For those that wish to experience the game using a controller, I have, in my opinion one of the best possible layouts available. I've tested this extensively and it works wonderfully and is very intuitive once you start using it. Aside from chat (obviously), you can do everything with the controller very well.
1 - Recommended Setup:
-Turn Auto-loot to ON in SETTINGS -> GAMEPLAY -> ITEMS
-Lootdrop for graphical icons that show what you loot with auto-loot
-Download the Wykkyd Framework Addon for macro functionality, great to setup easy access to your favorite emotes. Can also broadcast auto-loot to chat box if you prefer that to something like Lootdrop.
2 - Configuration:
1) Turn OFF the "Double Tap to Dodge" option in SETTINGS -> GAMEPLAY -> COMBAT;
2) Setup some keybindings under the CONTROLS -> KEYBINDINGS menu as follows:
Keybindings - Movement
Toggle Walk/Run = 6
Roll Dodge = 7
Keybindings - Wykkyd's Framework Macro Window (OPTIONAL)
Toggle Macro Window = Num Del
Macro Button 1 = Num 1
Macro Button 2 = Num 2
Macro Button 3 = Num 3
Macro Button 4 = Num 4
Macro Button 5 = Num 5
Macro Button 6 = Num 6
Macro Button 7 = Num 7
Macro Button 8 = Num 8
Macro Button 9 = Num 9
Macro Button 10 = Num 0
Macro Button 11 = Num /
Macro Button 12 = Num *
Keybindings - Siege*
*Use Secondary Bind
Fire Siege Weapon = 1
Exit Siege Weapon = 2
Stow Siege Weapon = 3
3 - How to use
-Hold RB to access SET2 buttons
-Hold RS-click to access the CAMERA mode buttons
-Hold RS-click and press LS-click to access the MENUS mode buttons
-Hold RS-click and press LB to access the MACROS mode buttons
-Press LT or RT at any time in MENUS, CAMERA or MACROS mode to return to DEFAULT controls
-NPC dialogue response choices: press A for 1st, B = 2nd, X = 3rd and RB+A = 4th choice.
4 - Controller Config
I think of the layout as having 4 modes: Default, Menus, Camera and Macro
-Controls very similarly to Skyrim
-Some controls do different things if you tap them vs. hold them for .2 seconds
-Some SET2 buttons are the same as SET1 to allow combat to still work well.
BUTTON : SET1 | SET2 (if different)
LT : Block
RT : Attack
LB : Tap = Focus Target / Hold = Sprint
RB : Hold = SET2
LS : Movement
LS-click : Sneak
RS : Camera
RS-click : Tap = Toggle 1st person view / Hold = CAMERA mode
A : Ability 1 | Ability 4
B : Ability 2 | Ability 5
X : Ability 3 | Use Synergy (X)
Y : Tap = Dodgeroll / Hold = Jump | Use Ultimate (R)
Dpad-Up : Tap = Horse / Hold = Auto-run | Toggle Walk or Run
Dpad-Right : Tap = Use Favorite / Hold = Select Favorite | Favorite Macro (Numpad 1)
Dpad-Down : (E) key... does alot
| PC interaction (F)
Dpad-Left : Switch Weapons | Sheathe Weapon
Start : Tap = Map / Hold = Journal | Cycle Quest
Back : Tap = Inventory / Hold = Skills | (Alt)
-slower moving cursor on RS
-(E) still mapped to Dpad-Down
-Start and Back keys still mapped to Map/Journal and Inv/Skills respectively
-All keys needed to navigate menus, map, vendors, crafting are mapped:
-(R) = X button; (F) = Dpad-Right; (X) = Dpad-Up; (E) = Dpad-Down
-mouse wheel mapped to LS for easy zooming in/out on maps and scrolling through inventory screens, etc.
-automatically go in this mode when going to map, journal, inventory, skills
-automatically exit menu mode and in-game menus when pressing B
-LMB mapped to A for easy selection of things
-LMB also mapped to RB in case you need to drag stuff like the map or a skill
-RMB mapped to Y
-access to all unmapped menus through a 'cycle menus' function mapped to LB
-force controls to go to menu mode by RS-click-hold and then LS-click
-Access CAMERA mode by holding RS-click
-Dpad Up zooms camera in
-Dpad Down zooms camera out
-Dpad Left lowers volume
-Dpad Right raises volume
-While in CAMERA mode, you are in freelook mode in-game.
-Access by clicking and holding RS then pressing LB
-Fun when you just want to hang around town and drunkdance
-Macros mapped to face buttons, dpad, start & back buttons and RB
-Sprint = Hold LB
-Toggle Walk/Run = Click LS
-Sheathe Weapon = Click RS
-Dar'cula - Khajiit Nightblade Bow/Destro Staff Vampire on the NA server