Skooma Concept/Suggestion

A large part of the Khajiit culture, which has a rather negative stigma attached, is their manufacturing and love of the drug Skooma, which is made from Refined Moon Sugar.

NOTE: This concept is from before the 1.6 provisioning update. I have long thought the removal of Moon Sugar as a provisioning ingredient was setting up the concept of Moon Sugar as a Skooma ingredient. Also, Since we now have XP boosters, I think Skooma could also incorporate that sort of mechanic.

To Make Skooma:
Skooma needs to be a very unique and multi-tiered concoction in ESO. Since Moon Sugar is a provisioning ingredient there needs to be a process that turns the provisioning ingredient into an alchemy reagent. My recommendation is for there to be a moon sugar enrichment and refinement process that requires a player to be adept at Provisioning and Alchemy (a cook & a chemist). This could turn into having Skooma cooking teams within ESO where one person works the Provisioning side and another works the Alchemy.

(We should pause a moment for people to make all the Breaking Bad/Jesse Pinkman/Heisenberg correlations now…. Good? Ok… let’s move on.)

There are two plants that should be added to ESO in order to support the Moon Sugar mechanic.
  • Moon sugar plants: These plants should be found in Elsweyr, especially along the southern shore, from which the Moon Sugar ingredient can be extracted.
  • Nightshade: The Nightshade plant reagent (which should be added for the Dark Brotherhood’s Black Sacrament anyway) should be added to Tamriel, specifically to Cyrodill. The alchemic traits of Nightshade could be Ravage Magica, Ravage Stamina, Lower Weapon Power, and Lower Spell Power.

    There will ultimately be many other uses for Nightshade other than Skooma production, but will not be discussed here.

Moon Sugar Provisions:
  • Enriched Moon Sugar: Enriched Moon Sugar could be a level 25 grilled food that can be produced using Moon Sugar, Milled Flour, & Salt. The produced Enriched Moon Sugar could be able to be eaten to gain increased max Health for a time. Enriched Moon Sugar could ALSO be a provisioning ingredient for Moon Sugar Liquor.
  • Moon Sugar Liquor: Moon sugar liquor could be a VR5 provisioning drink recipe that requires Enriched Moon Sugar, Golden Malt, Snowberry, & Juniper Berry or Canis Root, Molasses, and Salt. This will produce a liquor that will give the effects of increased Health, Magica, and Stamina recovery for a period of time. Moon Sugar Liquor could ALSO be able to be used as a reagent in the alchemy recipe for refined Moon Sugar and Skooma. As a reagent, Moon Sugar Liquor could have the Restore Stamina and Restore Magica.

Moon Sugar Alchemy:

  • Refined Moon Sugar: To make Refined Moon Sugar, an alchemist would need the single reagent of Moon Sugar Liquor. Refined Moon Sugar by itself could have the primary effect of Restore Stamina and Restore Magica, making useful for all builds. Moon Sugar Liquor could also be a reagent for Skooma with the traits of Restore Health, Restore Magica, and Restore Stamina.
  • Skooma: FINALLY! We get to the good stuff. To make Skooma an alchemist will need the following reagents Moon Sugar Liquor, Refined Moon sugar & Nightshade. The effects a single dose of Skooma is Restore Health, Restore Stamina, Restore Magica, Ravage Magica, Ravage Stamina, Lower Weapon Power, and Lower Spell Power.

Skooma Use:
The main use for Skooma would be an emergency drink that is kept on-hand for a last second go-to during battle. It could have an extremely powerful Heath, Stamina, and Magica restoration that is coupled with a Lowered Weapon Power and a Lowered Spell Power.

Addition: Skooma could also give players an XP boost. To make this tempting to use, the boost could be upwards of 200% but could only last for a short period of time, like 30 seconds.

Once a player uses Skooma, they start to become addicted and they feel the effects of the addiction process. Once mildly addicted, a player must use Skooma within a specific amount of time else they would start to go through the levels of Withdrawal.

