Buff buff buff buff and weaponswap

Is it just me that thinks the duration of many buffs are too short? Some buffs are like 5 sec and the "longer ones" are like 20 sec.

Then there are some buffs you toggle like magelight but unless you have it on both bars it dissaperes with weaponswap. Or pets that are completly useless in pvp due to this since you need 2 slots for every pet.

I personally prefer to have one spellbar for defensive and buffing and one for offence but this is not (so) viable here because of the short timers. Buff weaponswap buff timer runs out...

Also lag kills some of the shorttimer buffs.. (instead of casting say 5 buffed spells lag makes it so you only get away 2 spells before the timer runs out)..

Some buffs are nessecary for a class to function in pvp. So you have to click like 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 to keep the buff up. It really doesnt require more skill just more annoying especially with lag. I understand some buffs need to consume mana not to be too powerful but then I would rather see that you toogle it and it ticks mana each tick instead of hving to recast it all the time. Like toogle on cast spells toogle off to regain mana..

What do you guys think? At first I thought the short duration added to make you more involved in the battle or required more skill..but this is not whats happening imho, it just adds to the annoyance and lag becomes even more annoying since the shorttimed buffs become gimped with lag.
  • AlexDougherty
    Lag is bad.

    But having played a game with longer buffs, they become part of the standard setup for the game, ie nobody plays without them up.

    Maybe if they made the buffs a smidge longer, but not too long either, they should be something you activate before attacking each time.
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  • nerevarine1138
    Well, the easy solution is to not put buffs on a separate bar, forcing you to weapon-swap every time you want to use them.

    Buff durations are just fine, but if you want to have them permanently on, you have to be smart about your bars and be willing to sacrifice other skills.
  • astro74
    AlexDougherty - Thats what I meant with buffs that ticks mana (and prevent mana regen) you toggle them before attack and right after you untoggle them.

    nerevarine1138 - Yeah as it is now its extremly bad to have em on a separate bar. If you have 3 buffs and needs to keep em up (say magelight, health bbl and shield you need 6 spots if you want to be able to weaponswap. If you want a pet its 2 more slots.. not leaving much variety for combat... (I dont have all buffs double on my bars but some like magelight i put on double).

    Current system would have worked much better if weaponswap was instant and the game did not lag so much (Im talking mostly from PvP perspective) but as it is now with too long delay for swap and more often than not really bad lag.. its not...optimal.
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