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Console group finder is unacceptable.

Soul Shriven
Hello all, I will firstly tell you that I play ESO on the console. Group finder for a dungeon could use improvements for console players. The problem I have is that every group I have joined.. every group... people join it and they either just stand there not realizing they are in a group for a dungeon or they just simply leave for then the group leader to not even put us in the group finder again. I must admit it's useless and frustrating especially when we can't even type to each other, yeah we have voice chat but I simply can't put up with all the trolls anymore. It is not an effective grouping tool for console players what so ever (from what I've experienced)

Surely the way group finder is right now it can't be the best Zenimax can do for us.

Now people may hate me for this but I'm going to bring World of Warcraft into this, why? Because their grouping tool works. We NEED something like that. Group finder for dungeons NEEDS to be automated more.

Instead of putting us in a group for then to us have to travel to the dungeon, make us accept the group invite and when we do teleport us into the dungeon. Wait until the system can find 4 players, invite them to the dungeon and if they all accept then teleport us all into dungeon. If someone doesn't accept, don't put the other 3 in a group with each other, just wait until it has 4 people accepting, teleport us all into the dungeon and create the group then.

Putting us in a group when most of the time people are AFK or they simply don't know how to get to the dungeon is just getting a joke now, I'm getting bored of people leaving before the dungeon starts and I'm getting bored of hoping that the group leader will put us in group finder again.

Another thing, if Zenimax do decide to improve the group finder (which needs to be done for console players) instead of making it so the group leader needs to put us in the group finder again when someone leaves, make it so it does it automatically.

I don't understand why Zenimax have not tackled these issues that I and I'm sure other console players are facing. The grouping system for me at the moment is among the games worst aspects and it is one of the most important.

Anyway, had to let a bit of frustration out and what do other console players think of the improvements I have posted.

- Alex.
  • predkill29
    I like this idea, as a Xbox player I find the Same problem. Having a accept option like campaign would work.
    -Daggerfall Covenant Xbox NA-
    Class 1 - imperial dragon knight vet 10
    Class 2 - dark elf templar vet 1
    Master crafter
  • Amidina
    Soul Shriven
    Exactly :)
  • Jando
    Amidina wrote: »

    I don't understand why Zenimax have not tackled these issues that I and I'm sure other console players are facing. The grouping system for me at the moment is among the games worst aspects and it is one of the most important.

    - Alex.

    It's because they have completely ignored the hundreds of threads and comments on this issue. I even warned them that it was probably one of the most important things they needed to address on console before launch...

    And by the's not just console. It's horrible on PC too.
    Dear ZoS - Sell us great content at a reasonable price. Stop the Grind!!
  • Amidina
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah, I also played on PC and found it frustrating but it helped a lot being able to type to people. On console it's just a nightmare.
  • YardieGamer
    Real talk I would like to see those changes DCUO and FFIV AR has great similar group finder to what you explain.
  • Hermanator
    Soul Shriven
    I agree, the console group finder (and PC group finder) is unacceptable.

    Console players have no good way of Grouping, period.
    Many players don't use their mics or are not in public voice chat channels, so they cannot hear you request "LF1M" over the mic.
    The Group Finder tool is worthless. You're doing good to get into a group for a common low level dungeon in 2 hours of waiting, and you can forget about the tool working if someone d/c and gets booted.

    I've been 2 and 3 manning dungeons just because there is no other option to fill a group.

    Group Finder NEEDs to work.
    We don't need Destiny Pt. 2 --> you want a group? Invite your friends, or make/use a third party website.

    I don't care if Group Finder is just a manual SEARCH TOOL like Guild Wars 2 has... or if it's 100% fully automated like WoW.
    But we need something that works. There's no excuse with the # of players on ESO megaservers.

    This is the most critical issue ESO is facing right now on console, much more so than lack of content.

    It also needs a more traditional Auction House for trading (the guild store + general chat works OK for PC, but not many items to choose from when buying on console).
  • Shmashed
    Soul Shriven
    Without a proper group finder, this is mainly just a solo campaign until I reach the end of story content. And I can't imagine too many things changing after reaching the end of story content either. I don't understand why I would want to pay a subscription fee? If complaints are not enough, maybe that is something for them to consider. Of course, much of this could be mitigated with an actual chat window. In fact, many of the problems this game has could be helped by a chat window.
  • RazielWolf88
    Spot on. It needs fixing joined over 15 grps the other day and everyone of them didnt even make it to the door for the dungeon.
  • Baerserk
    At VR14 its nearly impossible to find a group. I wouldnt mind doing dailies at least with VR1.
    GT: Baerserk | Visit my Profile for awesome Information about nothing and trading stuff like nirn traits. YEHA!
    [X1][EU][EP] High Heals | Templar | Heal and moar DPS
    [X1][EU][AD] Van Hell | Nightblade | Retired Vampire Hunter
    Looking every now and then for awesome groups, who like to rush through dungeons, farming craglorn dailies and owning cyrodiil. Also looking for an active pvp guild!
  • Loomis
    I agree ... Auto teleport the group when all members accept ... Like other MMO's not just wow

