Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Major problem with Bangkorai creatures.... they're not moving

  • Pangnirtung

    Conspiracy theorists may conclude that this is an induced case of testing a cluster farm breaker.

    If that is the case it's a terrible way to stop farming because normal monster ai is screwed and it is like shooting fish in a barrel right now for regular creatures.
  • CaptainObvious
    Isn't it basically that way anyways? I one shot nearly everything in the V10 areas already. So shutting off AI doesn't make much of a difference.
    Due to a typo in the system, the area was accosted by the Daedric Prince Moar Lag Brawls.
  • Rune_Relic
    It could be a vast conspiracy to prevent cluster farming...

    I am so glad you said farming :)
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • SturgeHammer
    None of my animations are firing in gold Bangkorai, but another person playing with me says everything is working normally in the same zone.
    First-in-Line - Swings-for-Lethal
    Green-Thumb - Scale-Factor
    Hist-Tree-Major - A-Late-One
    Needs-Some-Help - Dead-Last
  • Wolfenbelle
    This morning the NPCs in Bangkorai were fighting back, but behaving very strangely. Many of them went into walls, through the backs of tents, and so on, yet kept firing their bows, staffs and other weapons at me. Many would not move although they could be aggro'd to fight. I can normally solo a dungeon like Razak's Wheel with my DK, but it was impossible this morning because the mobs would scatter into the walls and other places they couldn't be seen, but they kept firing at me.

    Also, Extended Chains is not working and Flames of Oblivion is randomly shooting fire balls at NPCs standing at a distance because they are in fighting stance but not moving. That aggros other NPCs and soon there are too many on me from too many different directions (inside walls, etc.) to handle. I've had to use more soul gems this morning than I've probably used in over a month. Crazy!
  • MAOofDC
    MAOofDC wrote: »
    This is still an issue. Also lighting flood doesn't work I can cast the spell lose the magicka but the spell has no effect on the mobs but only in Bankorai.

    I was wrong Lighting Flood just doesn't cast with no loss of Magic neither does Healing Springs. In fact none of my AoE spells that can be cast at range work.
    Guild Master of the Guild <The Wrath of Sheogorath>. CHEESE AND CABBAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • rfennell_ESO
    18 hours now of a broken zone.

  • Pangnirtung
    Hello Zeni, anybody working today?
  • whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO
    Yup had this issue as well, Ambush (Morph of Teleport Strike) is not targeting them either, its weird, and yes they only fight back if they have ranged weapons other than that they just stand there..
    Signed, Kotaro Atani.PS5 NA
    VR16/ CP 160 Khajiit Nightblade of the Aldmeri Dominion, Guildmaster and Assassin of the Queen's Hand guild on NA PC. PvP Officer in the WOLF guild on NA PS5, and of course Master Thief. Currently 3120 CP out of 3600 CP on NA PS5. Currently 810 CP on NA PC (used for PTS testing purposes only). On PS5 I am also a Master Crafter, all traits done and learned, Jewelry crafting done. all Motifs learned on PS5 except for maybe two-three Motifs. Both Companions are Max level as are their Skills.Warrior, Lover, Thief.... Nightblade. Aldmeri Dominion For Life! For the Queen!! Go Dominion or go home ! "I have no hatred for the races of Man, but they are young. Like all children, they are driven by emotion. They lack the wisdom that comes with age. I would sooner place an Altmer infant on the Ruby Throne than surrender Tamriel to their capricious whims. The Altmer, the Bosmer and the Khajiit share the common traits of intelligence, patience and reason. We do not seek riches or plunder. Domination is not our goal, nor is the acclamation of power for its own sake. Today we make our stand. Today we take back the Ruby Throne, which is ours by ancient right and the blessings of the Divines. Stand with us." ―Your Queen Commands, Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri.(All 18 characters are AD only! This one is a AD Loyalist)Member of ESO Since January 29, 2014, started early Access 3/30/14 on PC, currently subbed on NA PS5 and on NA PC. Note- I only use PC for PTS testing purposes, the PS5 is my dedicated Game Platform.Note- for those that don't know how to say Kotaro Atani it's "Ko tar row Ah ta ni" (Ko with a Oh sound, tar which sounds like the sticky black tar stuff, row like rowing a boat, Ah with a AHHHH sound, Ta with a Tahhh sound, Neeee which sounds like knee)"The blowing sands of time wipe clean the footprints of the past...""Moonsugar may be the key to paradise, but it is through a false door...""A perfect society is always elsewhere..."- Unknown book of Khajiiti proverbs.
  • CaptainObvious
    Player Teleports, pets and free region AoEs do not work there. Course neither do the monsters. Go hit a dolmen and watch a worm cultist night blade repeatedly attempt to teleport strike you.

    They are looking into it per the [Z] post. Adapt and improvise.
    Due to a typo in the system, the area was accosted by the Daedric Prince Moar Lag Brawls.
  • Dahkoht
    Hello Zeni, anybody working today?


