If you could create a way for us to "mark" items that we have in our inventory or bank, that would be awesome. I find that when I am deconstructing I have to sort through all my bank items(which I generally only store research items in). If you could let us mark each weapon or armor with a "research" or "deconstruct" and then maybe not have the research items show up when deconstructing I think it would help us out a lot. I like that all the crafting tables are hooked up to the bank but from what I've seen, most everyone stores the items they want to have researched in the banks. So if you could find a way to keep those items out of deconstruction that would be great! The only other thing I can think of is that the provision writs could be from only the recipes you have learned, because I have two characters at 27 and 18 and I have yet to be able to complete a provision writ. I know like 70plus recipes between the two of them as well. Other than that this game is amazing and I have enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you.