    Way more efficient !
    “There is no pain greater than this; not the cut of a jagged-edged dagger nor the fire of a dragon’s breath. Nothing burns in your heart like the emptiness of losing something, someone, before you truly have learned of its value. Often now I lift my cup in a futile toast, an apology to ears that cannot hear.”

    Semper Fi
  • Dr34dly
    Yeah its ridiculous ! I hope they'll fix it soon.
    In the meanwhile , if there are any active guilds doing dungeons/pledges..(AD/XB1/EU)
    Hook me up
    GT: Dr34dly
    Edited by Dr34dly on July 24, 2015 12:45PM
  • TacoMasters(PS4)
    I hope they address this. I still haven't been able to do the Undaunted quests and I'm Level 30+ already.
    PS4 NA | Vet 2 | Reguard Dragonknight | Tacomasters
  • gkspcg_ESO
    It can't be that hard to fix. There are other console games, Neverwinter for example, that doesn't port you to the dungeon until the entire group excepts the automatic invite. So we know it can be done on the consoles.
  • Amidina
    Soul Shriven
    Exactly, but yet Zenimex seem to just ignore this crucial part of the game. I will be keeping this thread open as long as possible in hope that this issue actually gets addressed.
  • Dan198Zero
    Group finder is a joke. I am VR 14 and have completed most the quests. I dont want to wait in PVE for group finder to work/not work. I want to play my daily dungeon maybe farm a dungeon then hit PVP. Simple. I have sat in group finder for over 5 hours with nothing. Most people in guilds have made their own little groups for farming what sets they want and have already got them. Even a LFG page in the forum would work better but no one uses that either for my first MMO I am feeling rather alone at times.
    PSN- Dan198Zero
    VR14- DK Vampire- Ebonheart Pact
  • TeamGizzy
    Agree totally. Most groups I get never end up getting to the dungeon. They have no idea they have to go there
    Baskin Robins always finds out.....
  • Vile_Discharge
    Soul Shriven
  • dustin1698
    yeah they need to fix the group finder and make it better
  • frenchyuk86
    Need to make players better. On my vet 1 alt I got into group after group, on the rare occasion we actually got to the dungeon there was no voice communication, as well as the'tank' wearing med armour and a 2h...
    Frenchyuk86 - PSN
    Vet 14 DragonKnight
    The Forlorn Hope Main Tank
  • Winterpsy
    OMG, and I thought yesterday I had pure bad luck.

    Fungal grotto with the healer lowbie character of mine.
    Group finder--> waiting 15-20 mins. I get tinto a group, one player leaves immadiately. None on the voice chat. I leave too after another 10 mins.
    Next try: in group (20 mins), one goes online.
    Next try: in group (18ish wait time), no voice comm, they keep grinding on their own, not porting to dungeon, I get fed up and leave.

    This went on for like 4-5 more attempts. Then twice got into a group where only the 3 of us did the dungeon, because we could not suffer the logging off anymore.

    I do not know what's with players. Why do they put themselves on the queue when they log or leave immadiately when a group's rolled.
    And no chance I can get hold of them on the voice comm. It's like 90% of the time only 1-2 members are on the group voice chat. I tried sending them a message, I get no reply. I had to many wtf moments, but yesterday was the worst. I am a very calm person, but yesterday I started cursing loudly in my flat, so angry I was, haha :blush:

    I'd drop a 30 min debuff on any player who leaves the group once it's assembled. It's ridiculous.

    Big fat Nord Dragon knight with a huge hammer. - Tank
    Stealthy argonian witch templar - Healer (lowbie)
  • frenchyuk86
    It's the player base. I understand console will have alot more casual players. But seriously majority have no idea.
    Frenchyuk86 - PSN
    Vet 14 DragonKnight
    The Forlorn Hope Main Tank
  • RaVing_LooNy_x
    I 100% agree with you
    I was a wow player for many Years and there instance search systems works very well
  • RollinStoner
    Soul Shriven
    So glad this is an on going thread, it seriously needs addressed. I'm fairly new to ESO, deciding to wait for option to play without subscription on console, something else I'm glad about given the appalling standard of group finder. Neverwinter has already been cited as evidence that this kind of thing is doable on console. Since buying the game about 2-3 weeks ago I have not managed to get into a single group despite queuing the moment I log in. I posted in one of the other threads asking if people even used GF on console, was told they did but it took hours to find a group and often those in n your group on console would be completely ignorant of the basic group dynamics of tank dps and healer. I'm really enjoying the game but if I can't group up and do the decent dungeons there is no way in oblivion I will even consider paying for any kind of premium account.

