These are probably the same people who cried that the game is still in alpha months after release.ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »People don't know the difference between unplayable and un-optimized. It happens.
These are probably the same people who cried that the game is still in alpha months after release.
The fifth poll about other polls determined we're not supposed to make new ones.ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »
Probably. We should make a poll about it.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »How on earth can you have multiple VR14 chars and claim the game is "unplayable". I dont even have one VR14 character and I play alot lol.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »How on earth can you have multiple VR14 chars and claim the game is "unplayable". I dont even have one VR14 character and I play alot lol.
stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO wrote: »The game is clearly not unplayable. It can be frustrating from time to time, but it's still a good game. For the most part. Except when it's not. But I'm still here, and I just resubscribed for another month.