Group dungeons/ Adventure Zoning only Guild

Hello all! I'm relatively new to the forums, so forgive me if I'm doing this wrong.

Anyway, a couple of questions. First, are there any guilds out there dedicated to only doing group dungeons and adv zones? (Xbox1) I ask because I can't seem to find any. I see WW guilds, Vamp guilds, pvp guilds, or guilds that just "do everything."

I'm looking for a guild that is strictly for group dungeons as I find those to be the most fun and rewarding (atleast so far, I'm vr1). Also, using area chat to find fellow dungeon crawlers never works, as there's always some kid screaming on the mic, ect.

Any suggestions? Advice?

Best Answer

  • Ewokninja
    Well I would say that chances are the ones that do PVE are going to be interested in dungeons and vet dungeons and what have you. Usually in a guild such as those, it isn't difficult to find a group of guys who want to do some dungeons. Another option is create your own guild and start recruiting specifically for dungeons and adv zones. That would just be my opinion though. Have a good one!
    Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions.

    Xbox One GT: Choncho29
    Answer ✓
  • OnThaLoose
    Thanks. So far I have joined a couple of guilds, but the each have like 200, I've never really asked them if they wanted too. Also, I created my own with ppl I know personally, but of course all of those guys don't play as much as I so they're like level 10-20. I suppose I'll ask some of the guys that are in the bigger guilds I'm in and see if they're interested.

    Thanks again for your input.
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