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Looking to join a progressive guild Xbox One

Soul Shriven
Hey there guys, level 8 templar. Played beta on pc, but nothing more than that. Just looking for a newer guild with lower leveled members looking to progress through story, pvp, etc together with.
  • Jens_Greywolf
    Make that two
    Jens Greywolf
    Vexillarius Officer of The British Legion

    Ebonheart Pact
  • azremon
    Soul Shriven
    We have a growing guild of new players, most of us played the PC beta, and the leadership has played together a lot (Destiny, Battlefield, Neverwinter, etc). We definitely do it all in our guild. I'm looking to grow so we can be effective in the Alliance War, as well as enjoy the most PVE has to offer. We're all super friendly and supportive of helping out our guildmates with whatever is needed to further the cause. If you're interested post your Xbox GT, and we can have a quick chat so I can answer any questions and see if it's a good fit. Thanks!
    Edited by azremon on June 12, 2015 2:16PM
  • Jens_Greywolf
    Jens Greywolf
    Vexillarius Officer of The British Legion

    Ebonheart Pact
  • WisdomChains
    Soul Shriven
    GT : WisdomChains
  • RobotofSociety
    Soul Shriven
    Gt: RobotofSociety

    Beta tested ESO on PC
  • Darkxxxdrag0n
    Why a progressive guild why not a geico guild lmao lol sorry had to be a smartass hahaha
  • ruga_riz
    Riz Not4theweak
  • Lererei721
    Soul Shriven
  • Talcon
  • Talcon
  • azremon
    Soul Shriven
    Guild is Noctis Vigilum. Sending invites today.
  • xXxSEBASxXx06
    Soul Shriven
  • dalooney
    Me too please azremon: III finale III
  • carverOfBones
    Soul Shriven
  • MountedBeast

    Here is a guild finding website that you can search specifically for faction and server.

    If your looking for Xbox One NA Server with The Ebonheart Pact I invite you join The Neighborhood Watch, send message to x302x or MountedBeast for Invite or reply with GT.
    Join The Neighborhood Watch and cleanse the roads of Cyrodiil in the name of the Ebonheart Pact on Xbox One. Send message to GT: x3o2x or Mountedbeast for invite
  • sirnonagon
    Fool's Errand is 166 members strong, with plenty of new ones, and transfers to help out. Guild bank is filling up with items for newer players. Been in and out of Cyrodiil as a guild, and we have fun together! Just go to our facebook page in my signature and join!
  • Enodoc
    @WisdomChains Don't forget that prospective recruiters will need to know whether you play on the NA or EU server!
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Pman85
    Order of Stendarr (ESO it) we have around 90 members (or it might be 80, cant remember after logging off last night)

    anyway, we have a soild group of players, many eso vets re-rolling characters, or even a few who play on their vr characters. We run dungeons together nightly, we have scheduled Cyrodiil guild times (first run is this friday night).

    We have a rocking guild bank.. i make a lot of gold everytime i log in =D

    We currently have a group of players who are doing all the crafting, so if you need something done, you can get it free of charge (guildies only of course)

    We have vamps and ww in the guild, be patient and you will get infected for free, there is short line atm but that should start to move quickly next week. or we can show you where to get infected without having another player do it for you.

    here is a link to our recrutiment post -

    you can send me a pm here, in game, or on XBL and i will invite you later tonight.
    Edited by Pman85 on June 18, 2015 1:47PM
    Guildmaster - Order of Stendarr [XB1] - Apply today!

    Brought to you by Fishy Joe's....Ride the walrus!

  • Genisis1008
    Soul Shriven
    GT: Genisis1008
    Im looking to join a guild that is willing to help me as i am new to this game. Learning as i go, but looking to join a guild that we all can help each other. If you want to message me thats fine im usually on most night after 5pm cst. Thanks
  • MountedBeast
    GT: Genisis1008
    Im looking to join a guild that is willing to help me as i am new to this game. Learning as i go, but looking to join a guild that we all can help each other. If you want to message me thats fine im usually on most night after 5pm cst. Thanks

    I'll send you an invite to the neighborhood watch, we just started recruiting and already reached 11 members which gives us access to the guild bank. We have played the Elder scroll games but are new to the MMO world. Just let us know whatever you need help with.
    Edited by MountedBeast on June 18, 2015 7:22PM
    Join The Neighborhood Watch and cleanse the roads of Cyrodiil in the name of the Ebonheart Pact on Xbox One. Send message to GT: x3o2x or Mountedbeast for invite
  • Pianotugboat
    WE have a whole range of people in our guild, check it out in the guild forums @sonsofcoldharbour
    Sons of Coldharbour

  • ConvictedRambo
    Talos Mercenary Company
    (website in progress)

    Gamertag = Convicted Rambo

    we're recruiting. casual, laid back. don't be too quiet, if you want to group up just send a message and an invite.
    "Live free, or die trying."
  • Calypso313
    Soul Shriven
    Looking to join a guild for daily casual play. Calypso313
  • Dnier
    Soul Shriven
    Daily player, lvl 30 NA server ebonheart pact, new to game as well. Looking for guild to run daily plays with. Nothing specific just having fun. GT: Wond3r Bean.
    X1 Ebonheart Pact, NA Server, Mountain Time Zone.
  • ZOS_AlanG
    The Guild Recruitment forums are a better location for look for guilds. There are also separate sections for each megaserver, so it's easier to ensure that everyone reading the guild thread has access.

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