Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
· PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Error 201 (7:4:409:1007)


Yesterday everything was fine. I updated the game and played.
Now... i try to get ingame since 1 hour.

Launcher seems fine. News are loaded.
When i type in my password and press enter, the error occurs.
I observed, that the game couldn`t load the anauncements. (a clear indicator).
Even if i type in a wrong password, the error 201 comes in.

Everything else works fine (Internet, download etc).

What i did so far:
- restart PC
- restart launcher/game
- started with administrator rights
- repaired
- Run Game Consultant
- deactivated firewall and spydetection
- updated everything
- restarted router.

What can i do now?
  • Iduyenn
    I am working now trough some posts here, but so far, nothing has helped.

  • Iduyenn
    I even deleted the Elder Scrolls from my "Documents" folder.

    PS: Ah, i can`t Edit my first post, but all others. I will do that from now on.

    150318-000838 Ticket is open now.
    Edited by Iduyenn on March 18, 2015 11:37AM
  • remlnx
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks god it's not only me!

    Yes, same identical issue.
    Up to this late night, everything was working fine no problems at all.
    This morning and this afternoon no way i can login, getting Error 201 (7:4:409:1007).
    As side note, on the client login page i get "Unable to retrieve Announcements" aswell.

    I followed the full instruction on the support forum, deleted the program data (launcher) folder, deleted the mydocuments/elderscrollsonline folder, and done the clean boot procedure + repair client; didnt helped.

    If this is of any help, im in Switzerland using as ISP

    Please Iduyenn if they answer your ticket and you solve the issue, can you tell me how you fixed it? thanks.
    Edited by remlnx on March 18, 2015 12:18PM
  • Iduyenn
    Swizzerland Swisscom here.

    I ll contact them now and let you know.
  • remlnx
    Soul Shriven
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    Swizzerland Swisscom here.

    I ll contact them now and let you know.

    Right, looks like it's the Swisscom creating the issue then :(
    Yes please let me know what they tell you thanks
  • Iduyenn
    Ok, i made them a phone, but they can`t figure anything out.

    Before contacting their hard-core support (very expensive). I would like to have a response from the eso support.

    The Problem still remains.
  • remlnx
    Soul Shriven
    Iduyenn wrote: »
    Ok, i made them a phone, but they can`t figure anything out.

    Before contacting their hard-core support (very expensive). I would like to have a response from the eso support.

    The Problem still remains.

    As soon as im back home, i call them too and i wont close the call before they solve it. Will let you know in 4hrs or so

  • Iduyenn
    thnx, i would appriciate it.

    But it could also be a problem with the game and a look from a tech guy would be good aswell.

    Unfortunately it`s night over there. ^^
  • remlnx
    Soul Shriven
    Update: I'm now able to log in and play.
    What about you?
    Edited by remlnx on March 18, 2015 2:38PM
  • Iduyenn
    Yes, no it works!



    But... WTF was the Problem?
  • remlnx
    Soul Shriven
    No clue but if i have to guess.. a node not working on the route to the switzerland?
  • Shader_Shibes
    Just happened to me. Just finished Elden pledge, go to leave then get same error.

    I'm UK also.

    Working now ^_^
    Edited by Shader_Shibes on March 18, 2015 3:58PM
  • eldermpsmithrwb17_ESO
    Error Code 201 7:4:409:1007 i just started getting this after last patch, no problems before, tried everything

    Repaired files, checked for updates, did the program data thing, checked firewall, ran as administrator, restarted computer, restarted modem, checked ICP ports, nothing worked so filed a ticket. I am in Australia, internet is fine on everything else.

