The unfiltered review of racial passives:
Are you the type of player who likes to heal themselves while swimming faster through water than other races? If so then Argonians might be for you....with their increased swimming speed and bonus healing received by 6%. For everyone else though....they're garbage. "Don't forget the pots bonus too! Tell them about the pots!!!!!" Oh yea...and if you guzzle a potion you get a minor bump in stats

High Elf are the most powerful offensive staff wielding casters in the game (unless you spec fire)...which is why mine is a Dragonknight tank with a shield...
Wood Elf are only good as Nightblades. 50% of their passives are dedicated to stealth and archery. my humble opinion...are the strongest melee damage race. With an icreased 6% crit and an increased 10% damage while stealthed...they can rip through anything very quickly.

Breton are the strongest "PvP" casters. Remember in World of Warcraft when they introduced resilience that lowered other players ability to do massive damage to you? The Breton is similar to having a caster with resilience. They have a high amount of spell resistance. Also, everything cost less to cast on a Breton and they have a 10% increased magicka...therefore a Breton can sustain a long battle/fight better than most. In PvP longevity is key.
Do you like to run around while tanking? While holding agro on a group of mobs in a party do you enjoy sprinting behind the healer over and over? If so Orc is for you! With a reduced sprint cost and increased speed....these Usain Bolt Olympians are able to sprint around faster than even a Khajiit...and with their larger bulky size it only makes sense that they move faster and more gracefully! BUT WAIT....Theres more.....they also have 6% increased stamina, faster health recovery in combat, AND heavey army expertise....when in a company of friends...I refer to Orcs as the "Gazelles of Tanking"

Do you like gaining more energy the more times you hit someone? If so you might be interested in the REDGUARD race. This race not only has a shield bonus perk but they also are able to restore stamina per hit! Too bad that stamina perk doesn't help them while opposed to the graceful Orc's perks
Do you like fire? When you were a kid did you fry bugs with a magnifying glass? When you got older did you enjoy burning down buildings and houses? If so....the Dark Elf is for you! They not only dish out 7% more fire damage but they also have a high resistance to fire.

Nord...Nord...Nord....where do I begin? If God is capable of making mistakes...his first would be the Nord race. Sure the 6% reduced incoming damage seems nice at first for tanks...but when you look at the other abilities you cringe. How useful is 6% decreased damage while tanking if you are tanking with a 2 handed weapon? Yep that's right kids...they take less damage and have increased expertise in 2 handed weapons...because that makes sense. And then there is the increased frost resistance! God only knows how many times in PvP and PvE that we are overwhelmed by frost damage. (sarcasm)

Imperial...the chosen ones. For an extra $20 you get the crown jewel of races. Like a vampire their melee attacks restore health, they have 10% increased stamina, AND 10% increased health. Did I mention they get a shield perk as well? You can never go wrong with Imperial.
What are your thoughts about the racial passives? Don't be shy!