Kizna, the Dragonstar Arena scamp merchant doesn't appear to be speak, but does offer some basic services. I've already opened a ticket a while ago asking that maybe he doesn't appear to be speaking or something, but seems like he just doesn't appear to be speak. Can't grammatical errors like that be fixed during maintenance or minor fixes?
Oh but scamps do speak! How can you forget the Creeper?
Some of his famous quotes include "Don't want to work. Just want to bang on my drum. What's a Scamp got to do?" and "I'm creeping!"
Without the image working properly it's hard to see what you mean, so I tried to post it again here:
Kizna, the Dragonstar Arena scamp merchant doesn't appear to be speak, but does offer some basic services. I've already opened a ticket a while ago asking that maybe he doesn't appear to be speaking or something, but seems like he just doesn't appear to be speak. Can't grammatical errors like that be fixed during maintenance or minor fixes?
Oh but scamps do speak! How can you forget the Creeper?
Some of his famous quotes include "Don't want to work. Just want to bang on my drum. What's a Scamp got to do?" and "I'm creeping!"
Does Kizna have MUCH better prices too, inquiring minds want to know?
Mr Dougherty, we don't know if he could speak, or just type, mentally suggest or magic those communications, as a lot of Morrowind beyond initial greetings was dialogue boxes. Doesn't stop me playing it so I have no idea why I am using past tense. Try it. It's as good as many games now. And you'll enjoy the Pact a LOT more.
AlexDougherty wrote: »
I have tried it, I just found the movement was too slow, it was literally going at half the speed I started with in Oblivion, and I found that too frustrating.