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ZOS You Are Making a Big Mistake Nerfing Stealth Sneak Attack As It Will Destroy Bow Attacks

  • Spangla
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    This has destroyed the ambush skill - ZOS you are incompetent idiots. You cant fix a snipe problem by introducing a blanket nerf to all stealth openers. dear god who makes these decisions
    Ambush was never the main source of gank damage. It was a gank opener. The main damage comes from ambush and martial knowledge damage modifiers for a hard-hitting followup, plus other stuff.

    Did you seriously just write that in response to what I wrote? - it is the stealth opener for the melee gank build that is getting nerfed, this will result in the "nerfing of the melee gank build because of a problem with snipe. So I know its difficult but keep up, The melee gank build opener ambush will be nerfed. Your comment is completely pointless congrats.
  • Still_Mind
    Spangla wrote: »
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    This has destroyed the ambush skill - ZOS you are incompetent idiots. You cant fix a snipe problem by introducing a blanket nerf to all stealth openers. dear god who makes these decisions
    Ambush was never the main source of gank damage. It was a gank opener. The main damage comes from ambush and martial knowledge damage modifiers for a hard-hitting followup, plus other stuff.

    Did you seriously just write that in response to what I wrote? - it is the stealth opener for the melee gank build that is getting nerfed, this will result in the "nerfing of the melee gank build because of a problem with snipe. So I know its difficult but keep up, The melee gank build opener ambush will be nerfed. Your comment is completely pointless congrats.
    You know what's pointless? Ad hominems.

    I'd rig up a witty "no, u" fix of your own post, but, frankly, I'm too tired.

    My point was that Ambush is not getting "destroyed", and you're being overly dramatic. Its main function is to set up for followup hard-hitting skills, no more, no less. Ambush doing a little less damage from stealth isn't rendering this skill useless by any stretch of imagination (aside perhaps in the most hysteria-prone of minds).
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Durham
    Palidon wrote: »
    I hope you fully understand the impact of what you are doing and have been doing for some time. As a DW/Bow NB player who has relied on stealth and sneak attack your upcoming changes have finally pushed me out of the game. I am sure many other will follow suit. It's your pocket book so enjoy the pay decrease.

    They will save more subscriptions then losing... Im sorry but bow is doing to much damage atm... Ranged 2 sec ganking is a bad concept imo reminds me of head shots in a game like battlefied....
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Durham
    Varicite wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    Mojo - you talk sense alot of the time but please dont pretend that your dk is anywhere near as crappy as a bow nb lol. They may be able to gank you out in the wild but thats about it!

    Personally i love it when I see an archer because they are an easy kill. Occasionally they are an inconvenience when they manage to catch me off guard whilst in the middle of a crowd bat spamming.

    I find this nerf to sneak ridiculous it will destroy the much cooler ambush melee based nb gank build for no reason other than people whining that they got ganked whilst on their horse.


    It's being nerfed because it was never intended to be able to kill people before they can react.

    That's why bow damage was nerfed in the first place before the game even went live.

    Now that it's possible again, stealth damage is being nerfed to curb this kind of tactic.

    /agree I do not like instant death pvp ... please play a first person shooter if you like that type of play.... People that spend days/months building toons only to be insta killed in pvp is very bad for the game... People will quit pvers will not enter pvp because of many tactics like this... This game is mostly populated by pvers by far.....
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Luvsfuzzybunnies
    Varicite wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    It cant kill people before they can react - unless they are on a horse durp

    How much health do you have?

    Probably not more than an Emperor, I imagine. He went down in less than 1 second.

    Try again?

    PS) He wasn't even on a horse.

    He was also a vampire and took an extra couple thousand from Camo Hunter so it wasn't all bow there. Also a single bow snip will not unbreakable cc you so you are free to break out of it. Forget all those points though bow damage is very high I agree, but magicka sheilds stop crits so run one of.those (as if many people don't now a days). This nerf needs to come with a sheild stacking adjustment. The ttk in this game is very long for any of the classes with a class sheild. The single class without a class sheild is left at a large disadvantage. That's about 2 cents worth.
    Jukette VR12 DC Nightblade 14 day campaign.
    Kitten Kisser VR12 DC Sorcerer 14 day campaign
  • Varicite
    Varicite wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    It cant kill people before they can react - unless they are on a horse durp

    How much health do you have?