Once a player uses Skooma, they will benefit from some bonuses but will also experience some penalties. The player isn’t dependent on Skooma during the first level of addiction and becomes even more addicted the more Skooma they use.
  • Pre-Addiction:
    A player that has used Skooma within the past 6 hours will…
    • Have slightly yellowed eyes
    • Have increased Heath Regeneration for 20 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have increased Stamina Regeneration for 20 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have increased Magica Regeneration for 20 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have slightly altered vision 5 minutes after Skooma use.
    • NOT experience Skooma withdrawal if no more Skooma is used
    • Become further addicted if Skooma is used within 16 hours of their last Skooma use
  • Mild Skooma Addiction:
    Those that have just become addicted to Skooma but have not further abused the drug will…
    • Have moderately yellowed eyes
    • Have light rings under their eyes
    • Have greater increased Heath Regeneration for 30 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have greater increased Stamina Regeneration for 30 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have greater increased Magica Regeneration for 30 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have slightly altered vision 10 minutes after Skooma use.
    • Will experience Skooma withdrawal if Skooma isn’t used within the next 8 hours
    • Will become further addicted if Skooma is used within 12 hours of their last Skooma use.
  • Moderate Skooma Addiction:
    Those that have fallen deeper into addiction with Skooma will…
    • Have deeply yellowed eyes
    • Have darker rings under their eyes
    • Have yellowed teeth
    • Have even greater increased Heath Regeneration for 45 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have even greater increased Stamina Regeneration for 45 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have even greater increased Magica Regeneration for 45 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have slightly altered vision 20 minutes after Skooma use.
    • Will experience Skooma withdrawal if Skooma isn’t used within the next 4 hours
    • Will become further addicted if Skooma is used within 6 hours of their last Skooma use.
  • Severe Skooma Addiction:
    Those that have been addled by Skooma addiction will…
    • Have deep yellow-brown eyes
    • Have very dark rings under their eyes
    • Have darkened yellow-browned teeth and
    • Have an odor that appears as a faint yellow cloud around the player
    • Have greatly increased Heath Regeneration for 60 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have greatly increased Stamina Regeneration for 60 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have greatly increased Magica Regeneration for 60 minutes after Skooma use
    • Have slightly altered vision 30 minutes after Skooma use.
    • Will experience Skooma withdrawal if Skooma isn’t used within the next 2 hours
    • Will experience Skooma overdose if is used within 3 hours of their last Skooma use.
  • Overdose:
    During an Overdose a player will experience a fit of rage and will have the following buffs for 5 minutes:
    • Increased Speed
    • Increased Health
    • Increased Weapon Damage
    • Increased Spell Damage
    • Slightly altered vision for 2 minutes followed by Moderately altered vision for 2 minutes followed by Severely altered vision for 1 minute.
    • After 5 minutes they will die
    • Once they revive at a way-shrine, their Severe Skooma Addiction clock resets

Skooma Withdrawal:
Skooma withdrawal is experienced in three stages, depending on the severity of the player’s addiction. To avoid feeling the effects of withdrawal a player simply needs to use more Skooma, the problem is, the amount of time in which they have to use Skooma to avoid withdrawal is always less than the amount of time it would take to get even more addicted to the drug. This leaves a player not wanting to become further addicted feeling withdrawal effects for a period of time. No matter the stage of withdrawal, the use of Skooma will relieve all withdrawal symptoms.
  • Withdrawal Stage One:
    If a player that is addicted that doesn’t use more Skooma within the allotted time will experience the following symptoms for 24 hours.
    • Slowed running speed
    • Decreased Max Stamina
    • Decreased Max Magica

    If a player that is Mildly Addicted to Skooma goes 24 hours without using Skooma, the player is relieved of their addiction and all penalties dissipate. If a player is Moderately or Severely addicted, they will begin to feel the effects of the next stage of withdrawal.

  • Withdrawal Stage Two:
    If a player is Moderately or Severely addicted and suffers through the first stage of withdrawal without using more Skooma, they will experience the following symptoms:
    • An even slower running speed
    • Even more decreased Max Stamina
    • Even more decreased Max Magica
    • Decreased Weapon Critical
    • Decreased Spell Critical

    If a player that is Moderately Addicted to Skooma goes an additional 36 hours without using Skooma, the player is relieved of their addiction and all penalties dissipate. If a player is Severely addicted, they will then begin to feel the effects of the next stage of withdrawal.

