example of how the funny thing should work:
    I'm actually a templar and I loved dual wielding for DD, but now I want to try to be a tank. And no, another character would be too boring to train again, I want to use my actual character with the experience I actually played for. And I want to do it even from lower levels.
    But I would like to create an hybrid, not the "common" advised 1h and shield - resto staff. I want to have 1h and shield - 2h for when I want to smash some trash^^ Not the most effective, but it's just what I feel to play right now. But yet I know I could be bored to play this. Perhaps I could like to be a healer, changing almost anything of my build.
    The greatest thing in ESO is that...I can do it !!! Classes are flexible and it's just possible to train any skill I want whatever class I choosen. Roles are even such a boring way to see it....I want to be anything I woke up this morning willing to be !!!

    Maybe reallocating stats could remain as it is, making it something you need to plan more accurately (making it cheaper could be better though). Changing skill points allocation should be easy as I change my underpants each day :blush:

    And one last thing: I know you can almost max everything once you are high level and 100% almost anything, but this is something I want to do as quickly as I arrive into a location with those shrines !!
    ESO offers flexibility, and that should be the keyword, because it's FUN !!!!! :smiley:
  • acw37162
    Agreed, this game makes playing with your build cost prohibitive
  • Heindrich
    Choices need to have consequences. 10k, 15k etc is nothing, I don't wanna have to respec between doing different content, the cost gives me a reason to have PvE/PvP specialised characters, or those with flexible builds that can handle both.

  • DynastyIXII
    I think it's fine the way it is. You can make 10k easy by just doing quests. I do the Cyrodill town quests every day, not only does it get me a veteran rank, it also gives me about 16k.
    PS4 NA
  • cavakthestampede
  • Unsent.Soul
    I think it's fine the way it is. You can make 10k easy by just doing quests. I do the Cyrodill town quests every day, not only does it get me a veteran rank, it also gives me about 16k.


    I hope that's intended to be yelled like the guy from Killer Instinct.
  • Millerman34n
    It's for the crown store guys.
  • Autolycus
    I didn't see anyone mention already that you can respec morphs alone for far less gold (I think on my vr16 who has 300+ skill points it costs something like 4k).

    I don't find the price of it unreasonable now. This was addressed over a year ago when they initially lowered the price and added the ability to respec morphs. Back then, it cost you well over 30K to respect, and again, it was all or nothing (not just morphs).
    Edited by Autolycus on February 1, 2016 5:20PM
  • ADarklore
    You can also spend real money to respec via the Crown Store. And also to point something else out, even though this post is several months old, people need to keep in mind that the devs have already stated there will NOT be an automatic skill reset after major updates anymore- because of how many players complained last time (usually from players with multiple alts and having to remember where they put all their SPs for each of them). Thus, if there are any negative changes with the next update, everyone will have to pay (gold or Crown) to respec their skills.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
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