Hey there, everyone. ZOS Team, fellow players...
So, today I renewed my subscription once again. Got that little shiny e-mail
"Elder Scrolls Online - Subscription Payment Complete". The moment it arrived, I stared at it for like a minute thinking about what I was doing.
Do I regret buying the game?
No, I'm really happy about pre-ordering it and being subbed since launch. I've played for hundreds of hours - literally - got several characters to veteran ranks and played through each faction's content at least twice. I think I might've played Ebonheart Pact four times.
So, no... No regrets. I've played more than enough worthy of my money.
Do I regret subbing?
Not at all. But I think here's where things start to change...
I stared at the e-mail for a while,
but why? I didn't regret renewing my subscription once again. But I'm starting to wonder if
all the love and hope I have for the game is well placed.
Yes, love and hope. That's why I'm here writing, out of love. I love The Elder Scrolls and I love The Elder Scrolls Online - and like many have said before me,
I want to see the game THRIVE. But now, more than ever, the time feels right for me to talk about how I'm feeling about the game and everything around it.
Please, I must say in advance: This is
not a doom thread. This is
not a "I won't renew my sub" thread. It is, indeed, a lot of criticism. But it reflects my opinion and my opinion alone. If you agree with me -
thank you. Let us raise our voices together. If you don't, thank you nonetheless for reading and, please, share yours for it's only through discussion and debate that the world changes.

Also, I won't get into any specific gameplay changes/balancing/bugs here. I think there's enough on that already. I want to talk about the game as a whole, more general features and such.
Oh, and one last thing. I
WILL talk about another game. But I'm not saying A is better than B nor that things should be like this or that.
I will use another game as an example for 3 main reasons:
1. It's a game that has been recently hyped and released.
2. It's a game that I've played a little bit and the first game I've played that is not ESO since I started playing ESO.
3. It has some good ideas under its hood - as every game does.
So, for that, I ask the
ZOS team/mods: Please, understand that it would be really difficult to talk about some things without proper, actual examples. I understand that there are 'rules' against this kind of argumentation, but I ask you all (out of the love I have for ESO) to understand why do I need these examples to make my point.
The game I'm talking about is Archeage. First off, I'd like to tell you all my overall opinion on the game:
It sucks. The combat mechanics are mediocre; the graphics are pretty much the asian MMO industry standard: average-to-good character models against a plain, poorly crafted scenery. It's as flashy and colorful as a game can (but shouldn't, lol) get. As misogynistic as you'd expect: bouncing effects, curvy models, etc... Lore, story (and the whole writing aspect) is completely irrelevant, it's just there to say there is one.
It's a bad game overall, I couldn't get beyond level 30 and left it. (Maximum level is 50)
So, now that this is out of the way... I imagine most of you must be thinking
"Wait a second, why are you bringing this game up if you found it to be so terrible, then?"
Well, because I think that even with all these problems, some of the answers for my problems with ESO might be there. And that's what I'm going to talk about now.
As short as I can, in one line, here's my greatest concern with ESO as of now:
The Elder Scrolls Online lacks stuff to do. Period.
That's a summary of everything I'm going to talk about from now on. But it's rather vague; so it needs a bit of explaining to be fleshed out.
MMOs are all about keeping you online; keeping you subbed; keeping you... let's just say... 'addicted' to it. C'mon, let's face it. That's the business model - keep players into the game = profit. I'm not saying this is wrong or bad; this is how the world works. If people feel the need to be online and play, everyone is happy: Zenimax gets their well deserved money and we get the fun we're paying for.
ESO has hundreds of hours - maybe more than a thousand - worthy of playing. And more are added every month or so.
So where's the problem? Well, the problem is the lack of variety/options of different stuff to do. There are many options but all of them can be narrowed to the same mechanics: combat, travel, 'clicking'. Besides RP'ing, there are few things you can do in ESO that does not require you to click/interact (fishing, crafting...) travel around (hunt resources, explore, achievements...) or do battle. (Questing, dungeons, trials, the arena, PVP...)
