Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Please don't mess up addon fuctionality for gamepad support!

Reading the discussion over Wykkyd Quest Tracker at esoui, I hope that ZOS makes sure that they do not decrease add-on power in order to support gamepads. Sure, it is great to support gamepads. But don't nerf addons.

As of now, certain functionality still is not working for Wykkyd Quest Tracker. I assume that this is because the developers just don't yet know how to support those features. Still, it is important that ZOS know that one reason many are on PC is the added utility of addons. Many of those who didn't care about that and who were interested in gamepad support have already moved to consoles.
Edited by DaveMoeDee on September 5, 2015 6:33PM
  • Alukit
    hopefully that won't be the case
  • DaveMoeDee
    I am completely for them adding gamepad support. But if they need to remove UI possibilities that gimp addons, it isn't worth it.
  • Mitchblue
    Add-on's >> Gamepad.
    Anyone else rooting for Molag Bal?
  • Yattaq
    If anything, adding gamepad support will give add-on authors more to play with.
  • DaveMoeDee
    I think you are missing the point. The UI is built or navigating with mouse and keyboard. More can be less. Look at many games like DA:I made for controller and how horrible they are with a mouse. The menus are horrible. Heck, even skyrim launched with horrific menus. Requiring addons to support both mouse and controller does not mean more possibilities. It does increase that chances of forced compromises of cross support over robust, easy to use features.

    Look at all the websites that ruined the usability of their layout in order to better support touch.

    Changing the API to support controllers can be hard to do such that all addons would still work with controllers apart from the solution of using controllers to control a floating pointer. Look at all the addons that leverage hover over.

    I am all for controller support, so long as they do not eliminate any current flexibility for addons.
  • Ravalox
    In the end I don't think there will be a reduction in capability due to the addition of controller support, though I am sure some addon authors will feel some pain during the transition (while they re-write the API).

    Quest Tracker was impacted because ZOS started the rewrite and changed the internal Quest Journal structure. I am writing up some questions for Chip and the API team with regards to what was found in the changes.

    On the good side, the new code is cleaner and better organized; so I am all for it, but would like to see better documentation of the transition of functions and globals etc.

    Today I posted an update that brings WQT back to where is was prior to 1.7. There were a number of things changed (Circonian helped me by finding the last bits once I got myself into a rat hole I couldn't find my way out of) :wink:

    The addon was written so long ago, now there are API mechanics available that would make it much easier if the addon was re-written (which I will do eventually).

    The issue at the moment is that some of the calls I am making in the addon are located in Quest_Journal_Keyboard code. There is also separate code for Gamepads as well (Quest_Journal_Gamepad). There is a overlay quest manager, but as of right now I couldn't find code there that will interface with both keyboard and gamepad.

    My feeling is that this is a ZOS transition work in progress, so I wouldn't get too excited about it just yet. I will follow up with the API team to see if it is as I think it is.

    Ravalox Darkshire
    Developer of Wykkyd ESO AddOns and Ravalox' AddOns
    Co-Founder Brotherhood of Redemption ESO Branch
    Brotherhood of Redemption (A DC faction guild) *Always accepting worldwide applications for the PC NA server*

    A proud member of The Psijic Order - 0.016%
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