Workshop Series: Installing SweetFX 2.0 + ReShade

Welcome to our Workshop Series for The Elder Scrolls Online. A series of videos showing you quick "How-To" guides for the various mechanics within the MMORPG, The Elder Scrolls Online.

In this video, we will be showing you how to go about installing SweetFX 2.0 + ReShade for your copy of The Elder Scrolls Online! The big advantages are being able to use DirectX 11 with SweetFX and not having to replace SweetFX files every time you want to play.

SweetFX is an amazing post-processing solution for almost any video game to make them look more crisp, colorful, anything really. Now there are three things I want to point before I get started. One, this does NOT change textures, think of SweetFX as grabbing the game’s image and throwing a layer of awesome on it. Two, this has been cleared by Zenimax Online Studio’s as safe to use and you should not get banned for using SweetFX injectors (source). And thirdly, your FPS impact should be minimal, SweetFX generally won’t hit your FPS hard or at all but be warned it CAN have an impact.

Download ReShade and SweetFX 2.0 -

Presets -

Big Note - Ignore other methods to install Reshade + SweetFX 2.0 from presets and follow this video or it will cause issues! Another side note is there are only SweetFX 2.0 presets.

We hope that you find these guides helpful and we encourage you to follow us on our Twitch Channel and Twitter for when we go live for streams or our Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited podcast, Tales of Tamriel.

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    bro i tried this and it worked, it said that it succeeded but when i did the scroll lock thing, i didnt get any difference
    Bolterity's Youtube!!
  • Crabby654
    bro i tried this and it worked, it said that it succeeded but when i did the scroll lock thing, i didnt get any difference

    Hey there creator of the video here. 2 questions, when you load up the game and see the text do you see any red text in the top left corner? Second question, are you using any presets or te default?
    Edited by Crabby654 on July 9, 2015 5:09PM
  • strongoakb14a_ESO
    I have 0.19.2 beta going on ESO on windows 8.1 using DX11.2 and no crashing when loading.

    Note: Zenimax designed the game to CRASH if any unknown folder is present in the game client directory

    If you are running Windows 8.1 don't worry I have an extra section for you to get DX 11.2 working fine, its actually explained in the ReShade document

    First Install Reshade and select the game in the client directory and even on Windows 8.1 it will seem to choose DX9, that's fine we fix that below in Windows 8/8.1 systems with 1 extra step

    Go to the "The Elder Scrolls Online" game directory, you will see the following folders:
    vo_<your language abbrev> (mine is vo_en)[/li]

    create a new Folder Called Mods and move your SweetFX folder from the game client directory into this mods folder

    You now have the following folders in the game directory:
    vo_<your language abbrev>[/li]

    Open the file sweet.fx in the game client folder with any text editor that can do a REPLACE
    Do a Replace and have it find "SweetFX/ and replace it with "../../Mods/SweetFX/
    (MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE QUOTE MARKS in both of the above)

    Save and Close Sweet.fx

    Now open with a text editor the file now located in the Mods/SweetFX/Shaders folder called Main.h
    Again do a Replace and have it find "SweetFX/ and replace it with "../../Mods/SweetFX/
    (MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE QUOTE MARKS in both of the above)

    Now you also have to do a replace for "SweetFX\ and replace it with "..\..\Mods\SweetFX\
    (MAKE SURE YOU INCLUDE THE QUOTE MARKS in both of the above)

    Save and Close Main.h

    Windows 8/8.1 if the ReShade installer auto selected DX9 and you wish to use DX11/11.2
    in the game folder rename the d3d9.dll file Reshade installed to dxgi.dll

    Now make sure inside your UserSettings.txt file (located in your documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live folder)
    has the line saying SET GraphicsDriver.7 "D3D11"

    if you cant find it look for SET GraphicsDriver.7 "D3D9" and change it to read SET GraphicsDriver.7 "D3D11"
  • Crabby654
    That is an interesting way to do enable DX11, but the method in the video doesn't require any movement of files. But the video doesn't use the Reshade installer, just drag and drop files and it works fine or altering ESO files.
  • HeroOfNone
    Heya, thanks on the guide. I shortened it down using a batch file, here is an updated set of instructions

    Originally found on Instructions can be found here

    1. Create a "reshade" folder to download files to
    2. Download "SweetFX 2.0 (Running on ReShade)" from
    3. Download "Sekta's Tamriel Unlimited" from to the folder
    4. Download "reshade renamer.txt" from to the folder
    5. Extract "SweetFX 2.0 (Running on ReShade)" to the folder
    6. Rename the "reshade renamer.txt" to "reshade renamer.bat" (turn your extensions on)
    7. 2 files will open up
    8. On both file use hit "Ctrl + H" or "Replace" under the edit menu
    9. Find: .h"
    Replace: .shader"
    10. Hit "Replace"
    11. Save and close the files
    12. Copy the contents of "Reshade" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client" or your local game folder
    13. Start the game, use Scroll lock to turn it on or off

    You can download other shade options, just change out the "SweetFX_Settings_The Elder Scrolls Online_Sekta's Tamriel Unlimited.txt" with another name as needed.

    Video Tutorial
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
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