  • Withdrawal Stage Three:
    If a player is Severely addicted and suffers through the first and second stages of withdrawal without using more Skooma, they will experience the following symptoms:
    • An even slower running speed
    • The inability to use a horse or fast travel in any way
    • Greatly decreased Max Stamina
    • Greatly decreased Max Magica
    • Even more decreased Weapon Critical
    • Even more decreased Spell Critical
    • Decreased Weapon Power
    • Decreased Spell Power

If a player that is Severly Addicted to Skooma goes an additional 48 hours without using Skooma, the player is relieved of their addiction and all penalties dissipate, but thy will experience a 10% increase in their age that is a permanent effect of the Skooma use.

If a player is severely addicted to Skooma, it will take them 4.5 days to recover. During any period of recovery, a player can visit a Skooma Den and can increase their recovery speed. Once a player is fully recovered from Skooma the number of hours they must wait between their next two Skooma uses to avoid becoming addicted again during Pre-Addiction doubles. (16 to 32 to 64 to 128 to etc….)

Skooma Dens:
  • Skooma Dens serve multiple purposes in the Skooma mechanic of ESO. Even though they are meant as detox clinics for addicts, they have come to also serve as Skooma trading posts.
  • A place players can go to buy Skooma or the ingredients, recipes, and reagents from NPCs or other players.
  • A place players can go to sell Skooma or the ingredients, recipes, and reagents to NPCs or other players.
  • A place players can go to speed the withdrawal process by going through a cleansing ritual offered by a Khajiit mage.

    The mage induces a fever dream in which the player must battle waves of varying yellow-shaded Daedra in a psychedelic dream-world. There could be quests within this world and sieges where the player must defend their mind or attack a keep within their mind.

    Time, while in this world runs at 10X the speed. So a player that is severely addicted can partake in 10.8 hours of Fever Quests and will awake no longer addicted to Skooma. These quests can be embarked on all at once or one at a time.

Being addicted to Skooma effects how players can interact with the NPCs of Tamriel.
  • Most Merchants will not do business with a player severely addicted to Skooma.
  • Most Merchants will not do business with a player experiencing the first stage of withdrawal, Craftsmen are the exception.
  • Most Merchants and Craftsmen will not do business with a player experiencing the second stage of withdrawal.
  • Most NPCs will ignore a severely addicted player experiencing the third stage of withdrawal
  • The black market and select NPCs will buy and sell Skooma and Skooma accessories

The Guards:
Any player that is severely addicted to, or suffering withdrawal from Skooma within the walls of a city will arise suspicion.
  • These players will be stopped by the guard and if that player has any Skooma or Skooma accessories in their possession they will be fined and the Skooma and Skooma accessories will be possessed.
  • The player will be given the opportunity to run while they are being interrogated by the guard. This will increase the player’s bounty and wanted level. No gold or items will be confiscated.
  • If the player doesn’t have any gold to pay the fine their bounty and wanted level will increase and the guards will attack them after all their Skooma and Skooma accessories will be confiscated.

Various quests could be places throughout Tamriel that involve Skooma.
  • Harvesting ingredients
  • Making provisions
  • Making reagents
  • Smuggling Skooma
  • Taking NPCs experiencing withdrawal to the Skooma Den.
  • Etc.

While this is a fairly complex Skooma suggestion there seems to be a desire for Skooma in ESO and the production of Skooma should be difficult. The benefits of Skooma should be great, but the long term Benefits should be pretty severe. At this time I do not think there should be a permanent bonus to Skooma addiction and the only permanent penalty is cosmetic. Just like everything in ESO, there is room for tweaking in this concept.

What are your thoughts?
Edited by Gidorick on October 9, 2015 6:35PM
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  • DHBM
    i have tri stat potions. why would i bother with a long crafting potion to make something that
    A:lowers my weapon and spell damage upon use (GREAT! i survived that near death experience, but now i dont have enough DPS to actually kill the thing and i end up dead anyways)
    B:hurts me over the long run (withdrawal)
  • Gidorick
    DHBM wrote: »
    i have tri stat potions. why would i bother with a long crafting potion to make something that
    A:lowers my weapon and spell damage upon use (GREAT! i survived that near death experience, but now i dont have enough DPS to actually kill the thing and i end up dead anyways)
    B:hurts me over the long run (withdrawal)

    That's the problem with the Skooma concept. How do you make it alluring enough and negative enough to where people will use it AND it will act as a narcotic?

