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Extremely positive vampire experience!! XB1 US EH

Just wanted to post about one of the coolest experiences I've had in this or any other game in quite some time. And since this is the PhP forum figured it would be appropriate to show that there are, despite all the uproar over scamming, and dishonest people (myself never having been a victim because I've never put myself in that situation...part of being older and wiser I guess) taking advantage of bites and trades and such, there are still good, honest, generous players out there!!!

I've been pounding the Rift at nightfall, known spawn locations and just running about looking for unknowns for the better part of a month looking for bloodfiends. Never seeing any, and only coming across werewolf spawns probably 6 times, bailing out because several of my guild members already have it so could get it at any time. Last night was planning a short play session so went into the Rift and decided I'd just go check out the shrine and see what's happening after reading a post suggesting start there. If fiends are out someone is bound to say and who knows; people have gotten bit there.

Ok, this was a first for me: 4 times people initiated a trade with me for 5k gold. I declined and called out in area voice "I'm not a vamp, I can't bite you, keep your money!" After a while someone asked who wanted a bite. Don't want to post names because I wouldn't want the guy's inbox to get flooded with "can you bite me? can you bite me?" One guy responded then I said I'd be down for one. The vamp said "ok, to make it fair try to position yourselves as together as you can, I'm going to close my eyes and whoever gets it gets it." Really? Wow! Ok! Well I wasn't the lucky recipient but gave the guy props for being awesome. I tried to initiate a trade just to toss him something and he said no forget it. Then invited me to his guild and gave ME 5k to help with a bite if someone in his guild couldn't bite me before his next bite was available! Are you freaking kidding me?!?! He wouldn't take anything in trade either. I tried getting rid of a motif that has been clogging up my inventory but nope. Very cool.

So we all hung around chatting a bit and this and that and then all of a sudden I'm getting bit by someone! Guy says "Here you go Stinger (my gt is YTL Stinger), I got you! And I don't want anything for it either. Just pay it forward." and he closed out my trade request to give him something. Someone else said "Man! This is the cool group tonight!" So I mailed the original guy and gave him his 5k back.

So my advice: don't act desperate. Just blindly initiating a trade with an unknown and giving gold is a BAD idea! Do run around the Rift or higher level area in your faction that has blood/were spawns. You just might find one and there's lots to see and find even though EVERYTHING there wants to kill you!! As you can see it doesn't hurt to check the shrine out. Just play it cool though. The handful of times I've went before I've hardly said a word on area voice. If someone bites, at least ask if they want anything, it's just customary. Now to gather up the rest of materials and build this set gear, do the quest and level up to do my good turn!
  • Xendyn
    Glad to see this finally getting some traction on consoles. As more and more of you do this, it'll keep getting better and soon the scammers will be out of business :D

    This is a nice one to be able to say "We told you so"

    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
    A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.
    There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance - Socrates
    Member of the Old Guard, keepers of the game's history

  • Artfuldodger
    I like reading stories like this as well. I do feel for some players, one lower level player wanted a bite, said he would try and get some gold for me the next time it was dark, I had no intention of taking payment. He got the gold but was inpatient asked some one else and got scammed. He said he could get 1000 and would pay me more when he had it, Met him at the shrine, he sent a trade request that I ignored, and I said forget payment ill bite for free. He was still keen and said he wanted to pay, which I thought was nice. As I was preparing to bite some random person bit him so I bit some one else.

    Its good to see this sort of stuff happening in the game, way I see it a lot of newish players do not have a lot of gold, to get scammed ruins the enjoyment of the game experience for them, which is why I will always bite for free when I can.
    Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
    -Johnny Depp
  • Sandshark95
    After being scammed once, I did manage to receive an extremely rare free vampire bite from a cool player. It only cost me a few hours of standing at the shrine. My next bite cost me at least an hour, a headache, and a "cheap" 7500 gold. Didn't get scammed that time though.

    It's good to hear that there are people out there who aren't interested in preying on players for something so petty as a bite. More stories like this need to be told. It pays to freely give. :)

  • 21jws10
    I bite people randomly then run off...
    PS4 | EU | falout565 | Looking for PvP group, messsage me, BWB
  • JohnnnyVegas
    THIS ^^^ is what I'm planning on if I'm not biting a guild member. I have no intention of making anything off it, well, tbh I wouldn't turn down fishing bait, esp worms!! LOL! But seriously I heard a group of guys in another area chat a while back talking about it, one guy saying he sells for 10k and other guys ganging up telling him he should charge no less than 25k to keep the market up. It's ridiculous! Hey, anything I can do to help cut that out, and make someone's day at the same time!
  • OzJohnD
    I have a werewolf that sits near the shrine (I have neglected leveling him, he still sits at lvl 37) and I log in weekly to bite some random and then log out again.

    My main is a vampire who also goes to the shrine weekly to bite for free.

    For RP reasons I refuse to bite a lowbie ... they are useless to the coven.

    ps .. and no I don't take reservations, I will let people know my cooldown but if they are not online at the shrine when I am there it goes to someone else random.
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

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