Hello All,

Just some quick questions, I'm a while of end game yet! Not in Vet ranks yet but I am planning on powering to Vet ranks shortly. I did play the game on release on PC and got to VET 5 then stopped as friends stopped. However I have purchased game on xbox and want to start playing. In the past with mmo I preferred to play elites PVE, however now im happy to play more casually but still at a competitive lv, if that makes any sense :-).

There’s a few things on my mind. When I get there from a PVE only perspective what is there to do?

Is it just trials and vets? How many trials are there to do? What sort of rewards can you get from trials? Is there unique items powerful items to aim for?

Also what lv to you need to play in trials?

Kind Regards,

  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    There is no reason to power level to V14 in this game except if you want to be competitive in top end PVP. If you are interested more in PVE which is sounds like you are, once you get to V14, you can craft a full set of gear, upgrade it to purple or orange tiers and then you're done. Sure you can min max and spend weeks looking for very specific gear for a very minor bump in overall character strength, but the gear progression system as popularized by most other MMOs does not exist in this game. That means you can go do Vet dungeons, DSA, vet DSA, and trials, but you are really only doing those for the pure fun of it or if you are trying to compete for a spot on some arbitrary leaderboard.

    If you are like most people, once you get to V14, you will either log on less or roll an alt.
    Edited by Lord Xanhorn on June 24, 2015 4:53PM
    I'm kind of a small deal!
  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    To clarify, there is no content barriers at V14. Meaning you dont have to spend time doing some content to upgrade your character so you can do more difficult content. All the content at V14 PVE wise can be done with easily crafted gear and decent skill.
    Edited by Lord Xanhorn on June 24, 2015 4:58PM
    I'm kind of a small deal!
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