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Best Aldmeri Dominion Class? ( i am very new)

Hello Mam and Sirs!

I just started playing this game few days ago and i have already made a lot of character and i kept doing it and doing it because i dont how to play. Please can someone help me and explain to me and i will follow you/

i just want to know..

I am AD Alliance.

What is the best class?
Where to get weapons, armors and etc...
What to wear?
From level 1-15 what kind of skills to get?

All advice/suggestion will be highly appreciated..

Thank you very much in advance!
  • Rinmaethodain
    What is best class?
    There is no best class. Nothing in life is simply "best". It can be only better than something in certain aspect.

    Some classes are better than other in one particular thing. But in other case some other class can be better this time.

    Where to get weapons, armors? For early levels its best to just use anything you find or get from quests. Its not worth buying gear from NPC vendors at any time. And at low lvls its not worth repeating found gear. Better to save money and replace it.

    At around lvl 35-40 you can ask someoen from guild to craft you a blue set of crafter gear with some bonuses on it. A set like that will be worth repairing untill you hit VR1. At VR1 its usually good to invest into purple gear/weapons, you should ahve enough money for it and then keep that armor untill you are like half way to max lvl.

    What skills to get? It depends on your class. Every skill have description you should read it and decide if you find it useful or not. Make YOUR character a personal character. Use your intuition and think.

    If you wonder which class to decide there is a lot of reference material online like this http://uk.ign.com/wikis/elder-scrolls-online/Classes and more if you google "ESO classes"

  • Ranique
    unlike other MMO's, there is no such thing as "best class" or "best race".

    This has two important reasons. The first is that your skills not only depend on class and race, but also on your weapon, armor and abillities available for all players.

    When talking bout "best" you are talking bout the min/max principle. This isn't how ESO works.
    Cause there are roughly 6 variables contributing to what you can use for skills and passives, the magic word is "synergy" or viable. What combination is viable depends on many things. So I'll stick to naming the variables.

    1: magica or stamina. Some skills scale of magica and some of stamina. As the total amount also contributes to the total damage of those skills, it is important to choose.
    2: first weapon set. While you can choose any weapon, you have to understand that staves scale of magicka and all others of stamina. So staff while specking in stamina is less viabler compared with a staff while specking in magicka.
    3: the second weaponset. See the above how they have synergy.
    4: armor. Heavy armor increases health and armor rating. Medium increases stamina and light increases magicka. So as weapons, it is wise to let it scale for the choice you made in the first place.
    5: Class. Most class skills (except dragonknight, they have some morphs that can be changed) scale of magicka. So for most stamina builds the class skills are useless (besides some support skills). However, there are a lot of class passives that are active without having any skills active (though you need to use skills to level those up).
    6: Race: your race only gives passives, but those passives can make a lot of difference and specially for stamina based builds are more important in the amount of synergy.

    Also keep in mind that all choices make differences, but they are not huge. It is the sum of all elements.

    As the above is likely daunting for a new player I would suggest to understand that your first character will be a long learning curve. So better is to look at styles.

    Style 1: a melee range fighter, based on strenght. Deals great dps, but can also be excellent used as a tank in coordinated group play.

    If this style is attractive for you I would suggest going for a dragonknight - stamina build, with bosmer or khajiit as race (unless you have the imperial edition or the explorers edition, then imperial or redguard is better). As an alternative you can also play a templar (although that diminish the tanking capacity). The armor should be heavy or medium (I would recommend heavy)

    Style 2: a mage type of player with a staff and using strong ranged dps

    The sorcerer with a magicka build has the best synergy for this. As a weapon I would suggest a destruction staff as your main weapon. the armor should be light. The race in AD would be a high elf (altmer) or if you got the explorers pack, go for dunmer (if you want to be a vampire) or a breton.

    Style 3: an assasin type of player striking from the shadows. Good at dps, better at dps from stealth.

    The nightblade with a stamina build has the best synergy for this cause of some awesome passives for this. As your main protection comes from stealth, you should use medium armor to boost up the dps. A bow or dual wielded weapons is best for this kind of build. Good races in AD are Khajiit and Bosmer (and even if you have the explorers pack, these two have better synergy).

    Style 4: A healer that is also good at ranged dps.

    A magicka templar has strong synergy here. You gain access to a full skillline for healing (besides the ones the restoration staff gives you. For DPS you can use a destruction staff.. Cause of your importance for your group I would suggest running heavy armor for extra protection, but for the rest you should push up your magicka. Good class in AD is the Altmer (high elf). In the explorerspack the breton is a good second. As vampires don't go well with healers, I would not recommend dunmer (dark elf).

    The above is NOT set in stone. A dragonknight can be an excellent healer. A sorcerer can be an excellent tank. It is bout the synergy between the different variables. always keep that in mind.

    To answer your other questions. I would suggest levelling up your crafting while you go up. Get your first set of armor and weapons at level 8. The next at level 16. then every next 10 levels. (so at 26,36, etc)

    As for the skills to get first...it depends a lot on your chosen style and combo.
    roughly I would say:
    For a magicka build: start with skills from all three class skilllines. Use the other two for weaponskills of your chosen weapon.
    For a stamina build it is the other way around. Start with 2 skills from your weapon and use the other 3 slots for skills of the three skilllines. concentrate on dps first and once you got a decent dps-build (round level 20) start developping specialisations like healing or tanking.
    Through me you pass into the city of woe:
    Through me you pass into eternal pain:
    Through me among the people lost for aye.

