[EP] Fathers of Tamriel. Come have a drink with us!

Soul Shriven
FoT is a place built from the ground up for fathers. As dads we don't have much spare time, but when we do, we sure as hell don't want to spend it dealing with drama and stress. Our mission is to create a social place where like minded people can come together and just have fun. No drama, no mess, and no worries are the only rules. We do plan to have a PvP section, PvE section, roleplay and social sections of the guild. This guild is not designed to be a place to try hard, but a place to relax. If you are interested in joining, you can pm me on here, Reddit @ Ellroth, or shoot my PSN Ellroth a message. There will be officer positions available if your interested in a mod type of role.
Edited by Ellroth on June 13, 2015 6:15PM
  • Bertromer.68
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join your guild.
    I have a 2 year old son who keeps me busy
    and I think you are exactly the guild I'm
    looking for.
    Would be happy to hear from you soon.
    Regards Bertramer.
  • Ellroth
    Soul Shriven
    Absolutely! Head on over to our subreddit HTTPS://www.Reddit.com/r/FathersOfTamriel and leave your psn in the stickied post, once the servers are back up we will send you an invite!
  • Antubis
    I would like to join please.

    PSN: Antubis777
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