Share your stories Console players

So we've had a few weeks to play now and I've had some interesting tales and stores

In the NE end part of the desert quests, where you have to save the Sakal-something city, I was going into an abandoned building to find a quest journal and saw a player randomly playing the lute in a corner, I stood by him for a little bit then got closer and started to play the flute and we jammed for about 15 minutes while people came in and out for quests lol

I was in a city going from place to place and heard the ending of an npc convo and an npc said "that's what she said!"

M'aiq the liar! Need I say more? Especially funny for my khajiit toon because he's named Qia'm the Seer and the first thing he said to me was "M'aiq always tells the truth, except for when he doesn't. With you, always the truth."

Share your stories too console players :smiley:
  • hollamears
    Yesterday on the NA Xbox One server at about 4AM I arrived at the Vulkhel Guard wayshrine and heard a bunch of loud music coming from the area chat. I was just getting ready to silence it (assuming it was just another player not paying attention to their mic) when I realized the player had an entire entourage of naked people with him listening along.

    About a dozen or so characters surrounded a random man who had just arrived and proceeded to use whatever emote allowed it to look like they were all worshipping him (I'm not sure which one this is, honestly) and asked him to remove his armor. He complied, the crowd went wild.

    This all happened as "Sandstorm" played loudly and the leader of the group talked in what sounded like a Khajiit accent while he directed everyone. After a few minutes the entire cult of naked players relocated, though I'm not sure where they traveled to.

    It was an overall hilarious event to happen upon.
  • UltimaJoe777
    I kicked a Khajiit in the tail once and ran. True story.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • brassmaster12
    The character i'm currently playing is a female and the other day I was in Haven (grahtwood) doing some quests when this male player starting following me, i thought he was just doing the same quest, so I carried on. I was leaving and making my way to Eldenroot and yet he was still following me. I continued to walk around to random places to see if he would follow me then yet he still did.

    He finally put his mic on and just shouted "take your armor off" so I replied back "ok" in a male voice, and he soon ran away. It was a weird and funny experience at the same time. The only other things I have encountered is random noises and people asking what there having for their dinner.
  • markt84
    I'm sure plenty of u guys have already done this, but it was awesome and there should be an achievement for doing it......EP controlled the entire map, so we started a ganking squad of 6 while the main force tried to take back our forts. Apparently word got around about the fun that was being had, and the group grew to a full 24......and we ganked a fort. We all snuck through the broken walls and just rushed flag and took it. Most fun I've had playing the game so far
  • Yorubuke
    markt84 wrote: »
    I'm sure plenty of u guys have already done this, but it was awesome and there should be an achievement for doing it......EP controlled the entire map, so we started a ganking squad of 6 while the main force tried to take back our forts. Apparently word got around about the fun that was being had, and the group grew to a full 24......and we ganked a fort. We all snuck through the broken walls and just rushed flag and took it. Most fun I've had playing the game so far

    Nice man i had 1 like that too. altho i was on AD and we were just taking 1 of the last EP Castles left. Only 10 of us failed on the frontal seige so we all went sneak and snuck around to the back and laid seige. EP didnt even realize it til we hit them from behind on the walls. Best seige ive ever had took that castle with a 10 man squad.
    For the Dominion.
    Honorable Member of the Sanada Family
    Magicka NB - Rank 11
    Stamina Tank DK - Rank 12
    Stamina Sorc - Rank 12
  • Stories-Bones-Tell
    I've been running dungeons none stop thanks to Dungeon Finder. 90% of the time, people que and then dont go to the dungeon. I have to open PSN and send them a message telling them to come the hell on because, of course, they don't have a mic. And most of the time, even then, they dont come. So I have to leave the dungeon and re-que or spend two hours two-manning it.

    Solo dungeons are great fun too, watching 600 people run around killing the bad guys and looting everything really makes things more immersive. MMOs are all about player interaction, but come on. Give me the option of instancing the solo dungeons.

    Then there was making money money. There was no trade box so I either have to have an active guild store or go into towns and try to speak over everyone to make money. Honestly, it's quite nice to know that once monday rolls around I'll have to leave my guild and join some that actually have a store trader.
  • markt84
    Yorubuke wrote: »
    markt84 wrote: »
    I'm sure plenty of u guys have already done this, but it was awesome and there should be an achievement for doing it......EP controlled the entire map, so we started a ganking squad of 6 while the main force tried to take back our forts. Apparently word got around about the fun that was being had, and the group grew to a full 24......and we ganked a fort. We all snuck through the broken walls and just rushed flag and took it. Most fun I've had playing the game so far

    Nice man i had 1 like that too. altho i was on AD and we were just taking 1 of the last EP Castles left. Only 10 of us failed on the frontal seige so we all went sneak and snuck around to the back and laid seige. EP didnt even realize it til we hit them from behind on the walls. Best seige ive ever had took that castle with a 10 man squad.

    That is just too much fun. We took robek for EP after AD did all the work. Not sure what kinda battle they were having in there because we just whipped out both alliances and took the flag. We didn't face much resistance at all
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