  • phairdon
    Still get experience from killing mobs, even though they're not moving. Problem is not just with enemy npc. My clannfear & Winged Twilight would not spawn.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • lonewolf26
    I noticed today in Bankorai that several NPCs, including a guard and a merchant have learned to walk through buildings. One local fisherman also leaned how to walk on water.
  • Forum_Bob
    Was attacking the 2 lich bosses in ww form and got stuck were skills wouldn't work and could only run around in some stuck in hunched form. Great bug to knock over the landscape bosses solo btw.
  • Quigster
    Still broken as of this evening, Gold Vet level, Bow templar. Single target attacks works fine, but AOE does not work at all. Hostile NPCs will fire back with ranged weapon, melee just stands there. Patrol NPCs still patrol, but stop when attacked and don't move.
    (50) Quigster Bosmer Stamplar
    (50) Lorithar Lightcrest Altmer Mag Sorc
    (50) Tanius Magnitus Argonian Magplar
    (50) Kalethar Redguard Stamplar
    (50) Ra'Jo Darkstrike Khajiit Stamblade
    (50) Gen Maximus Imperial Stam DK
    (50) Jakon Fenrif Redguar Stam Sorc
    (50) Revus Meredor Dunmer Mag DK
    (50) Gorath the Silent Orc Stamblade
    (31) Bjorn Ironhand Nord Stamplar
    (28) Lord Devin Woodhearth Breton Magblade
    Altaholic, CP 600+
  • rfennell_ESO
    Bangkorai AD-NA-PC still broken at 30 hours of it and counting.

  • Lylith
    after falling through the world twice this morning in bangkorai, i gave it up and logged onto a different character.

  • phairdon
    Bangkorai AD-NA-PC still broken at 30 hours of it and counting.

    Figure this won't be fixed until Monday.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • MAOofDC
    phairdon wrote: »
    Bangkorai AD-NA-PC still broken at 30 hours of it and counting.

    Figure this won't be fixed until Monday.

    I mean why try resetting the server today when you can punt it until Monday and hope it fixes itself.

    Guild Master of the Guild <The Wrath of Sheogorath>. CHEESE AND CABBAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!

  • phairdon
    MAOofDC wrote: »
    phairdon wrote: »
    Bangkorai AD-NA-PC still broken at 30 hours of it and counting.

    Figure this won't be fixed until Monday.

    I mean why try resetting the server today when you can punt it until Monday and hope it fixes itself.

    We've had trouble over the weekend before. Nothing was done about it until the following Monday. Yes, it would be nice to see this fixed.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Malediktus
    Its alarming to see that Zenimax has no weekend staff.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Egonieser
    Yes, this has happened on numerous times in my zombie grinding spot in bangkorai.
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • Luvtantius_Micocia
    It did not stop me from doing the quests required for the Caldwel Gold storyline as most of those are taking place in other instances where the NPC enemies move as "normal". However it was quite a handicap to not be able to use "Ambush" on many occasions, as that move also is used as a CC. I kind of werewolved my way through the toughest enemies and then expected a grand reward from Caldwel for completing all. If he had told me to not let the door hit me on my way out I could have laughed about it .... :s
    I like eating sweetrolls and crushing skulls, and I am all out of sweetrolls.
  • Xendyn
    It did not stop me from doing the quests required for the Caldwel Gold storyline as most of those are taking place in other instances where the NPC enemies move as "normal". However it was quite a handicap to not be able to use "Ambush" on many occasions, as that move also is used as a CC. I kind of werewolved my way through the toughest enemies and then expected a grand reward from Caldwel for completing all. If he had told me to not let the door hit me on my way out I could have laughed about it .... :s

    Welcome to the
    "I got one of the most disappointing rewards in the game" Club.
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • lonewolf26
    Meanwhile in Evermore...
  • bigbabyleonb16_ESO
    lonewolf26 wrote: »
    Meanwhile in Evermore...

    WOW no one told me Jesus was in the game
  • Luvtantius_Micocia
    Half an hour ago I got tossed back to character selection screen and all seems to be "normal" agian in that zone. When I got back I had to fight for my life as I was already used to CC-ed enemies. lol
    I like eating sweetrolls and crushing skulls, and I am all out of sweetrolls.
  • nimander99
    Xendyn wrote: »
    It did not stop me from doing the quests required for the Caldwel Gold storyline as most of those are taking place in other instances where the NPC enemies move as "normal". However it was quite a handicap to not be able to use "Ambush" on many occasions, as that move also is used as a CC. I kind of werewolved my way through the toughest enemies and then expected a grand reward from Caldwel for completing all. If he had told me to not let the door hit me on my way out I could have laughed about it .... :s

    Welcome to the
    "I got one of the most disappointing rewards in the game" Club.

    Oh gawd.... I almost forgot about my disappointment over the Cadwell's rewards, thanks for reminding me :neutral:

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Ok, we did a thing and everything should be working properly now. Can you guys let us know if you're still having issues?
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Ethoir
    lonewolf26 wrote: »
    Meanwhile in Evermore...

    WOW no one told me Jesus was in the game

    Nah. He either drank a Potion of Waterwalking or found an Amulet of Waterwalking.
    Participant in the Sanguine's Tester beta group since November 2013.
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