So, this is what I mean: ESO has
A LOT of stuff to do... But most of them get narrowed down to the same gameplay mechanics... And this increases boredom. While bored, you feel like leaving the game to do something else... And so on. Less players, community gets worried, people are not playing so much anymore, et cetera...
Yes, I know there are tons of AWESOME things coming our way... But do they really change the game that much? Justice system, adds a whole new layer of fun and activity but relies on combat yet again... Spellcrafting; same... New regions - just more content - which is awesome, but I don't think that it's what the game really needs right now in my opinion...
So, let's go back to Archeage for a bit. During my short trip there, there was only one thing that amazed me in that game: the amount of different things I could do. I ended up doing a lot of everything since combat there was really frustrating and mediocre... So I spent a lot of time doing runs, farming on secret spots, sailing with some higher level friends I made and some other stuff.
Everything felt different and an original mechanic on their own rights. Trade runs were a lot of fun even if they sound like a huge and boring timesink. (I mean... walk around the whole world on walk speed... How can this be fun? But it is.)
Sailing is a lot of fun as well... Anyway, I won't talk much about the game because, well, that would not be polite and overall it sucks (like I mentioned) above... But the point I'm trying to say is: in a way, it felt like Ultime Online used to feel; where I could do a thousand different things and each of them played in a unique, fun way...
You never get bored. And this is the trick...
When I'm playing ESO and I'm bored of doing quests/fighting... I can't do anything else because there's nothing much left to do that doesn't involve killing stuff or aimlessly running around. RP is amazing in a rich and complex lore like TES, but there should be more...
So, this is about the small things (or big in terms of mechanics). The fun things, the things that matter. Activities, hobbies, things to spend time on, things to be proud of, things that really, really allow the players to feel like they're doing something worthy even if they're not getting XP or gaining loot.
So... To wrap it up, there are several things I think should add a lot to the game... And give us more things to do. Give us reasons to travel the world and love our characters more than simply progressing through streamlined region quests/content.
Fishing (and other 'hobbies') should be reworked. Become more meaningful... Maybe add hunting - create a 'hunting' bow that, when used to kill 'critters', gives us meat and hides more often... Maybe add some other mechanics into it...
Maybe some 'jobs' or fun stuff around towns... Help the folks from the harbour to carry crates for extra coins (like a repeatable quest), more interactive objects for RP'ers...
Housing is fairly complex and should be done right, so I won't get much into it, but it's certainly one of the things that would increase this 'lack' of stuff to do...
Sailing (from AA) is a lot of fun as well. ESO has a great 'sailing culture' (pretty much every faction has at least one big story arc around sailing/sailors/crews/ships...) so... let me dream and think of a future 'sea exploration' expansion?
The idea of Trade Runs from AA is also interesting and I can easily see a cool mechanic of caravans and things like that in Cyrodiil... Maybe take resources from one keep to another to get special buffs and things like that... Or region trading just for the coins and fun.
What about the horse races? We've been hearing about them since launch! See, that's the kind of thing I'm talking about... we need more activities, more stuff to do that goes beyond the stuff we already do...
We could certainly use more character customization; disguises are nice but an 'outfitting' system like the one in LOTRO (Lord of the Rings Online) would be certainly welcome. There you can 'equip' the appearance of individual items, form different cosmetic sets, have an account-wide shared wardrobe...
Well, my thoughts have started escaping me, but I think I've pointed out the most important things (for me) right now.
I love ESO and I won't stop playing... But I'm afraid the game is increasingly boring; it feels like I'm only 'progressing' whenever I'm hitting something... And this is The Elder Scrolls; this is a completely amazing and beautiful world full of possibilities and they should certainly be explored

We need more, different stuff to do. We need different activities to keep people in the game, imagine how awesome if we could play minigames with others (like cards inside an inn) or bet on races and such... Imagine how rich the world of Nirn is... and how little of it we're experiencing right now.
That's pretty much it... I guess.
Thanks for reading, I know it was long and I started to lose myself. Lol.
Anyway, love to all of you and stay safe,