PvP challenges and suggestions.

The current state of AvA seems to be severely lacking in options and diversity and a lot of this seems due to balance issues. I truly wonder how many developers or policy makers actually play PvP on a regular basis. My gut feeling is the answer is 0.

Balance issue #1 - AoE caps. The lack of AoE caps means zergballs > everything else. This AoE cap is presumably to prevent huge Ultimate generation via AoE. The unintended consequence is that my zergball can out heal and out dps your capped AoE. Recommendation - Remove AoE cap and add AoE ultimate generation cap.

Balance issue #2 - Shield stacking. Shield stacking is the way you see players effectively take 0 damage from 8 guys hitting them at once. Examples are hardened ward, annulment, healing ward. Shields are "stacked" so that a user gets the full benefit of annulment (50% less spell dmg) while all shields hold, whereas normally the spell is consumed on ~350 damage being taken. This shield stacking lack of balance does several things. First, it severely limits stamina builds survivability because they cannot generate damage shields at the rate of magicka builds. Second, it means some players (with utility and rotation + pots) are almost unkillable for the average player or in some cases group of players. This has the unintended consequence of making some players think the game is "broken" or severely imbalanced. This is especially true because all classes but NB's have class-based shields. Therefore if you are a NB you cannot exploit this broken mechanic as easily as other classes. Recommendation - make damage shields unable to coexist with other damage shields.

Balance issue #3 - Ultimate generation outside of combat. Right now only restoration staff can consistently generate ultimate outside of combat. The more people affected, the better the ultimate generation. This means any character who hasn't slotted restoration staff cannot consistently generate ultimate outside of combat. The unintended consequence is that groups of raiders who outnumber defenders can easily generate ultimate all times during combat downtime while it is significantly harder for a small group of defenders to do so. Recommendation - make ultimate generation outside of combat not scale based on allies affected. Further boost this with a limit to AoE ultimate generation as part of #1.

Balance issue #4 - Death is not to be avoided, and at some cases is sought out. Death has no real negative side affects, in many cases. Other times, people suicide just to quickly move all the way across the map to use a FC. The unintended consequence of this logic is that skill isn't as important as zerging people down with endless numbers/camps. Recommendation - make FC's group/range required, and give players an increasing cooldown as they take deaths during a set time interval. If this is limited by code, the simple fix is to drastically increase the cost of an FC. Make battlefield rezzes mean something. The other option is to allow soul gems to work...but require the gems have a PvP soul to function in Cyrodil :)

Fun Issue #1 - No one likes dying where they don't get a single command in. This is especially so once you hit v12. We should try and limit cases where a player dies without getting a single command, whether a victim of snipe or just gang-cc'd and killed.

Fun Issue #2 - Outside of roots/snares, we cannot maledict enemies. It would be awesome if we had some skills that drained stamina/magicka or spells that caused shields to be dispelled etc. It would open up a lot of other tactics if we could have spells/skills that reduced or affected enemy spells/skills. If an enemy now has multiple shields up I have no option but to wait them out and hope they don't recast them. That puts me at the mercy of the enemy to dictate the fight.

Community Issue #1 - Not enough ways to measure our epeens. Sounds stupid...right? What I mean is we love the leaderboards, we just need more granularity. Right now the leaderboards are reflective of who has the most free time. Give us a more granular set of rankings...like kills/hour points/hour, heals/hour, keeps/day taken etc. The more people competing, the more people wanting to play your game. Then give us this same stat board, and the ability to aggregate that by guild. Voila! Guild with highest kills/hr now can brag. Guild with highest deaths/hour now has to admit they are zergers.

I've got more but this is already a wall of text so hopefully this leads to some discussions.

Edited by Ifthir_ESO on September 2, 2014 7:18PM
  • Armitas
    Great list.
    Edited by Armitas on September 2, 2014 8:55PM
    Nord mDK
  • Huntler
    little birdie told me aoe cap changes are being tested and that shield stacking is being nerfed.
  • Pixysticks
    Ifthir_ESO wrote: »
    Remove AoE cap and add AoE ultimate generation cap.

    The more people competing, the more people wanting to play your game.


    Retired 05/04/15.
  • Draxys
    AoE ult gen cap sounds complicated but I'm all for it replacing blanket AoE caps.

    rip decibel
  • EvilEmpire
    They need to keep AOE caps as well as implement ult gen caps.
  • themizario
    Thank you for taking the time to compile this list. It's full of great ideas.
  • Honfold
    They definitely need to take a look at AOEs. AOEs have become the main source of damage rather than a supplemental one.
  • Bushrat
    Great list!
    Character: Jannex NB Stealth Hunter
  • Yusuf
    How about people get rid of the resto-staff for out-of-combat ultimate generation? I think they should "nerf" it so it only generates ultimate if you actually heal damage. Given that most of the lag in cyrodiil comes from healingsprings everywhere anyway i think this would do great.
  • Ezareth
    Great list. I agree with the majority of it except maybe a couple of the final ideas but they all have merit.

    Grand healing spam at least should be reduced after 1.4 when the magicka return is limited to 3 targets from 6. I always felt cheesy when I used that to fill my ult bar.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Dudis
    I've said this ever since they introduced AoE caps

    No AoE cap = more powerfull AoE = people are forced to spread out = AoE is less effective.
    Just imagine, no more zerg balls in Cyrodiil! If people were stupid enough to stack up like that they'd instantly explode to a nova and banner or something along those lines.

    So yeah, do that, increase HP of walls/doors, nerf forward camps, fix a couple of bugged/broken skills and we're pretty much there.
  • Pixysticks
    Yusuf wrote: »
    How about people get rid of the resto-staff for out-of-combat ultimate generation? I think they should "nerf" it so it only generates ultimate if you actually heal damage. Given that most of the lag in cyrodiil comes from healingsprings everywhere anyway i think this would do great.


    Retired 05/04/15.
  • Icy
    Ifthir_ESO wrote: »
    make FC's group/range required, and give players an increasing cooldown as they take deaths during a set time interval.
    I think the range idea is enough. Make it so you can only respawn to a FC if you're within the "white circle" overlap range. That would quickly solve the "fast travel" aspect of it.
    Ifthir_ESO wrote: »
    Give us a more granular set of rankings...like kills/hour points/hour, heals/hour, keeps/day taken etc. The more people competing, the more people wanting to play your game. Then give us this same stat board, and the ability to aggregate that by guild. Voila! Guild with highest kills/hr now can brag. Guild with highest deaths/hour now has to admit they are zergers.
    THIS! ^ Great idea!!! It might also help with the emperor trading, as it gives people other ways to measure their success in Cyrodiil.

    GREAT post! ^_^
    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________Greetings, Outlanders from -Icy (@IcyIC)twitch.tv/IcyICyoutube.com/HulloItsIcy(not ZOS_Icy)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________
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