Disconnection and wait queue

Soul Shriven
It's frustrating when I'm playing with my friends and I get booted out of the game only to be stuck in a long wait queue. Is there a way you can push those that get disconnected to the front of the line? We've already waited through the queue once and our friends are waiting on us.... What's worse is I never lost connection to Xbox live or party chat and my internet never went out. Just give us like a 5 minute grace period before putting us at the back of the line. :-(
  • codey_s
    Soul Shriven
    im pretty sure 3/4 of the ppl in queue are disconnects
  • St0neclaw
    Soul Shriven
    The other quarter haven't gotten on yet
  • Knight0fTruth
    Soul Shriven
    Also frustrating when you get an error code such as the one I just got that warned me about "messaging" and exceeding the "rate" -- I clicked "a" to enter a house and nothing happened so i hit it a couple more times and got booted with "Error 381" or whatever it was, now I'm 931760 in queue...

    <sigh> I should've remembered my policy about day-one launches of MMOs: "Never. Never. Never". This is simply maddening.
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