I like the concept of the idea.
Existing way
1. Take item to forge/station/whatever
2. Deconstruct it
3. remake new item with higher level
New way?
1. take item back to forge
2. Up the amount of materials to get the level you want
3. Hit reforge.
I really do not see a difference. Either way is about the same amount of clicks.
On consoles what makes crafting a bit inconvinient that you need to scroll through the traits, racial motifs, adjust the ammount of material, the rinse and repeat at every new piece. Not to mention the "Oh I forgot which piece I crafted, lemme check in my inventory, so I leave the crafting screen"
What I believe would improve this, if you only need to hit a reforge on the existing piece, skipping the process of readjusting everything on the item.
Practically currently it's like this.
1. Take item to forge/station/whatever
2. Deconstruct it
3. Select piece
4. Select ammount of material (you need to watch the item's level also, because a gauntlet and a curiass requires different ammount of the material for the same level. I often made a mistake of crafting a lower level piece of sabbatons or gauntlets, than my curiass)
5. Select trait stone
6. Craft
7. Rinse and repeat on every new piece
The suggestion is:
1. take item back to forge
2. Up the amount of materials to get the level you want
3. Hit reforge.