Xbox One EU – Seeking/Offering Vampire or Werewolf Bite

Since we launched ESOTU on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, we’ve seen a surge in requests on forums and social media from players looking for werewolf and vampire bites. In an effort to make it easier for existing vampires and werewolves to find willing victims on their own servers, we’ve created separate threads for each console server. Please use these threads (rather than creating new ones) to let others know if you’re seeking or offering a vampire or werewolf bite.

A few things to keep in mind:
  • This thread is for coordinating free bites
    • We do not allow for trades or sales of any kind to be coordinated on the forums.
    • Some players may offer or request payment, and we want to remind everyone that if you choose to pay for a bite, you do so at your own risk.
    • Accepting in-game payment for a service like this and not delivering the agreed upon service is a violation of the game’s Terms of Service.
  • Please only post once
    • Posting multiple times clutters the thread and makes it more difficult to navigate.
    • The only exception here would be if you’re seeking a bite in your first comment, and later in the thread you are offering a bite to others.
  • Do not create separate threads in addition to posting here
    • This creates more work for us, as we're actively closing the smaller request threads and redirecting to the appropriate places.
Thanks for your cooperation, everyone!
Edited by ZOS_AmeliaR on August 6, 2015 2:59PM
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • Danterius_Wolf-Borne
    Soul Shriven
    Hello to all Werewolves,

    Character Name: Danterius Wolf-Borne
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Console: Xbox One
    Server: Europe
    Gamertag: Fallen Elem3nt

    Hoping someone will pass on the Lycanthropy to me to help build the werewolf army against the Vampire's!
  • Cyran
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a werewolf bite

    Character Name: Silver-Mist
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
    System: Xbox One
    Server: North America
    Gamer Tag: DEM0N MISTRESS

    Still looking.
    Edited by Cyran on June 20, 2015 6:27PM
  • CloudDreamer31
    Soul Shriven
    Can I hope on this and request a Werewolf Bite ?

    Character Name: CloudDreamer
    Alliance: EbonHeart Pact
    System: Xbox One
    Server: EU

    GT:- CloudDreamer31

    Thanks in advance
  • JP117
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a Vampire bite

    Character name: Rott
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Sytem: Xbox One
    Server: EU

    Gamertag: JAP1997

  • Magical_Acorns
    Console: Xbox One
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
    Server: North American
    Gamertag: Magical Acorns
    Bite: Vampire

  • willstyles444
    PSN: crackyledoosh
    EU server

    appreciate it
  • willstyles444
    PSN: crackyledoosh
    EU server

    appreciate it
  • der_katna
    Soul Shriven
    Yo, looking for a werewolf bite. Spent all night looking with no luck! I'm willing to trade for it, don't have a lot of gold yet. I have some dwemer motifs, probably my most valuable item.
    -der katna (gt)
    -NA megaserver

    Thanks a bunch ahead of time! I'm on a lot, so message me whenever.
  • sterice88
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox one GT: Alvowonder
    Char name: Stephen Rice
    Ebonheart Pact
    EU Server

    Would really appreciate it guys.

  • Heat3m
    Soul Shriven
    Character Name: Afonso I
    Sever: EU
    Gamertag: Heat3mUp
    Bite: Vampire

    Looking look vampire bite.
    Invite me to guild or group.
  • Xxicefalconxx
    Soul Shriven
    charactername : Xx IceFaLCoN xX

    server : EU

    GT : Xx Ic3FaLCoN xX

    Bite : werewolf

    Ebonheart pact

    message me in game gt Xx Ic3FaLCoN xX
    Edited by Xxicefalconxx on June 18, 2015 6:51PM
  • DragooBreath
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for to be bitten werewolf

    GT DragooBreath

    Server EU

    Alliance Ebonheat pact

    Char name Dracul

    appreciate it.

    Character name: Dracul
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Sytem: Xbox One
    Server: EU

    Gamertag: DragooBreath

    Thank. explained two ways
    Edited by DragooBreath on June 18, 2015 10:44AM
  • sihawkinsnrb19_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for a bite please.

