Ok so vampire/werewolf bites.

Soul Shriven
The 7 day cap i can understand however the system around it is a bit stupid, Werewolfs and vampires that know others want to be turned ask ingame currency for it. This leads to 2 issues: 1 People are scamming like crazy, and 2 even if you find someone that is willing to turn you it can take days for someone to actually turn you.

I have been looking for someone to turn me into a werewolf for the past 2 days. People tried to scam me 4x and for the rest everyone is on recharge.

if anyone is willing to do it anyway:
Server EU
Xbox One
Ebonheart Pact.
Gt. blaster1 112
  • symonator
    Just so you know it's now against eso's policy to scam for the service.
    You submit a ticket and explain it.. They will look into it as you will of traded gold and they didn't.

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  • ElricFrancis
    find a guild mine been handing out for free among guildies.
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  • Heromofo
    Give it some time. On PC there are players giving out free bites, so it'll take some time on consoles.

    Yeah we are on console (transfers) bit by bit they are worse than pc players for it and will even offer real money for it.
    Edited by Heromofo on June 25, 2015 9:58AM
  • Thalmont
    I have a Vamp and a Werewolf now and will probably be selling the bites if none of my friends want to get bitten. If there is a demand than why shouldn't I sell it? The scamming is abundant and happens a lot in MMOs, if you've played 1 before you'd have learned to cover your bases during trades. The spawn camping is really sad it's the main reason I couldn't get Vamp and WW sooner, but trolls found a way to grief people and make a profit.
    I feel a good way to avoid this issue would have been ZOS not allowing PC transfers, but that would have only topped the first swarm of spawn campers. Now all the spawn campers are fellow console gamers, that probably had to buy a bite and want to remake the money plus some profit so they camp the spawns..
  • Razgriz_2142
    I dont entirely agree with paying for bites but if people want to use their gold on that, power to them.I think I am gonna wait for it to come naturally.
  • danovic
    They need to change it so instead of can bite someone every 7 days to you have to bite someone or they get sick and weak. This would be closer to reality. That way they would be hunting for someone to bite and not vise versa. And make is so you don't have to go to the shrine to bite someone. Me I just go and bite the first person I see standing around figuring they must be volunteering to be food. Its the way I play it anyway we must bite someone every 7 day or get sick.
  • ZOS_Ann
    Based on all the requests we've seen posted by folks looking for vampire/werewolf bites, we've created individual threads for players on each console server to coordinate these bites. Our hope is that this will make it easier for those interested in acquiring and/or spreading vampirism and lycanthropy to do just that. Please use the thread for your console and server to post what you're looking for or find willing victims.
    Xbox One - NA http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/181400/xbox-one-na-seeking-offering-vampire-or-werewolf-bite#latest

    Xbox One - EU http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/181401/xbox-one-eu-seeking-offering-vampire-or-werewolf-bite#latest

    PlayStation 4 - NA http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/181402/playstation-4-na-seeking-offering-vampire-or-werewolf-bite#latest

    PlayStation 4 - EU http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/181404/playstation-4-eu-seeking-offering-vampire-or-werewolf-bite#latest

    Additionally, we don’t allow trading or selling on the forums, so if you’re looking for a bite, or what to offer, it needs to be a free exchange.

    Thanks, everyone!
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