    Probably not more than an Emperor, I imagine. He went down in less than 1 second.

    Try again?

    PS) He wasn't even on a horse.

    He was also a vampire and took an extra couple thousand from Camo Hunter so it wasn't all bow there. Also a single bow snip will not unbreakable cc you so you are free to break out of it. Forget all those points though bow damage is very high I agree, but magicka sheilds stop crits so run one of.those (as if many people don't now a days). This nerf needs to come with a sheild stacking adjustment. The ttk in this game is very long for any of the classes with a class sheild. The single class without a class sheild is left at a large disadvantage. That's about 2 cents worth.

    Camo Hunter proc'd for 1100, it's right in the screenshot. The Venom / Heavy combo that usually lands at the same time would hit for about 700 non-crit on a non-vamp, being generous.

    That's about 3.8k damage in less than a second to any player.

    Again, how much health do you have?

    Do you have enough health to survive the 3.8k damage in less than a second and still get your shields up?

    Or are you implying that everybody needs to stack 8 second duration shields 100% of the time outside of combat, as though that were even possible?
    Edited by Varicite on November 1, 2014 9:29PM
  • NotSo
    I came upon a VR12 dragon knight attacking a bear and decided to put a couple stealth snipes into his back for funsies but after trying 198273490817234 times I could not knock him down below 90% of his max health. He did not have any mage light for reduced stealth damage.
    Definitely would have had an easier time with a stealthed wreaking blow buffed with momentum and critical surge (what I've been rolling with since bow nerfs)
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • Tenret
    Varicite wrote: »
    That's about 3.8k damage in less than a second to any player.

    Again, how much health do you have?

    Do you have enough health to survive the 3.8k damage in less than a second and still get your shields up?

    Or are you implying that everybody needs to stack 8 second duration shields 100% of the time outside of combat, as though that were even possible?

    - First: the 3k snipe is almost mythical

    Im almost sure that more of the 95% playing this game hasn't receive-made-see a 3k snipe

    - Second: A lot of people can survive 3.8k of damage

    Not only everyday theres more people with 3.7-3.8k of hp, if those people are cautious and well geared as a matter of fact they are playing with almost 6k of health

    Even a 2.7k hp char cautious and well geared can survive 3.8k of damage

    Who will not survive that kind of shot that so few people has see-sufered?: Low levels, bad geared players, distracted players, glass cannons

    and a player without a shield up is a distracted player

    every 8 secs? a templar? bad luck, DKs and sorcs dont have that kind of problems, think about your privilege, NBs dont have any shield in his trees, not even one of 8 secs
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Tenret wrote: »
    Varicite wrote: »
    That's about 3.8k damage in less than a second to any player.

    Again, how much health do you have?

    Do you have enough health to survive the 3.8k damage in less than a second and still get your shields up?

    Or are you implying that everybody needs to stack 8 second duration shields 100% of the time outside of combat, as though that were even possible?

    - First: the 3k snipe is almost mythical

    Im almost sure that more of the 95% playing this game hasn't receive-made-see a 3k snipe

    - Second: A lot of people can survive 3.8k of damage

    Not only everyday theres more people with 3.7-3.8k of hp, if those people are cautious and well geared as a matter of fact they are playing with almost 6k of health

    Even a 2.7k hp char cautious and well geared can survive 3.8k of damage

    Who will not survive that kind of shot that so few people has see-sufered?: Low levels, bad geared players, distracted players, glass cannons

    and a player without a shield up is a distracted player

    every 8 secs? a templar? bad luck, DKs and sorcs dont have that kind of problems, think about your privilege, NBs dont have any shield in his trees, not even one of 8 secs

    Every non-emp vampire/werewolf would have been dead from just the snipe/camo hunter. 4k total damage is flat out 1-shot. So no, a lot of people cannot survive 3.8k damage because just about only emperors can get above 3.8k damage.