    All of my hirelings are waiting for me, My crafting writs go unanswered
    My Undaunted daily stays daunted :smile:

    Now what am i going to do with my time

    Any help really appreciated
    Selcouth Nexus V16 Templar Magika Healer/Dps
    Mrs Schadenfreude V16 Magika Sorc Dps/off heals
    Malevolent Lust v16 DK Stam Dps/tank
    Mephala's Rage v16 NB Magika Dps
    Lara Nipplestorm v16 DK Magika DPS
  • james_vestbergb16_ESO
    Same here guys, just got it after todays patch. Im in Sweden. Done all the "fixes" aswell, no luck.
  • james_vestbergb16_ESO
    How long did you guys have to wait before it solved itself?, wait let me rephrase that, Before ZOS realised it's not on our end, it's they who need to fix things....
    Edited by james_vestbergb16_ESO on March 24, 2015 1:05PM
  • james_vestbergb16_ESO

    Atleast acknowledge the post guys....
    Edited by james_vestbergb16_ESO on March 24, 2015 1:01PM
  • Rikkers
    Soul Shriven
    I've got the same issue today after the patch, I'm form Poland. So for You guys it just magically started to work?

    P.S. in my case it was ESET fault... it didn't notice changes in ESO after update and blocked it without prompt
    Edited by Rikkers on March 24, 2015 5:28PM
  • ZOS_MollyH

    Error 201 is most frequently caused by security software. Antivirus programs, firewalls, and security/spyware suites which previously allowed ESO traffic through may need to be adjusted again after the updates as @Rikkers discovered.

    Please be sure to double check all of your security software, re-enable permissions, check your firewalls, and if necessary try clean-booting your computer to see if you are able to connect to ESO:TU with your security software temporarily disabled.

    If you are able to connect with it temporarily disabled, you should be sure to contact the publisher's support team for specific instructions on how to add proper permissions for both the launcher and ESO:TU executable files to get through your security suite!

    Please be sure to contact our dedicated support team for one-on-one assistance with your specific setup. While we can provide basic troubleshooting steps here on the forums, your best method of support is going to be going through the customer support team at
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Iduyenn
    It solved itself after 10 hours.
    If you have done all the steps. Its most likely a Prob by Zos or your provider.
  • eldermpsmithrwb17_ESO
    ZOS_MollyH wrote: »

    Error 201 is most frequently caused by security software. Antivirus programs, firewalls, and security/spyware suites which previously allowed ESO traffic through may need to be adjusted again after the updates as @Rikkers discovered.

    Please be sure to double check all of your security software, re-enable permissions, check your firewalls, and if necessary try clean-booting your computer to see if you are able to connect to ESO:TU with your security software temporarily disabled.

    If you are able to connect with it temporarily disabled, you should be sure to contact the publisher's support team for specific instructions on how to add proper permissions for both the launcher and ESO:TU executable files to get through your security suite!

    Please be sure to contact our dedicated support team for one-on-one assistance with your specific setup. While we can provide basic troubleshooting steps here on the forums, your best method of support is going to be going through the customer support team at


    I was able to login after disabling Norton Anti-virus, ESO is an exception on my firewall however though.

    I dont know how to make ESO an exception program to Norton though
    Selcouth Nexus V16 Templar Magika Healer/Dps
    Mrs Schadenfreude V16 Magika Sorc Dps/off heals
    Malevolent Lust v16 DK Stam Dps/tank
    Mephala's Rage v16 NB Magika Dps
    Lara Nipplestorm v16 DK Magika DPS
  • eldermpsmithrwb17_ESO
    Norton 360 had a bug where program rules weren't working, ESO worked when i disabled Norton Firewall.

    Ended up having to repair and reinstall Norton to enable program rules and exceptions, all working fine now, thanks @ZOS_MollyH for answering in this thread, saved me a 3-5 day wait on my ticket, and potential $1000's in gold losses by not being in game
    Selcouth Nexus V16 Templar Magika Healer/Dps
    Mrs Schadenfreude V16 Magika Sorc Dps/off heals
    Malevolent Lust v16 DK Stam Dps/tank
    Mephala's Rage v16 NB Magika Dps
    Lara Nipplestorm v16 DK Magika DPS
  • Auldjohn
    Similar problem yesterday on NA immediately after Patch 2.0.7. Correct password not accepted. (No 201 error, no errors at all). Ran Repair again and password still not accepted on NA. >:)

    Submitted a Support Request. Immediately after exiting ESO Help, when I returned to the Launcher I successfully logged in to NA with the same password -- no errors and success! :) Selected my main character, crossed fingers, then clicked Play. After a 2 minute, 36 second Character Loading screen, success! Back in Cyrodiil! B) No in-game issues during brief visit, testing tabs, mail, character screen, etc. Successfully updated Guild Description. Logged out, feeling relieved!