    GT = s0ul rav3n

    Can travel to any location so no issues with specific alliances

    Hit me up in game please as it would really be appreciated.

  • sihawkinsnrb19_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Werewolf bite ^^ to be specific :-)
  • teckycombs
    Soul Shriven
    Hi everyone looking for vampire bite.

    European server
    Ebonheart pact

    Teckycombs is my gamer tag.

    Send me a massage if you can help me out!

    Thank you!
  • CrazyAssassin91
    Looking for vampire bite
    Message me on xbox one
    Gametag CrazyAssassin91
    Character name Rolen Loreweaver
    Alliance EbonHeart pact
    Server EU
  • d1ppyo
    Soul Shriven
    looking for werewolf bite. plz msg me on xbox live

    Character Name: prozpekt
    Alliance: daggerfall
    Console: Xbox One
    Server: Europe
    Gamertag: ProzpekT Xx

    many thanks
  • pedders1995
    Soul Shriven
    looking for a vampire bite

    GT : Pedders1995

    Ebonheart Pact

    Level 11

    EU server

    Thanks :) message on either the forum or message on xbl would be much appreciated :)
  • RakiReid2010
    Looking for Vampire Bite

    GT: RakiReid2010

    Character: Titanus Ironheart LvL 28

    Server: EU Ebonheart Pact

    Most Appreciated and will definitely spread the gift
  • Fozzi99
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for werewolf bite:(

    Aldemire dominion
    GT:xX Mc Fozzi Xx
    Lvl 36
  • TheJackal45
    Looking for Free Vampire Bite. Been scammed once already and people selling bites are killing spawns.

    Psn robertfarquhar66

    Server NA Ebonheart

    I will provide free bites to anybody after I'm able to.
    Edited by TheJackal45 on June 18, 2015 5:02PM
  • manthrerd
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for werewolf bite.
    ebonheart pact eu.
    gt: manthrerd
  • beanorulessss
    Soul Shriven
    gamer tag beanorulessss
    alliance daggerfall covenant
    system xbox one
    sever EU
    Werewolf Bite please

    if u can message me in game for any reaseon send me a message via xbox live thanks
  • Cxldwell
    Looking for Werewolf bite

    Character Name: Caldwell
    Alliance: Aldmeri Dominion
    Console: Xbox One
    Server: Europe
    Gamertag: Cxldwell

    Message me on Xbox One please
    Edited by Cxldwell on June 18, 2015 6:47PM
  • Equilibriator
    Hi, I'm looking for a werewolf bite. I'm also looking for a werewolf guild if there is any.

    Console: Xbox One
    Region: Europe
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Gamertag: Equilibriator

    Message me on xbox or here, im entering this nights hunt for werewolf bite so ill be checking constantly :D
  • Dashby
    Soul Shriven
    Looking for wearwolf bite please :/

    Character Name: Dashby
    Alliance: Daggerfall
    Console: Xbox One
    Server: Europe
    Gamertag: Dashbyy

  • chevalierknight
    Looking for vampire bite been looking for a week im just depresd now eu xbox gt chevalierknight
  • Twoface123

    Looking for wearwolf bite please :)

    Character Name: Ragnar the destroyer
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Console: Xbox One
    Server: NA
    Gamertag: Tw0 Fac3 123
  • lampsr5
    Soul Shriven
    Character Name: l Achilles l
    Alliance: Daggerfall Convenant
    System: Xbox One
    Server: Europe
    Gamer Tag: ZzL4MP5zZ

    Looking for a Vampire or a werewolf bite please - just want to make my game more interesting :) thanks guys
  • BrettMcCaddon
    Soul Shriven
    Character Name: Danterius Sorcerer Snakes
    Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
    Console: Xbox One
    Server: Europe
    Gamertag: xSSx SN4K3Yz

    Looking for Vampire bite, will pay very good amount of gold
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