    I really hope they get in gear, IC dlc is oonly a week or so away. If they can't improve the grouping aspect this game will fall apart eventually and that would be tragic as it has so much potential
  • frenchyuk86
    Qued as a vet 2 tank with my friend who is a vet 1 healer. Qued for one dungeon veteran level. No group for Atleast 30 mins. So we leave the que and decide to que separately, me as the tank always finds a group of 3 people and a space left for a healer... my friend doesn't get any pop up. What's the deal with that?
    Frenchyuk86 - PSN
    Vet 14 DragonKnight
    The Forlorn Hope Main Tank
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    Amidina wrote: »
    Surely the way group finder is right now it can't be the best Zenimax can do for us.
    Sadly, I think it is. For some reason, making a group finder tool work right seems to be one of the most difficult things for them to do. It has been broken on PC since forever.
  • Sandshark95
    I've never actually found a group using Group Failure--err, ahem, I mean--Group Finder on PS4. Provided, I haven't bothered to try very hard or for very long, but even if I did wait it out and miracously manage to get placed into a group, I fear what kind of group it would be. I've heard horror stories about inactive or simply incompetent players, players queuing up for all 3 roles or queuing for a role they don't actually play as, etc. It's something that seriously needs to be addressed. To quote myself from another thread:

    **PSA: Group "Finder" does not actually perform as implied by the name at the present time**

    Warning: staring at the eternal spinning loading circle may cause intense frustration.

    Possible side effects of using Group Finder may include: headache, dizziness, mood swings, nausea, sudden bouts of rage, depression, suicidal and/or homicidal thoughts, hysteria, irritation, hair loss, loss of motivation, blurred vision, excessive sweating, and in rare cases, death.

    Do not use Group Finder if you are pregnant, nursing, under the age of 18, or have difficulties sitting in queues for long periods of time. Group Finder is not recommended for anyone actually trying to a find a decent group.

    Consult with your doctor today to decide if Group Finder is right for you! (Or don't. The answer is no.) XD

    ZOS needs to write us a new prescription to ease our pain from swallowing this bad medicine every time we want to do some group content. This is partly why I stick to soloing most of the time; I don't care to stand in front of a dungeon for a few hours hoping a few good players will come along and invite me.

    Don't get me wrong: I absolutely love the game. <3 It's fun to play solo. Just hate the Group Finder. :(

    Time for an overhaul!
  • Amidina
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah I think it is time for an overhaul, the grouping system is just completely broken. I'm currently in a group now, only 2 of us have turned up to the dungeon... One is AFK and the other is off questing. Ohh the fun.. it's so broken. Well looks like this is the last time I'll be using the group finder until it is fixed.

    From what I've found on Google and other posts Zenimax just seem to ignore threads pointing out this issue. The ignorance is shocking. :'(
  • Prospect84
    Soul Shriven
    I agree 100% the group finder on PS4 is terribad. I'll be honest I've had much more success with my Templar tank, as I am able to tank/offheal which makes up a little for horrible healers at lower levels (I'm only 27 so far) but I don't queue as a tank/healer... I queue as a tank, then I help heal as I tank. most dungeons seem to be done pretty easily with 3 players if you have a tank/healer/dps trio that knows what they are doing. I can't for the life of me figure out why the queue takes so long for a "dps" (like when I am on my Nightblade) but it seems like every freaking group I'm in on my tank is missing a dps...

    I'm a ESO plus sub, and if there is one thing I wish my small piece of money I spend monthly would be put towards, it would be improving the group finder system.

    I'll admit that, as with most MMO's, if you want to run the harder end game stuff, you probably aren't going to do it very successfully with a pick up group, and I'm ok with that... When you get to the veteran content, seek out a guild to run with... but the flaws with the group finder system go way beyond just incompetent players in pick up groups.
  • tactica
    So if so many are saying its a problem on both console and PC, then what's the problem? Seems like ZOS has a very basic interest in this function getting sorted and working. Does nobody have the ear of the powers that be?

    Who's in the know or inner circle around these parts?
    NA, PS4, vr13-DE Maj DK, vr9-HE Maj Sorc, vr1-Kaj Stam NB
    Knowledge is Power
  • terrordactyl1971
    Definitely needs an overhaul, or text chat adding - or both !!
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