    BTW, today Support replied, suggesting request Password Reset. I responded, reporting issue fixed on NA login without password change.

    This afternoon, Login to EU after 2.0.7, entered correct password, but not accepted after several tries. Re-confirmed password, tried again. :s:/ Running Repair on EU now...

    ESO Support FAQ mentions 206 and 209 errors may occur after a recent patch update. The Patch version checker may timeout while searching local client files for version match, causing a spurious Manifest error. Although I did not have either 206 or 209 with my login password not being accepted, could this be a related issue caused by the delay in Launcher recognizing the 2.0.7 Patch update status?
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage &
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
  • eagardh_ESO
    Auldjohn wrote: »
    Similar problem yesterday on NA immediately after Patch 2.0.7. Correct password not accepted. (No 201 error, no errors at all). Ran Repair again and password still not accepted on NA. >:)

    Submitted a Support Request. Immediately after exiting ESO Help, when I returned to the Launcher I successfully logged in to NA with the same password -- no errors and success! :) Selected my main character, crossed fingers, then clicked Play. After a 2 minute, 36 second Character Loading screen, success! Back in Cyrodiil! B) No in-game issues during brief visit, testing tabs, mail, character screen, etc. Successfully updated Guild Description. Logged out, feeling relieved!

    BTW, today Support replied, suggesting request Password Reset. I responded, reporting issue fixed on NA login without password change.

    This afternoon, Login to EU after 2.0.7, entered correct password, but not accepted after several tries. Re-confirmed password, tried again. :s:/ Running Repair on EU now...

    ESO Support FAQ mentions 206 and 209 errors may occur after a recent patch update. The Patch version checker may timeout while searching local client files for version match, causing a spurious Manifest error. Although I did not have either 206 or 209 with my login password not being accepted, could this be a related issue caused by the delay in Launcher recognizing the 2.0.7 Patch update status?

    In other words.... to be precise they need to tell the Launcher to take more time and let the search for local client files complete before it kicks out an error code.

    Zenimax Devs need to fix the Launcher. Great game sunk by Bad Launcher.... I swear I heard a similar story as a kid....

    Thanks for info Auldjohn, much appreciated.

    Edited by eagardh_ESO on May 1, 2015 1:29AM
  • Auldjohn
    Matt, ESO CSR, provided this info about the 209 and other errors after Patch 2.0.7:

    The manifest issues you were experiencing were down to some older files still being hosted on the patching servers. They were flushed and renewed yesterday, so the 209 errors should now be gone.

    His response included proactive follow-up on other unrelated issues I'd reported. Matt has helped me before, always with an exemplary response. Kudos, Matt. :) I'd give him a shout-out, but don't have his @name.
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage &
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
  • Nord_Templar
    This site does not open, with my real IP address. But if I am using VPN, the site (Forum) opens.
    I want to say that today I also have this problem.

    It's important to configure the DNS server. Strict DNS server (as Norton Symantec ) blocks bad sites with vulnerabilities. Therefore, the game does not start, and this site does not open.

      But if you set Google DNS address - everything will work normally. Google is a public hole, everyone knows it.

    I checked, 10 minutes ago. I started the game by changing the DNS address. At the address Google DNS - all works, if the address of Symantec Norton - the game does not start.
      I think, my Internet provider can not track the connection, and therefore does not allow to connect.
    Edited by Nord_Templar on June 7, 2017 5:08PM
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