    3k snipes may be mythical, but ~2.1k + ~650 camo hunter snipes are not, and thats not even at the range to get 12% more damage to the snipe. Have you not seen the videos? Those videos are why its getting nerfed. thank that guy. Even without the camo hunter, the mark target, or the nightblade sneak attack buffs you can take someone out with bows from stealth rather easily. I only deal 1.3-1.4k with by Lethal arrow steal attacks, but its easy enough to finish most everyone off from there because of the stun, healing debuff, and poison dot that lethal arrow brings.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on November 2, 2014 12:35PM
  • Spangla
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    This has destroyed the ambush skill - ZOS you are incompetent idiots. You cant fix a snipe problem by introducing a blanket nerf to all stealth openers. dear god who makes these decisions
    Ambush was never the main source of gank damage. It was a gank opener. The main damage comes from ambush and martial knowledge damage modifiers for a hard-hitting followup, plus other stuff.

    Did you seriously just write that in response to what I wrote? - it is the stealth opener for the melee gank build that is getting nerfed, this will result in the "nerfing of the melee gank build because of a problem with snipe. So I know its difficult but keep up, The melee gank build opener ambush will be nerfed. Your comment is completely pointless congrats.
    You know what's pointless? Ad hominems.

    I'd rig up a witty "no, u" fix of your own post, but, frankly, I'm too tired.

    My point was that Ambush is not getting "destroyed", and you're being overly dramatic. Its main function is to set up for followup hard-hitting skills, no more, no less. Ambush doing a little less damage from stealth isn't rendering this skill useless by any stretch of imagination (aside perhaps in the most hysteria-prone of minds).

    Sorry didn't realise I was in an English lesson. Answer me this, why is sneak and consequently ambush being nerfed because of a perceived problem with snipe? It doesn't matter by how much that's irrelevant. Also this nerf to stealth nerfs racials slightly too its ridiculous.
  • Still_Mind
    Spangla wrote: »
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    Still_Mind wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    This has destroyed the ambush skill - ZOS you are incompetent idiots. You cant fix a snipe problem by introducing a blanket nerf to all stealth openers. dear god who makes these decisions
    Ambush was never the main source of gank damage. It was a gank opener. The main damage comes from ambush and martial knowledge damage modifiers for a hard-hitting followup, plus other stuff.

    Did you seriously just write that in response to what I wrote? - it is the stealth opener for the melee gank build that is getting nerfed, this will result in the "nerfing of the melee gank build because of a problem with snipe. So I know its difficult but keep up, The melee gank build opener ambush will be nerfed. Your comment is completely pointless congrats.
    You know what's pointless? Ad hominems.

    I'd rig up a witty "no, u" fix of your own post, but, frankly, I'm too tired.

    My point was that Ambush is not getting "destroyed", and you're being overly dramatic. Its main function is to set up for followup hard-hitting skills, no more, no less. Ambush doing a little less damage from stealth isn't rendering this skill useless by any stretch of imagination (aside perhaps in the most hysteria-prone of minds).

    Sorry didn't realise I was in an English lesson. Answer me this, why is sneak and consequently ambush being nerfed because of a perceived problem with snipe? It doesn't matter by how much that's irrelevant. Also this nerf to stealth nerfs racials slightly too its ridiculous.
    I don't recall the devs saying that the stealth attacks nerf was aimed specifically at bows. They wanted to nerf snipe sneak attack damage, they are already nerfing the damage directly. Sneak attack damage nerf is not necessarily based on snipe combo issue.

    Again, you said Ambush is getting "destroyed" (in MMO context, it usually means that the skill is rendered useless), and I replied that it's not, that it still serves its main purpose (setup for hard-hitters) well, and that was pretty much the extent of the point I was trying to get across.
    Edited by Still_Mind on November 2, 2014 9:43PM
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Tenret
    Every non-emp vampire/werewolf would have been dead from just the snipe/camo hunter. 4k total damage is flat out 1-shot. So no, a lot of people cannot survive 3.8k damage because just about only emperors can get above 3.8k damage.

