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AvA/PvP Insane lag/disconnects/crashing

Hi Guys,

Posting this as I'm getting pretty disgruntled at the performance of AvA on PS4, the general connection to server thread covers this to a degree but AvA is the only place I encounter this.. this is not something I ever encountered on the PC version and I most assuredly do not have connectivity issues.

Location: Western Australia, Playing on North American server. ISP iiNet.
Connection: 10Mb down 1Mb up stable. Very rarely do I have a connection related drop due to loss of line sync, I specifically have an ISP side setting for a "stable" connection, their setting is Gamer from the choices: Safe, Standard, Extreme, Gamer with Annex M on/off(I have Annex M off due to little to no gain)

Games that work fine in MP for reference: GW2(PC), GTA5(PS4), MechWarrior Online(PC 280ms STABLE ping to the US), SWTOR(PC).

GW2 is potentially the only comparison and of course ESO on PC.

In summary, normal gameplay in ESO is generally fine, occasional hiccup but as soon as I hit AvA I'l encounter after a time(not initially):
  • Players start stuttering around.
  • Lagging.
  • Eventually players stop moving. If I'm in voice I can still hear chatting.
  • I get kicked with a connection to server error.

Unless there is a fix I can do somewhere, or evidence to the contrary, I'm literally not going to accept this is an issue on my side, I've enough evidence on my part to suggest it's not. I can provide traceroutes/mtrs, settings as much as requested but basically... can we get some word on why for myself and definitely others are experiencing this completed disheartening experience?

I've spent enough time on PS4 now that going back to PC would be a serious time waste, unless my characters can be copied back I'm pretty much fed up...
  • vichoi
    Same here, I'm in Sydney

    Was hoping PS4 may be better then PC but it's a beginning of nightmare.
    I used to have same crash in PC (2-5 a day), however after I switched to PS4, I never able to play for 10 minutes without bugs ,lag and crashes. I tested to play on PS4 and PC at the same time, and PC is running perfectly even in a huge AVA fight, when PS4 is unplayable with a few players in the screen, which means it's not the problem of our connection.

    Currently there's also a bug that I cannot use any skill and my stamina drops to zero slowly, this bug happens so frequently that make the game totally unplayable, I'm trying so hard not to break my controller and ps4 every time I play this game.
  • yodased
    Its not just you. Im on east coast usa and get the same exact thing with 75mb down 10mb up

    I also have no issue with eso pc nor any other ps 4 game.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • illuzian
    vichoi wrote: »
    Same here, I'm in Sydney
    Currently there's also a bug that I cannot use any skill and my stamina drops to zero slowly, this bug happens so frequently that make the game totally unplayable, I'm trying so hard not to break my controller and ps4 every time I play this game.

    I get this particular 'bug' too.. I find if I used a potion it often resets it but I hate using a potion just to get out of a bug. It's so frustrating, as a nightblade I seem to get it a lot using Ambush whenever there's a pebble or something in the way that the game doesn't like.

    There's just so much that seems to be lag induced, like stunning and enemy that's moving only to have them teleport back a few seconds to get 'target out of range' or the like.

    The AvA is still the most disappointing thing, on PC it was one of the best parts of the game.

  • WellJustSayin
    I had to create an account to hopefully add a voice to this issue that im currently having. Theres alot of players ingame having the same problem but they arent hopping on a forum to discuss it. This works in ZOS favor.

    Im going to support each thread that relates to this issue until they respond...hopefully
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