    I was initially thinking the Skooma could offer a 100% refill on Health, Magica, and Stamina. So it would be used in dire situations but could also be misused... but I thought maybe a potion that did 100% refill on stats would be a bit over-powered.

    Do you have any thoughts on how to make a potion good enough to make people want to use it even though it has negative effects... and what would those negative effects be?
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  • Gyudan
    @Gidorick: this is awesome! @ZOS_GinaBruno should definitely take a look at it! o:)

    There are a lot of balance issues to consider of course, but implementing it would be great!

    A few ideas:
    - Trial and DS Arena leaderboards should not be accessible if some group members are currently using skooma.
    - Skooma should be different from regular food and the 2 could stack separately.
    - The timer for the duration of skooma effect should decrease rather than increase. 60 minutes duration at level 1, down to 20 minutes at level 4. This would display the need for an increase in frequency as the dependence grows. - The health/magicka/stamina regeneration bonuses should be kept rather small.
    - Khajiiti showing an increased resistance to skooma addiction.
    - A weakness for skooma users to balance it for PVP: more damage from bleeding effects or decreased physical resistance (to be determined)

    I was thinking of some interactions with the justice system as well:
    - Players with a level 2-3 addiction being turned away by some NPC shopkeepers (not all of them of course, players still need to repair). Having to find the right NPC willing to trade would be more fun that always running towards the same one closest to the wayshrine.
    - Arrest on sight in the cities for players showing symptoms of severe skooma addiction.

    Maybe if a year or two we'll get a nice Khajiiti update with some of your ideas implemented. :)
    Edited by Gyudan on December 2, 2014 2:06PM
  • NotSo
    This idea is awesome and I support a lot here but I don't think I quite understand dying after skooma overdosing. When the clock resets, do you just respawn as a skooma free version of yourself (what I read) or do you still wait out the severe addiction penalty? Maybe you could collapse and fade out, then respawn at a skooma den with the khajiiti mage purging the crap out of you and an added penalty of fighting your way out of it (maybe 5 minute quest just to keep you from overdosing all the time like, "F*** it, I just spawn at the wayshrine anyways!".
    Also, I think 10 hours in skooma wonderland is nuts unless you can be purged at completion of whatever questline.
    Any permanent change, I think, is too much. Even the cosmetic aging.

    Question: does the benefit from skooma count as potion effect or food bonus?
    Edited by NotSo on December 2, 2014 2:49PM
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • randolphbenoit
    While yes Skooma a drug I think Zos would avoid the subject.
    Edited by randolphbenoit on December 2, 2014 3:03PM
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • Gidorick
    This idea is awesome and I support a lot here but I don't think I quite understand dying after skooma overdosing. When the clock resets, do you just respawn as a skooma free version of yourself (what I read) or do you still wait out the severe addiction penalty? Maybe you could collapse and fade out, then respawn at a skooma den with the khajiiti mage purging the crap out of you and an added penalty of fighting your way out of it (maybe 5 minute quest just to keep you from overdosing all the time like, "F*** it, I just spawn at the wayshrine anyways!".
    Also, I think 10 hours in skooma wonderland is nuts unless you can be purged at completion of whatever questline.
    Any permanent change, I think, is too much. Even the cosmetic aging.

    Question: does the benefit from skooma count as potion effect or food bonus?

    I was thinking after death you'd still have to wait out the skooma addiction but the clock would reset from the point of the overdose. If death=automatic clean most players would just die and skip the withdrawal process.

    I completely expected the permanent age change to be iffy. I don't think ZOS would implement that. I may thought it would be a unique feature of addiction. :)

    I was thinking Skooma would be a potion bonus.

    The thing that gave me trouble in this concept was the amount of time effects should be active. It would take some adjusting to get the balance right. It needs to be enough to be a challenge but not so much it's not fun.
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  • Gidorick
    Gyudan wrote: »
    @Gidorick: this is awesome! @ZOS_GinaBruno should definitely take a look at it! o:)

    There are a lot of balance issues to consider of course, but implementing it would be great!