    3k snipes may be mythical, but ~2.1k + ~650 camo hunter snipes are not, and thats not even at the range to get 12% more damage to the snipe. Have you not seen the videos? Those videos are why its getting nerfed. thank that guy. Even without the camo hunter, the mark target, or the nightblade sneak attack buffs you can take someone out with bows from stealth rather easily. I only deal 1.3-1.4k with by Lethal arrow steal attacks, but its easy enough to finish most everyone off from there because of the stun, healing debuff, and poison dot that lethal arrow brings.

    A squishy player with 2.7k hp with the right gear and a shield can walk Cyro with an effective health of 4.7k

    A normal player with 3.2-3.3k can walk with 5.2-5.3k of health

    Playing wamp or werewolf isnt mandatory got his rewards got his risks

    2k snipes - In all the time playing the game I had receive TWO snipes that I can remember of 2k or more

    As a glass cannon I can make some 2k snipes in a night and also I can tell you that for every 2k shoot I made 10 snipes, from sneak, for 400-600dmg and 5 snipes, also from sneak, for 0 or close to 0 damage

    if your are hunting alone and if you kill somebody with 1.3k snipes I call it a miracle

    The burst damage was killing: Low levels, bad geared players, distracted players, glass cannons

    maybe the nerf is because at last the burst was contributing to make killable some of the privileged classes-builds of almost unkillable chars, now probably they will go back to feel safe and to walk Cyrodill untroubled, we will see in a few days
  • Varicite
    Tenret wrote: »
    Every non-emp vampire/werewolf would have been dead from just the snipe/camo hunter. 4k total damage is flat out 1-shot. So no, a lot of people cannot survive 3.8k damage because just about only emperors can get above 3.8k damage.

    3k snipes may be mythical, but ~2.1k + ~650 camo hunter snipes are not, and thats not even at the range to get 12% more damage to the snipe. Have you not seen the videos? Those videos are why its getting nerfed. thank that guy. Even without the camo hunter, the mark target, or the nightblade sneak attack buffs you can take someone out with bows from stealth rather easily. I only deal 1.3-1.4k with by Lethal arrow steal attacks, but its easy enough to finish most everyone off from there because of the stun, healing debuff, and poison dot that lethal arrow brings.

    A squishy player with 2.7k hp with the right gear and a shield can walk Cyro with an effective health of 4.7k

    A normal player with 3.2-3.3k can walk with 5.2-5.3k of health

    Playing wamp or werewolf isnt mandatory got his rewards got his risks

    2k snipes - In all the time playing the game I had receive TWO snipes that I can remember of 2k or more

    As a glass cannon I can make some 2k snipes in a night and also I can tell you that for every 2k shoot I made 10 snipes, from sneak, for 400-600dmg and 5 snipes, also from sneak, for 0 or close to 0 damage

    if your are hunting alone and if you kill somebody with 1.3k snipes I call it a miracle

    The burst damage was killing: Low levels, bad geared players, distracted players, glass cannons

    maybe the nerf is because at last the burst was contributing to make killable some of the privileged classes-builds of almost unkillable chars, now probably they will go back to feel safe and to walk Cyrodill untroubled, we will see in a few days

    Translation: 3k Snipe is okay because shield-stacking 24/7 is super cool and everybody should be stacking 8 second shields every moment they are in Cyro.

    That about right?

    The irony here is that people complaining about the validity of stamina builds in Cyro are usually the ones spouting this kind of rhetoric, knowing full well that the people who aren't stacking shields are other stamina builds.

    So because you feel magicka builds are "priveleged classes", you want to continue killing stamina builds more easily?

    Where I come from, this is called trying to get rich by robbing people as poor as yourself.

    Fix stealth damage, fix stealth gameplay, fix perma-blocking, continue balancing stam, fix blobs, fix Impenetrable, fix Sharpened, fix bugged sets, fix shield stacking, remove FCs, fix the lag.