    PC player - EU
  • edfera123
    Thank you for the answer MaximusDargus and Ranique.

    I know that there no such thing as "best class" here. I am just afraid my 1st charactertoi become a HYBRID Build.

    We all know that building a character you will need to spend a hundred of hours or a thousand maybe. I just dont want to waste my time building my character for nothing. I am not looking for a perfect one, just want to know how to do it..

    thanks again for your both answers it really helps me a lot. I will try to build my character in my own way.
    Edited by edfera123 on July 26, 2015 6:46PM
  • Allyhoo811
    edfera123 wrote: »
    Thank you for the answer MaximusDargus and Ranique.

    I know that there no such thing as "best class" here. I am just afraid my 1st charactertoi become a HYBRID Build.

    We all know that building a character you will need to spend a hundred of hours or a thousand maybe. I just dont want to waste my time building my character for nothing. I am not looking for a perfect one, just want to how to do it..

    thanks again for your both answers it really helps me a lot. I will try to build my character in my own way.

    Just remember the only choices that are currently permanent are faction, race, and class. Everything else you can change by heading to the capital city for your alliance (Eldenroot for AD) and going to the rededication shrines. One shrine will allow you to respec your attribute points and the other your skill points (you will be charged gold for this), so feel free to experiment at lower levels. Almost everyone has to respec at some point. Good luck!

  • abirdman24
    If I'm not mistaken, using those respec shrines is insanely expensive. About 100gold a skill point I believe. If your like me, you won't realize how much you need to retweak your skill set until later levels. In the Crown Store you can buy skill and/or attribute respec for I believe 700 Crowns. That's real money but only $7. If you're going to put a lot of time into the game, I think that's the better way to go. Especially if you sign up for the plus membership and get 1500 crowns a month.
    Live in the light, but play in the dark
  • Rinmaethodain
    abirdman24 wrote: »
    If I'm not mistaken, using those respec shrines is insanely expensive. About 100gold a skill point I believe. If your like me, you won't realize how much you need to retweak your skill set until later levels. In the Crown Store you can buy skill and/or attribute respec for I believe 700 Crowns. That's real money but only $7. If you're going to put a lot of time into the game, I think that's the better way to go. Especially if you sign up for the plus membership and get 1500 crowns a month.

    Game provides a lot of skillpoints via skyshards, main questline and lvling. He will be okay with getting as much SP as possible then experimenting with various skills and only later, when he decides on what to use and what to not, he can reset his SP to release SP assigned to dormant skills (and when that time comes it wont be "insanely expensive anymore", right now, reseting all SP with near max number of SP [exluding pvp rank sp] it costs about 16k)
  • Rosveen
    abirdman24 wrote: »
    If I'm not mistaken, using those respec shrines is insanely expensive. About 100gold a skill point I believe. If your like me, you won't realize how much you need to retweak your skill set until later levels. In the Crown Store you can buy skill and/or attribute respec for I believe 700 Crowns. That's real money but only $7. If you're going to put a lot of time into the game, I think that's the better way to go. Especially if you sign up for the plus membership and get 1500 crowns a month.
    I respecced many times and I could always afford it, even with my first character back when it did cost 100g (now it's cheaper, 50g I think). You have what, maybe 100 points at v1? That's 5000g. Peanuts compared to all you've earned so far and you can respec only morphs if you want, which is cheaper.
  • edfera123
    Thank you guys for the help you are providing to me. I just still dont understand some of it. I am currently trying to make a Imperial / Dark Knight? Can you please guide regarding with the skills and attributes? What skills to get first? I want a melee type if possible.

    Thanks in advance!
  • Hvitserk
    Soul Shriven
    I'll help and keep it short. There is no best class, there are better skills for every class though, but think about class and race last.

    First, what do you want to use as far as a weapon and armor?
    Think about as do you want to swing a mace or huge sword? dual weild? Bow? Shield? Staff?
    Heavy armor? Leather? Clothing?
    What do you see yourself using 2 or more months from now and still having fun with it? Don't let anyone decide for you, they're all good in their own way. Let me know.
  • Rosveen
    edfera123 wrote: »
    Thank you guys for the help you are providing to me. I just still dont understand some of it. I am currently trying to make a Imperial / Dark Knight? Can you please guide regarding with the skills and attributes? What skills to get first? I want a melee type if possible.

    Thanks in advance!
    I'm going to assume Dark Knight is a dragonknight, not a nightblade in plate. ;)

    Melee, so most likely a stam DK (though you can use a destro staff in melee range too). Put some points in health, some in stamina. You can respec later when you work out your build a little better.

    I'd take 2-handed weapons. Crit Rush as your gap closer (alternatively Fiery Grip), Uppercut->Wrecking Blow as heavy hitter, Searing Strike->Unstable Flame as DoT, Reverse Slash->Executioner as execute. Talons are useful for CC, Green Dragon Blood as a heal+stam regen. Cleave->Brawler as a shield, but you need to learn good positioning to make it effective.
    Bow as secondary weapon for range, shield for defense, dual wield for AoE. Your choice.

    That's what I'd do. But there are many options, experiment, find out what works for you.
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