Looking for a guild of veteran players? Join The Architects of Oblivion. If you are close to being VR or have a VR alt, you're welcome too!
This game is still young and will grow into a WoW type game mass wise. Let's grow our numbers and be a strong force to reckon with. We're all very mature and we honestly have a blast playing together.
The point is not to be exclusive but to have a strong active player base of vets to do dungeons, pvp, quest, craft, raid, etc. I know the pain of sitting in a queue for some time waiting for the game to group you up. Join us and you won't have that issue. We've got active players who are extremely helpful and always down to run dungeons. We do the daily's every day. If we've already run them and you want to do them, we'll gladly re-run with you. Who doesn't like more xp/drops?!
Ranking up is relatively easy. Just be active, helpful, and recruit recruit recruit!
We have a master crafter who is maxed out in everything and who is an awesome person. He's "The Man of Many Motifs" as I've named him. He has them all and if you give him mats, he can make you whatever you need.
We've also got werewolves and vampires to give you a bite if you need. But if you think you're going to join for a bite and then either be inactive or just leave, don't bother. We can tell.
Post/msg me on PSN for an invite. PSN: ImPradaYoureNada
ImPradaYoureNada - Guildmaster
Edited by ImPradaYoureNada on July 26, 2015 10:55AM Guildmaster - The Architects of Oblivion