    Don't just let stuff be broken because other stuff is broken. That's just lazy.
    Edited by Varicite on November 3, 2014 10:45AM
  • Tenret
    Varicite wrote: »
    Translation: 3k Snipe is okay because shield-stacking 24/7 is super cool and everybody should be stacking 8 second shields every moment they are in Cyro.

    I can see that translation for you means ignoring all the writing

    Tell me have you see-made-receive a 3k snipe in game? one, five, two thousands?

    yes if you have a shield and you dont have it up most of the time when can be some danger you are doing the wrong thing

    Varicite wrote: »
    The irony here is that people complaining about the validity of stamina builds in Cyro are usually the ones spouting this kind of rhetoric, knowing full well that the people who aren't stacking shields are other stamina builds.

    So because you feel magicka builds are "priveleged classes", you want to continue killing stamina builds more easily?

    Where I come from, this is called trying to get rich by robbing people as poor as yourself.

    So you are proposing, without irony I suppose, that reducing the burst is ok even if that make some chars, usually light-magicka chars, unkillable

    so in your rethoric the best path is make the "rich" richer and untouchable for the "poors"
  • Varicite
    Tenret wrote: »
    Varicite wrote: »
    Translation: 3k Snipe is okay because shield-stacking 24/7 is super cool and everybody should be stacking 8 second shields every moment they are in Cyro.

    I can see that translation for you means ignoring all the writing

    Tell me have you see-made-receive a 3k snipe in game? one, five, two thousands?

    yes if you have a shield and you dont have it up most of the time when can be some danger you are doing the wrong thing

    Varicite wrote: »
    The irony here is that people complaining about the validity of stamina builds in Cyro are usually the ones spouting this kind of rhetoric, knowing full well that the people who aren't stacking shields are other stamina builds.

    So because you feel magicka builds are "priveleged classes", you want to continue killing stamina builds more easily?

    Where I come from, this is called trying to get rich by robbing people as poor as yourself.

    So you are proposing, without irony I suppose, that reducing the burst is ok even if that make some chars, usually light-magicka chars, unkillable

    so in your rethoric the best path is make the "rich" richer and untouchable for the "poors"

    No, my "rhetoric" is that the best path is to balance the game overall, and this is a part of that.

    That's why that whole part below the text you cherry-picked from my post exists.

    Context, my friend.
    Edited by Varicite on November 3, 2014 2:14PM
  • crowfl56
    I will ask again, how do you shoot 4 Lethel Arrows in less than 4 seconds??? I can't and I use that skill, but have had it done to me ????
    Edited by crowfl56 on November 3, 2014 1:34PM
  • Rylana
    quetzatli wrote: »
    lol then play NB guys if you think there is good build to play...dont forget that many NB skills are bugged since beta, dont forget that medium armor stealth bonuses are bugged.

    Nightblade was my first v10/12/14, is my most /played, is my highest ranked cyrodiil toon, and is my achievement character.

    I have used anywhere from 5-7 different builds, can swap from them at will as I saved all the gear (used on other toons) and still have the skill lines filled.

    I can tell you this right now, nightblade is fine.

    This "nerf" is a nonissue. Oh boy I wont crit for 2k anymore, itll be for 1.7 or so.

    Big deal.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Spangla
    It is a big deal. If the dk or temp isn't killed quickly they wont be killable. Funny how people have a problem with losing 3k health in 1.5 secs but i don't see anyone mentioning how idiotic it is that temps and dks can regain that amount of health instantly.
  • Joy_Division
    Spangla wrote: »
    It is a big deal. If the dk or temp isn't killed quickly they wont be killable. Funny how people have a problem with losing 3k health in 1.5 secs but i don't see anyone mentioning how idiotic it is that temps and dks can regain that amount of health instantly.

    Yeah, funny...imagine people don't want to be insta-killed.

    Nobody mentions temp/dks regain that much health instantly because they can't.

    - DKs Green Dragon Blood restores 30% of missing health. A 3k health DK sniped for 2k who uses that skill will restore 600 health. If she uses that skill again, she will gain 420 health. The DK is still down 1000 health after performing 2 actions.

