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Guild stores always empty....... why?

Soul Shriven
title says it XB1
  • RollDodger
    because you dont use search in guild store :D
  • Ritchith
    Soul Shriven
    RollDodger wrote: »
    because you dont use search in guild store :D
  • RollDodger
    you cant see items if you just open a store
    you need choose what you need and press search
  • Ritchith
    Soul Shriven
    RollDodger wrote: »
    you cant see items if you just open a store
    you need choose what you need and press search
    i do
  • RollDodger
    its mean you search in wrong way, or this items didnt exist at the store
  • lsneakl
    Its because the guild store system is largely a waste of time to use as a buyer. It might be useful at V1-V14 but at any lower levels if you are trying to find a quick armor piece there is never anything and if there is its way over priced.

    They need to eliminate the hassel of going to ever guild trader and just consolidate all the guild traders in a town so that no matter who you ask all of the items will come up. It doesnt have to be region wide or anything as I know certain people hate the idea of any sort of auction house but the current system is really worthless for anything in Sub-50 cities.

    People can defend the system all they want but at the current time there is no reason for me to ever try to buy an item from a guild trader when 99% of the time its a waste of time with no item being there or the item being overpriced by 1000% it would seem. I am talking about raw materials, armour pieces (issue if you are 4/5 levels out ranked by your enemies all the time so you dont have any armor to switch out), and weapons.

    It still could change on the console but just like in-game voice chat the amount of times I am likley to use it over the next 12 months probably can be counted on a single hand.
  • Cherryblossom
    I would suggest that you are either doing something wrong or in the wrong guilds which don't have enough players for a guild store.

    If the Guild stores in the enviroment and Major cities are also empty for you, then yes you are doing something wrong.

    Are you on the console or PC?

    But as mentioned by another poster the Guild Stores are a badly thought out idea for selling, the tried and tested Auction houses are a much better system. Obviously people will now come in saying that I'm wrong and they are evil and give a fictious reason why they are bad, even though for the most part they work amazingly well in all other games!!!
  • AngryNord
    Could be that the guild does not have enough members yet, I don't recall the number you must have to get the guild store opened, 100? If so all you can buy is a tabard, provided the guild leader has designed one.
  • ContraTempo
    lsneakl wrote: »
    Its because the guild store system is largely a waste of time to use as a buyer. It might be useful at V1-V14 but at any lower levels if you are trying to find a quick armor piece there is never anything and if there is its way over priced.

    I buy and sell plenty of stuff in my guilds. Sometimes for specific items I have to look though my guilds and all the guild traders around a couple of big towns. Rarely I won't find it even then, but usually I do. As for prices, I usually buy stuff where I get a good deal. Depends on the item though. For example, I never see the rarest motifs on a fire sale.

    My own guild sales give me some gold in my pocket though, which makes a lot of things more affordable. Without that or some sort of gold farming, yeah, a lot of prices would be out of my reach.
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

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