    A few ideas:
    - Trial and DS Arena leaderboards should not be accessible if some group members are currently using skooma.
    - Skooma should be different from regular food and the 2 could stack separately.
    - The timer for the duration of skooma effect should decrease rather than increase. 60 minutes duration at level 1, down to 20 minutes at level 4. This would display the need for an increase in frequency as the dependence grows. - The health/magicka/stamina regeneration bonuses should be kept rather small.
    - Khajiiti showing an increased resistance to skooma addiction.
    - A weakness for skooma users to balance it for PVP: more damage from bleeding effects or decreased physical resistance (to be determined)

    I was thinking of some interactions with the justice system as well:
    - Players with a level 2-3 addiction being turned away by some NPC shopkeepers (not all of them of course, players still need to repair). Having to find the right NPC willing to trade would be more fun that always running towards the same one closest to the wayshrine.
    - Arrest on sight in the cities for players showing symptoms of severe skooma addiction.

    Maybe if a year or two we'll get a nice Khajiiti update with some of your ideas implemented. :)

    These are some good ideas. Khajiiti slowing a resistance to addiction, brilliant!
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  • NotSo
    I ask about the potion/food bonus because any potion/food consumed afterwards would essentially overwrite the skooma bonus and, perhaps, immediately put you in withdrawal mode.
    Also skooma could allow high stamina/magicka/health bonuses if it took the food slot because folks would have had a multi-stat food anyways. Though, I suppose that stacking those stats super high, if it is a potion, would make it more tempting. I would like to see some heavier repercussions to skooma use if that is the case (not considering longer withdrawal since that's already a really long time).
    Edited by NotSo on December 2, 2014 4:09PM
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • Gidorick
    I ask about the potion/food bonus because any potion/food consumed afterwards would essentially overwrite the skooma bonus and, perhaps, immediately put you in withdrawal mode.
    Also skooma could allow high stamina/magicka/health bonuses if it took the food slot because folks would have had a multi-stat food anyways. Though, I suppose that stacking those stats super high, if it is a potion, would make it more tempting. I would like to see some heavier repercussions to skooma use if that is the case (not considering longer withdrawal since that's already a really long time).

    I didn't consider that. Ideally.... ZOS would make Skooma effects independent and they would just stack with other effects. But the idea of having immediate Skooma override with other potions would be an interesting mechanic....
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  • NotSo
    Severe withdrawal could have some occasional passing out working like a 4 second stun just to really mess with you in combat >:)
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • cote-bmsb16_ESO
    Why don't you just drink and do drugs in real life then play games? Zenimax already put so many drug educed quests--How many times has someone put something in your drink and you pass out, only to wake up in a different area still trippin out?
  • Gidorick
    Severe withdrawal could have some occasional passing out working like a 4 second stun just to really mess with you in combat >:)

    Lol. Love it!
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  • AaronMB
    Skooma could be different via a quick and hard buff, with a long, painful debuff that's not easily mitigated.

    ZoS could use the vampire mechanics for withdrawal symptoms/debuffs.

    Death from Skooma use would be a bit much (especially with concern about advocating drug use), but they could certainly make an addiction-debuff long term so that in order to detoxify from Skooma you had to endure a series of health/stamina debuffs: lowered healing rate, lowered damage, whatever. As suggested above, an occasional/random stun from withdrawal is a fun idea.
    Edited by AaronMB on December 2, 2014 5:30PM
  • Ackwalan
    I'm not entirely sure, but the use of an addictive 'drug' in a game has real life legal hurdles to pass in order to be in a game.
  • Goliatha
    Soul Shriven
    This idea seems extremely interesting. Allowing players to sell it to other players also add's a method of making money, as long as it's a process not everyone can do without spending time to achieve it. I like this idea and think it would be awesome to implement, hopefully ESO will implement Skooma in the future.

    Great post a lot of effort put into it!
  • Gyudan
    @Ackwalan: take a look at the addiction system in Fallout. The Fallout series is owned by Bethesda, that also produced the last 2 Fallout games, and is a subsidiary of Zenimax Media Inc.