    - Snipers can use the lethal arrow skill. This skill reduces target healing by 47%. That figure is significant. Our DK above now restored only 600 health of the 2k she lost doing nothing but healing for 2 seconds. That DK is going to die.

    - The Templar can use the (expensive) Breathe of Life skill to (hopefully) heal themselves. The primary effect heals for about 800. A heal oriented templar will crit a low health target for 1400 or so. Considering the healing debuff that comes standard with Cyrodiil snipers, that's about 700 health for 1 (expensive) action - if that templar lost the 3k health in 1.5 seconds as your post suggests, he is going to die before the next 1.5 seconds elapses.
    Edited by Joy_Division on November 3, 2014 4:21PM
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Spangla wrote: »
    It is a big deal. If the dk or temp isn't killed quickly they wont be killable. Funny how people have a problem with losing 3k health in 1.5 secs but i don't see anyone mentioning how idiotic it is that temps and dks can regain that amount of health instantly.

    Yeah, funny...imagine people don't want to be insta-killed.

    Nobody mentions temp/dks regain that much health instantly because they can't.

    - DKs Green Dragon Blood restores 30% of missing health. A 3k health DK sniped for 2k who uses that skill will restore 600 health. If she uses that skill again, she will gain 420 health. The DK is still down 1000 health after performing 2 actions.

    - Snipers can use the lethal arrow skill. This skill reduces target healing by 47%. That figure is significant. Our DK above now restored only 600 health of the 2k she lost doing nothing but healing for 2 seconds. That DK is going to die.

    Since when does DKs have to worry about archers? The moment they get hit or see the snipe coming they use their Dragon Scales and reflect that snipe right back at the ganker...
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on November 3, 2014 9:24PM
  • Rylana
    Spangla wrote: »
    It is a big deal. If the dk or temp isn't killed quickly they wont be killable. Funny how people have a problem with losing 3k health in 1.5 secs but i don't see anyone mentioning how idiotic it is that temps and dks can regain that amount of health instantly.

    Yeah, funny...imagine people don't want to be insta-killed.

    Nobody mentions temp/dks regain that much health instantly because they can't.

    - DKs Green Dragon Blood restores 30% of missing health. A 3k health DK sniped for 2k who uses that skill will restore 600 health. If she uses that skill again, she will gain 420 health. The DK is still down 1000 health after performing 2 actions.

    - Snipers can use the lethal arrow skill. This skill reduces target healing by 47%. That figure is significant. Our DK above now restored only 600 health of the 2k she lost doing nothing but healing for 2 seconds. That DK is going to die.

    Since when does DKs have to worry about archers? The moment they get hit or see the snipe coming they use their Dragon Scales and reflect that snipe right back at the ganker...

    I can tell you from experience that that initial lethal arrow almost always lands, and if it does that DK is absolutely screwed if they arent slotting purge.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
    Forum LOL Champion (retired) == Black Belt in Ballista-Fu == The Last Vice Member == Praise Cheesus == Electro-Goblin
  • Jacques Berge
    Jacques Berge
    Has anyone run any numbers yet... I ran mine the morning before the patch... Here's what I got... Granted, these are cries from a Breton NB using the shadow stone. sneak Crits vs players approx Melee x2.65... Ranged x1.85. That's right, ranged attacks already had a smaller modifier than Melee. I will post the new modifier ONCE MY ADD-ONS WORK!!!! Hahaha :-)
    "Shadow hide you"

    Jacques Berge - v14 NB - DC
  • Jacques Berge
    Jacques Berge
    oh yeah.... who's ready for some numbers?... so, I did some thorough testing... and you know what I found.... Ba Da Da DUUUUUUMMMMMM!!!!... Melee sneak attacks have been reduced by a whopping 35%!!!... Not 10... not 20.... 35 F**king percent...

