Are Charecter Server Transfers impossible to do on this game?

I played the PC version at launch and now play he PS4 version, after all this time there is still no mega to mega char transfer on the PC, and not on the PS4 either, as a UK player playing on the NA server I'm worried that after putting hundreds of hours into the game and one day getting VR14 that the US TZ will be very incomparable with me, i don't like the idea of getting there and then being stuck there forever with no change to transfer.

Also as PlayStation are the ones running the PS4 servers this must mean you have no control over transfers etc? so is it a likely chance that there will NEVER be a server to server char transfer in this game?
I was once Banned for making a game criticism. Think about that.
  • Nine-Eight-Nine
    Sony don't run Zeni's game servers. So it would be up to Zenimax if they wanted to implement a transfer feature into their game. Time to start puckering up those lips :)
  • Adam_Chattaway
    Sony don't run Zeni's game servers. So it would be up to Zenimax if they wanted to implement a transfer feature into their game. Time to start puckering up those lips :)

    Are you sure? i was told the reason we have to pay PS+ sub is because sony run the servers like they do for all there none cross platform games, FFXIV is run by the devs because its a cross plat game pc players also play on.
    I was once Banned for making a game criticism. Think about that.
  • Nine-Eight-Nine
    Quite sure, Adam. Zenimax run the servers for ESO. The only thing Sony runs in regards to ESO is your PSN account and making sure you can connect to the ESO servers from your PS4.
  • Adam_Chattaway
    Quite sure, Adam. Zenimax run the servers for ESO. The only thing Sony runs in regards to ESO is your PSN account and making sure you can connect to the ESO servers from your PS4.

    So after nearly 2 years why are there no server transfers?
    I was once Banned for making a game criticism. Think about that.
  • OzJohnD
    There were one time only offers a while back for transfers of PC account characters to console accounts ... that is not on offer now the console servers went live.

    Server transfers are logistically a nightmare to program .. and with ESO still flawed in a number of areas it wont be a priority unless Zenimax sees enough demand for EU <-> NA server transfers so they can charge big money.

    My guess is that WoW server transfers generate a healthy top up income for Blizzard.
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • Adam_Chattaway
    OzJohnD wrote: »
    There were one time only offers a while back for transfers of PC account characters to console accounts ... that is not on offer now the console servers went live.

    Server transfers are logistically a nightmare to program .. and with ESO still flawed in a number of areas it wont be a priority unless Zenimax sees enough demand for EU <-> NA server transfers so they can charge big money.

    My guess is that WoW server transfers generate a healthy top up income for Blizzard.

    they cost £15 on average and Ive done it many times so its worth doing. What bother's me most is the fact my purchases are bound to the server.
    Edited by Adam_Chattaway on July 2, 2015 1:10AM
    I was once Banned for making a game criticism. Think about that.
  • OzJohnD
    yes, Crown store purchases in my opinion should be available both servers (account wide) not just on a single server

    That is different, though, to the programming and logistical problems of physical transfer of a character between servers. It is irrelevant that WoW does it now, the capacity to do it in ESO has to be a priority for development before its even worked on. If enough people want it Zenimax will make it happen.

    Can't see a huge demand for NA <-> EU transfers - few will want an increase in latency by just shifting toons across the world except for those relocating home/work.
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • Adam_Chattaway
    OzJohnD wrote: »
    yes, Crown store purchases in my opinion should be available both servers (account wide) not just on a single server

    That is different, though, to the programming and logistical problems of physical transfer of a character between servers. It is irrelevant that WoW does it now, the capacity to do it in ESO has to be a priority for development before its even worked on. If enough people want it Zenimax will make it happen.

    Can't see a huge demand for NA <-> EU transfers - few will want an increase in latency by just shifting toons across the world except for those relocating home/work.

    i started on NA server so everyone spoke English not the mix of the EU server with hardly anyone speaking english as there is no ENG server choice, but for PVP and Raiding it might have been a bad idea to play on NA server with my TS and 5-7 hours ahead of the US, raiding at 4am aint my thing lol... so i could need a transfer to go back to EU but then all my purchases on the crown store are lost if i just re roll which is ridiculous, even with a transfer this would prob be the case which is stupid.

    Crowns are shared cross server so why not purchased? this is just a money grab to have people buy everything twice if they move i bet.
    I was once Banned for making a game criticism. Think about that.
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