So far, for me, enchanting is nothing but a waste of skill points. Thoughts?
So far, for me, enchanting is nothing but a waste of skill points. Thoughts?
During Leveling and lower VR Ranks, Attribute Glyphs and Fire/Frost and those types, unless you have the runes on hand to make them just buy them from a Vendor. I don't recall if Vendors sell Regen Glyphs, but I seem to remember they don't.
However the Glyphs like Poison or Disease or Shield or Spell/Weapon Power? You can only make those from farmed Essence Runes. I don't remember all the ones that are not vendor available, but it seems like all the really effective Weapon and Jewelery Essences are not.
Also, once your in the upper VR Ranks, then making Glyphs with Blue, Purple and in some cases Gold Aspects can really benefit you, and there is no other way to get these unless you want to pay through the nose to an Enchanter.
So, here is what you do. Decon all the Glyphs you get from mob loot to level the skill, but don't put any points into anything but Extraction. Then, when you reach mid VR ranks, start putting points into the craft and making your own. By then, you have more skill points than you can spend anyway.
Enchanting was also Nerfed hard with 1.6 and the promised changes to bring it back in line with what it was have not happened. Enchanting used to really change your character and what they did, now it just kind of enhances what they do.
I think the main problem with enchanting is that it is so dang hard to actually level up compared to all the other crafting options and its benefits are somewhat lacking comparatively.
Don't worry Tholan - you aren't the only one disenchanted with enchanting but dang it - I will make it to level 50! someday, somehow...
BTW, I have 3 toons - all of them save all the glyphs and runes and funnel them in to the enchanting toon. That toon is at level 44 but only a level 26 enchanting.