    So, you guys ready for the real kicker?... Guys... I'm sad to say this... but Bow attacks.... have NOT!!! had their sneak attack modifier adjusted.... So, close thread... All this complaining and its the melee guys who get the shaft... Not like we have to get close or anything...

    If you don't believe me... feel free to go back in time and do your own tests...
    "Shadow hide you"

    Jacques Berge - v14 NB - DC
  • Still_Mind
    oh yeah.... who's ready for some numbers?... so, I did some thorough testing... and you know what I found.... Ba Da Da DUUUUUUMMMMMM!!!!... Melee sneak attacks have been reduced by a whopping 35%!!!... Not 10... not 20.... 35 F**king percent...

    So, you guys ready for the real kicker?... Guys... I'm sad to say this... but Bow attacks.... have NOT!!! had their sneak attack modifier adjusted.... So, close thread... All this complaining and its the melee guys who get the shaft... Not like we have to get close or anything...

    If you don't believe me... feel free to go back in time and do your own tests...
    O_O Now that's fudged up right here..........
    "I'm not *giving* him cake, I'm *assaulting* him with cake!"
  • Mud_Puppy
  • Joy_Division
    Spangla wrote: »
    It is a big deal. If the dk or temp isn't killed quickly they wont be killable. Funny how people have a problem with losing 3k health in 1.5 secs but i don't see anyone mentioning how idiotic it is that temps and dks can regain that amount of health instantly.

    Yeah, funny...imagine people don't want to be insta-killed.

    Nobody mentions temp/dks regain that much health instantly because they can't.

    - DKs Green Dragon Blood restores 30% of missing health. A 3k health DK sniped for 2k who uses that skill will restore 600 health. If she uses that skill again, she will gain 420 health. The DK is still down 1000 health after performing 2 actions.

    - Snipers can use the lethal arrow skill. This skill reduces target healing by 47%. That figure is significant. Our DK above now restored only 600 health of the 2k she lost doing nothing but healing for 2 seconds. That DK is going to die.

    Since when does DKs have to worry about archers? The moment they get hit or see the snipe coming they use their Dragon Scales and reflect that snipe right back at the ganker...

    Because it's a SNEAK attack...the moment they get hit they lost 1.5k health and have a healing debuff.
    Edited by Joy_Division on November 4, 2014 4:29PM
  • Spangla
    Big deal - purge hold block then kill the archer. Unless you are on horse in which case you deserve to die.

    Cannot believe this nerf to melee attacks - ambush has been destroyed for no reason.

    Whoever is behind this is deluded end of.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Spangla wrote: »
    It is a big deal. If the dk or temp isn't killed quickly they wont be killable. Funny how people have a problem with losing 3k health in 1.5 secs but i don't see anyone mentioning how idiotic it is that temps and dks can regain that amount of health instantly.

    Yeah, funny...imagine people don't want to be insta-killed.

    Nobody mentions temp/dks regain that much health instantly because they can't.

    - DKs Green Dragon Blood restores 30% of missing health. A 3k health DK sniped for 2k who uses that skill will restore 600 health. If she uses that skill again, she will gain 420 health. The DK is still down 1000 health after performing 2 actions.

    - Snipers can use the lethal arrow skill. This skill reduces target healing by 47%. That figure is significant. Our DK above now restored only 600 health of the 2k she lost doing nothing but healing for 2 seconds. That DK is going to die.

    Since when does DKs have to worry about archers? The moment they get hit or see the snipe coming they use their Dragon Scales and reflect that snipe right back at the ganker...

    Because it's a SNEAK attack...the moment they get hit they lost 1.5k health and have a healing debuff.

    And that sneak attack has a COLLISION TIME and it also makes SOUNDS when it comes at you. So you CAN avoid it when it's shot from stealth...
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    Rylana wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    It is a big deal. If the dk or temp isn't killed quickly they wont be killable. Funny how people have a problem with losing 3k health in 1.5 secs but i don't see anyone mentioning how idiotic it is that temps and dks can regain that amount of health instantly.

    Yeah, funny...imagine people don't want to be insta-killed.

    Nobody mentions temp/dks regain that much health instantly because they can't.

