Portable Wayshrine Pieces

I've been mulling over the types of things ZOS could add to the Crown Store to bring in revenue and I recently wondered about a portable wayshrine shard.

It would be cool if this were incorporated into an in-game quest line where a player learns that destroyed wayshrine pieces called Wayshards retain part of their teleportation properties, they just need to be revived by an enchanter in the Mages Guild.

Players should be able to take the Wayshards from a destroyed Wayshrine and have them revived by an enchanter. This quest should have a 96 hour cool-down to where one player can't make more than one every 4 days. Wayshards, dead or revived, should be able to be sold or traded. Once they are used, they are consumed.

Wayshards, not being as powerful as Wayshrines, should only be able to teleport players to anywhere within the same Zone, but the teleportation should be independent of the presence of a Wayshrine. In this way they offer additional functionality that is not currently present in ESO.

If a player is in a dungeon, or underground in any way, the Wayshard should place the player outside of the dungeon at the entrance.

Alternatively, players could buy Wayshard stacks from the Crown Store. As many as they want, as often as they want. No cool-down whatsoever.

EDIT: A post by @harvey.wastasecootb16_ESO gave me the idea that Wayshards should allow players to teleport anywhere and they should drop players outside of dungeons.

Edited by Gidorick on July 29, 2015 5:27AM
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  • Valymer
    A good idea but doesn't /stuck get you the same thing without spending RL $ ?
  • Nyghthowler
    You can open your map, select a Wayshrine, and pay gold to travel to it, no RL money involved.
    I'm not prejudiced; I hate everyone equally !
  • Gidorick
    You can open your map, select a Wayshrine, and pay gold to travel to it, no RL money involved.

    yea... lets get rid of that. :wink:

    That was a joke... I think the option to use either or would be fine. Charge 100C for the wayshard and people can keep one in their pocket if they are at the point that it'll cost them 1000s of gold.
    Edited by Gidorick on February 6, 2015 6:22AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    I made a few changes to this concept.
    1. Wayshard revival should have a 4 day cool-down instead of a 7 day cooldown
    2. Wayshards should be allowed to be sold/traded/bought through guild stores
    3. Wayshards should allow the player to teleport anywhere in the zone, regardless of the presence of a Wayshrine.
    4. If in a dungeon of any type and the Wayshard is used, the player is teleported outside of the dungeon entrance.

    These changes actually makes the Wayshard a NEW function in ESO, not offer a for-pay redundant function.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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