    ESO has also been rated M for adult content already. [more info]
    Edited by Gyudan on December 3, 2014 11:51AM
  • Gidorick
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    I'm not entirely sure, but the use of an addictive 'drug' in a game has real life legal hurdles to pass in order to be in a game.
    Gyudan wrote: »
    @Ackwalan: take a look at the addiction system in Fallout. The Fallout series is owned by Bethesda, that also produced the last 2 Fallout games, and is a subsidiary of Zenimax Media Inc.

    ESO has also been rated M for adult content already. [more info]

    True but, unlike fallout 3, the ESRB rating doesn't include "drug use". They would have to get the game re-rated :/
    Edited by Gidorick on December 3, 2014 12:07PM
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  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    Sure - skooma should include both positive and negative physical effects, but primary uses should be with the expansion of the conciousness - summoning, enchanting that sort of thing. ~ my 2¢
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »

    True but, unlike fallout 3, the ESRB rating doesn't include "drug use". They would have to get the game re-rated :/

    Too late! ;-)
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • Gidorick
    Sure - skooma should include both positive and negative physical effects, but primary uses should be with the expansion of the conciousness - summoning, enchanting that sort of thing. ~ my 2¢

    But... with effects that only the player using the Skooma can see... everyone else just sees you flailing about talking about how you "get it now". ;)

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  • Gidorick
    I saw another thread discussing Skooma that had some good ideas.

    In particular I love the Delivery ideas

    "•There are also the desperate skooma addicts who randomly appear, like the NPCs for the Crime Pays, Light Bringer, and Give to the Poor achievements. Some are just addled junkies who follow you around begging for skooma, whereas others will simply attack you to try to take your product."
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  • altemriel
    well, this would be great if they would add this to ESO. but....probably not...

    I wonder how it is, that the admins did not delete your forum, like mine...

    I made a forum about why they do not add pot or other "medicinal plants" to eso, which will give buffs, but my post was deleted, as violating the forum rules (illegal substances) ...a pity...and it would make the game so nicer for so many "shamanic" people :)...

  • BuggeX
    Well then we should also be able to make our mead ourself which give us also a short therm buff after you consume enought.

    Drunken Berserk:
    permanently offbalance during the time
    Increas Regen by 100%
    Increas Dmg by 100%
    Reduce Dmg taken by 50%
    15% Chance to randomly fall to the gound (calculated any second)
    5% Chance to a random KO when you consume a other mead to increas the Duration of Drunken berserk (the Chance increas any time you consume a other mead by 10%)

  • Gidorick


    Thanks for the thread resurrection @altemriel! I would assume that if you were suggesting a real world drug, that was this issue. Skooma is a completely fictional drug... and one already in Elder Scrolls.
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  • altemriel
    Gidorick wrote: »


    Thanks for the thread resurrection @altemriel! I would assume that if you were suggesting a real world drug, that was this issue. Skooma is a completely fictional drug... and one already in Elder Scrolls.

    well yes, I was suggesting to add pot (weed) into ESO. :(


    but yes, they could make ESO substitutes, fictional plants, with similar effects, that would be great :)

  • Alucardo
    A TES game without Skooma is not a TES game +1
  • Gidorick
    Check out this UESP page @altemriel

    Most drugs are ingested. Skooma is the only one this smoked... aside from tobacco, of course.
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  • Alucardo
    Because the penalties of Skooma addiction are so high (which I agree with), and you need regular consumption, there could be small dynamic quests to pick up from a Skooma den ringleader. Completing these, you will receive mats for provisioning and even free Skooma depending on the difficulty of the quest. Some examples:-

    - Lace a noble or other wealthy targets drink with Skooma. This will cause them to become addicted to the taste of Skooma and will want them to seek out regular purchase.
    - Enter competitor skooma dens and wipe out their ringleader (for those who love going in yolo style)
    - Enter competitor skooma dens and sabotage their product (for the stealthy types)
    - Make basic drop offs for extra gold
  • altemriel
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Check out this UESP page @altemriel

    Most drugs are ingested. Skooma is the only one this smoked... aside from tobacco, of course.

    hmm :), interresting, but that list would need some more!! and implementing them into ESO!! :)

  • Gidorick
    altemriel wrote: »

    hmm :), interresting, but that list would need some more!! and implementing them into ESO!! :)

    I completely agree! ZOS can spread their creative wings!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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