I can't use Shadowy Disguise around Storm Atronachs as it breaks instantly when applied; I'm not sure if this is by design - if it is I assume that it's something to do with their electrical field which causes proximity damage.
They also seem to be able to see through stealth; I've hit a Storm Atronach from the extent of Focused Aim (morphed Snipe) and instantly stealthed using Shadowy Disguise whilst the Atronach's back is still towards me, but they unerringly come straight at me firing attacks all the way whilst I'm still cloaked (Shadowy Disguise is meant to cancel existing attacks and remove focus from MOBs so that no attacks are launched for the duration of the cloak - it just doesn't work with Storm Atronachs.
For my Nightblade Storm Atronachs are pretty much undefeatable - I can't cloak from, snare or stun them and they don't get knocked back or down from Silver Bolts (I assume that they're Daedra).
I am one of The Great Mediocracy, those whose role in life is to provide the baseline by which The Few deem themselves Great.