    - DKs Green Dragon Blood restores 30% of missing health. A 3k health DK sniped for 2k who uses that skill will restore 600 health. If she uses that skill again, she will gain 420 health. The DK is still down 1000 health after performing 2 actions.

    - Snipers can use the lethal arrow skill. This skill reduces target healing by 47%. That figure is significant. Our DK above now restored only 600 health of the 2k she lost doing nothing but healing for 2 seconds. That DK is going to die.

    Since when does DKs have to worry about archers? The moment they get hit or see the snipe coming they use their Dragon Scales and reflect that snipe right back at the ganker...

    I can tell you from experience that that initial lethal arrow almost always lands, and if it does that DK is absolutely screwed if they arent slotting purge.

    First if you played against any good players they would just reflect, dodge or block your snipe the moment the arrow comes even close to them. I won't disregard your experience, because in mine they also almost always land, but that's only because a vast majority of people are just plain bad.

    Secondly, if you believe the DK is screwed because you got him once with a Lethal Arrow in a 1 vs 1 situation than I believe you need to reconsider your view about DKs.Because any good DKs are going to react by using Reflective Scale (even if you can remove 1,5K health from them) and they are going to charge right back at you with their cookie Invasion + Flame Lash combo. And if you happen to switch to a melee weapon, because your Bow will be render useless during that fight, they will probably turtle block and Flame Lash you to dead while they laugh at your feeble attempts to hurt them.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on November 5, 2014 12:53PM
  • Rylana
    Rylana wrote: »
    Spangla wrote: »
    It is a big deal. If the dk or temp isn't killed quickly they wont be killable. Funny how people have a problem with losing 3k health in 1.5 secs but i don't see anyone mentioning how idiotic it is that temps and dks can regain that amount of health instantly.

    Yeah, funny...imagine people don't want to be insta-killed.

    Nobody mentions temp/dks regain that much health instantly because they can't.

    - DKs Green Dragon Blood restores 30% of missing health. A 3k health DK sniped for 2k who uses that skill will restore 600 health. If she uses that skill again, she will gain 420 health. The DK is still down 1000 health after performing 2 actions.

    - Snipers can use the lethal arrow skill. This skill reduces target healing by 47%. That figure is significant. Our DK above now restored only 600 health of the 2k she lost doing nothing but healing for 2 seconds. That DK is going to die.

    Since when does DKs have to worry about archers? The moment they get hit or see the snipe coming they use their Dragon Scales and reflect that snipe right back at the ganker...

    I can tell you from experience that that initial lethal arrow almost always lands, and if it does that DK is absolutely screwed if they arent slotting purge.

    First if you played against any good players they would just reflect, dodge or block your snipe the moment the arrow comes even close to them. I won't disregard your experience, because in mine they also almost always land, but that's only because a vast majority of people are just plain bad.

    Secondly, if you believe the DK is screwed because you got him once with a Lethal Arrow in a 1 vs 1 situation than I believe you need to reconsider your view about DKs.Because any good DKs are going to react by using Reflective Scale (even if you can remove 1,5K health from them) and they are going to charge right back at you with their cookie Invasion + Flame Lash combo. And if you happen to switch to a melee weapon, because your Bow will be render useless during that fight, they will probably turtle block and Flame Lash you to dead while they laugh at your feeble attempts to hurt them.

    There are two bow skills that cannot be reflected. =D

    I have started using them quite liberally of late.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
    Ebonheart Pact: Lyzara Dionysis - Sorc - AR 37 (Former Empress of Blackwater Blade and Haderus) == Shondra Dionysis - Temp - AR 23 == Arrianaya Dionysis - DK - AR 17
    Aldmeri Dominion: Rylana Dionysis - DK - AR 25 == Kailiana - NB - AR 21 == Minerva Dionysis - Temp - AR 21 == Victoria Dionysis - Sorc - AR 13
    Daggerfall Covenant: Dannika Dionysis - DK - AR 21 == The Catman Rises - Temp - AR 15 (Former Emperor of Blackwater Blade)
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