Usually 5k-15k but you might end up spennding well over 100k on people scamming before you actually get one. I don't recommend givng the money before you get the bite.
Or free... that's right free. If you don't mind putting in some effort and gaining trust from someone, consider joining our guild, Wolves of Wraithwinter. You can click the name to see a forum on what we're about. But the tl;dr version is that we give free bites to loyal members of the guild. We have a 300+ guild in NA, and just started building it on the EU side to do the same. We also have a Facebook page to better interact with our members. Already have Werewolves in EU, I know that for sure, and will have some vamps here soon.
Packmaster Daevyn Fenris GT: Daevyn,
XB1 Guild: Wolves of Wraithwinter.
We have werewolves and vampires
Looking for more, honest ones.
Wolves of Wraitwinter also in GW2, Neverwinter, and Destiny.