The first time I got a Seige since the new update , I hit a player 9 times in a row while he sat their purging and not even bothering to move . 9 direct hits , no dodges , no running back and forth , n I n e hits in a row and their health barely moved .
I just threw all my Seige on the ground and left it there to rot . Next , I went to a delve and waited 1 hr for the mythical Delve Boss to appear . Dozens of VR14's sitting around PvEing and waiting while Our alliance loses keeps and scrolls . But who the hell cares ? I really don't . People are just trying anything to fix their boredom with pvp that's been left unattended on real issues like lag . I know Wheels is trying his hardest to please the hardest audience so this isn't a rant . I'm not gonna throw a ZOS name out there for help .
Guys , Gurlz , fellow war mongers ... Are we out of solutions ? Has Fonzi jumped the shark tank ? Will we ever find out who shot J.R. ?
I'm gonna go RP till I cool off ...