Missing Crowns

Maintenance for the week of February 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 17
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
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Soul Shriven
Ive bought ESO plus but i still have not recieved my free 1500 crowns! Can you please tell me why and when i will get them? Im on xbox one.
  • mrfather2380
    I am also having this issue. i only have the 500 from the early purchase, I should have more from the subscription i once held
  • BlackguardBob
    Same here. I did also notice that I was not getting the crafting benefit (it was taking the full 6 hours to learn a trait). By the end of the day I was taking 5 hrs 28 mins to learn a basic trait.

    Not sure what that means. Are the devs realising this & putting it straight bit by bit or should we make a ticket for our missing Crowns?
  • Rudeboi_SHAGGY
    Soul Shriven
    its stupid they should have fixed this by now i paid for mine as soon as they game was released and still nothing not even heard a reply from my twitter post to them as soon as i never got them when i bought it. They better hurry and sort it or i wont ever be paying for eso plus again and ill take my game back and say its broken.
  • BlackguardBob
    I also notice that there was only one choice for ESO Plus. 30 days for £8.99 or nothing!. What happened to the discounted time benefits? You know, £6.99 per month for 180 days?
  • Raheem
    Same with me on Xbox never got my crowns when I purchased plus
    Live and die a Redguard
  • vicelogicz
    Soul Shriven
    Same I haven't got all my crowns even though I purchased plus. I'm on Xbox one too.
  • flyniecom79
    I also purchased crownes and an eso plus biu nothing shown up in game. Also i purchased the imperial edition from psn but i dont have the extras i cant even pick imperial race . I contacted the ESOfacebook page they told me to contact playstation and then playstation told me to contact eso.com i emailed them yesterday but no reply yet#eso #ps4 #missing crowns
  • Nattzz
    I am disgusted with them, it's as if they're not actually trying at all.
  • Craigp770
    Soul Shriven
    Yeah same problem for everyone getting ESO and it not registering I am sure given the chance it will be rectified and yes it is annoying
  • Rudeboi_SHAGGY
    Soul Shriven
    Well ive still heard nothing off them and i still havent been given my crowns.

    Yes blackguardbob i only saw the 1 month plan no discounted plans came up at all
  • Dragonborn87112
    Soul Shriven
    I'm on ps4 over 30 hours and no crowns or buffs.
  • Rudeboi_SHAGGY
    Soul Shriven
    Well ive finally had my crowns come late today so have u guys had urs ?
  • Khaleesi89
    I'm on PS4 and it has been almost a week now since I bought the ESO Plus and 750 Crowns extra and I haven't received any of them or the Explorer's Pack,,
    I have contacted ESO Customer Support and Sony multiple times they have been no help.

  • Dr_Ganknstein
    Welp I paid for ESO Plus, and bought an additional 3000 crowns for my wifes account. I logged in and saw she had the crowns but then I logged in the next day and we are down to the original 500.
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