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Lfm Stick and Skirt Only!

What can be done about all the "Stick and Skirt Only" elitist [snip] out there doing trials and endgame content who hate diversity and melee/stamina builds getting singled out?

[Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Inappropriate Content
Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on September 2, 2014 5:08AM
  • Vrienda
    Ignore them I suppose. Little else that can be done until everything is balanced.
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • Zarman
    where a dress and a stick until you get in the trial and then switch :smiley:
  • Vaelen
    Zarman wrote: »
    where a dress and a stick until you get in the trial and then switch :smiley:

    Then you got to post your FTC dps too, show them all your l33t 600-800 dps when everyone else is pulling out 1300-1500 dps.
  • nerevarine1138
    I'm on the "ignore them" train. If they're excluding people due to that, they're too dumb to survive a trial.
  • AoEnwyr
    Don't group with people like that then. I refuse to have a dps counter, I don't care. I am more than happy with my build as a 2H/Resto Heavy Armour Orc Templar. That's how I wanted to play my character and I'm playing for fun. People don't want to group with me that's their choice. I will find others who will :)
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    There are so many skillpoints in the game. Get armor and abilities to run like that for trials, and then shelf it and run how you want for everything else. Problem solved.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Circuitous
    Make your own group.

    They don't hate diversity, they want to complete trials quickly to get their gear and maybe get on the leaderboards.

    I've never seen anyone actually happy with the state of affairs regarding class and build balance, just people who accept it and try to get on with their game time or people who try to stick it out with plainly inferior builds and get sad they're not invited to the party.

    The people forming these groups are not the only ones allowed to form groups. As many threads as are made about this asinine subject, you'd think you could form 2 or 3 groups who don't care what build people use and offer anyone who applies a shot at the content.
    Edited by Circuitous on September 2, 2014 1:31AM
    Thank Stendarr it’s Fredas.
    Elanirne: Altmer Templar Healer, DC
    Auria Dolabella: Imperial Nightblade Tank, DC
  • Soloeus
    Make your own group!

    Good luck and have fun! Will you be the first All Stamina Builds to complete?

    Within; Without.
  • tordr86b16_ESO
    Do what they say and enjoy the fast clears and loooooot. Or make your own suboptimal group and keep on wiping.
  • Anvos
    Either ignore or hope ZOS realizes that it would be better to switch to a scoring system over pure time where you time to complete is only a modifier and not the primary judging component.
  • Tabbycat
    Don't group with them.

    Their group. Their rules.

    Your group. Your rules.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • Vatter
    the reason people want stick and skirt is because alot of groups do AA and the 3rd boss is a dps check.
    Why should you be carried because you want to play a less optimal dps build?
  • Phinix1
    Vaelen wrote: »
    What can be done about all the "Stick and Skirt Only" elitist nazis out there doing trials and endgame content who hate diversity and melee/stamina builds getting singled out?

    Not much, until ZOS add some stamina-based class skill morphs and address the terrible stamina balance. You can do OK with it solo, and even normal dungeons, but end game content it is just a liability.

    ZOS shares most of the blame with the elitists.
  • zaria
    Aeula wrote: »
    Ignore them I suppose. Little else that can be done until everything is balanced.
    Everything will not be balanced for elitists.
    Theory crafters will always calculate that some builds are better than other.
    Note I don't say that the stamina builds are balanced.

    WOW is said to be pretty balanced however it was over 30% difference in dps on bosses before MoP then I played.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Draxuul
    Vaelen wrote: »
    What can be done about all the "Stick and Skirt Only" elitist nazis out there doing trials and endgame content who hate diversity and melee/stamina builds getting singled out?

    A short answer would be:`` nothing``.

    There is nothing a we can do as players to change the way other players choose to play the game .

    Purists an elitists will be purists and elitists. It is a playstyle enjoyed by many so just leave them be who they wanna be .

    Find yourself people who are more open minded like you are and play the game with them.

    Start your own guild an invite people like you, and experience trials with your own guild members.

    Non elitists and elitists will never mix , nothing can me done about that.

    Personaly, i tend to avoid hanging out with people who think they have a right to tell me how to play or how to build my character without even giving me a chance to prove that i can get the job done.

    I don`t borrow other people`s brains, i have a brain of my own and it`s working perfectly fine and i plan to keep it sharp so i`ma keep using it and if this means i`m rejected from groups then so be it .

    That being said, if someone was to give you a chance to prove yourself and you`ve proven to be a major failure, then at least he was nice enough to give you a chance and he would be stupid to invite you again unless you make adjustments to your build.

    Edited by Draxuul on September 2, 2014 4:24AM
    Be who you want to be , do what you want to do, play the way you want to play.

    The Prophet once said :``There is no perfect choice , there are only other choices. ``

    Same goes for your build. There is no perfect build, there are only other builds.

    My name is Draxuul and i approve this message .

  • jelliedsoup
    Aeula wrote: »
    Ignore them I suppose. Little else that can be done until everything is balanced.

    "Until" presumes it will be balanced. I see no reason to assume it will be. Zos make a few generic statements and then release a few fixes which improve stamina, but they're still far from equitable with magicka builds.

    This game poorly considered stamina builds from the outset. Nothing they've done in the game demonstrates this will be addressed.
  • Phinix1
    I am getting to the point where I agree. My confidence in ZOS ever adding stamina-based class skill morphs or making it remotely comparable to magicka in utility, damage output, and/or survivability, is basically nil, and they don't even seem to indicate it is a major priority.

    Just "something we consider a work in progress with no real specific plans to do anything about."

    Stamina builds are really all I am interested in playing as a Nightblade.This is rapidly building up to a parked subscription. Yet, I truly love the game. :(

    Believe me, ZOS. This is more frustrating for me than it is for you. At least you have millions of dollars to help ease the pain. XD

    EDIT: To be fair, playing stamina for solo questing is fun as heck!
    Edited by Phinix1 on September 2, 2014 5:34AM
  • SG_Celerrimus
    I wouldn't say that people who want things done X, Y, and Z ways with people using certain builds are [snip] and elitists, they are just using what they have proven to work to achieve a goal that they want to achieve (i.e. good trial times).

    Its like trying to build a tent. Would you rather use the tent with a bunch of holes and broken parts or the tent that is brand new and works perfectly. Sure, you might get the broken tent to stand up and you might be able to sleep in it (maybe killing the boss with random builds), but many would prefer not risking it and going with the tent that works (killing the boss with proven builds).

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Inappropriate Content
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on September 2, 2014 5:18AM
  • killabunny1234b16_ESO
    As a response to your question.. most groups will only take DPS that can do 800+ DPS (about what all the DPS in AA need to kill the 3rd boss in time)
    So if you cant do it don't join a pug that want to kill all bosses :p..

    On the other hand I run pug groups for AA and take stam DPS all the time, but only the ones that can pull over that DPS mark.. It's quite possible for all classes to pull way over 1k DPS with 2 handed or bow stam builds. It's not as good as some resto/destro builds.. but it can be a improvement on the normal Templar/Sorc magicka builds.
  • DerpyShadowz
    Well, technically you could wear 6pc heavy and then a light daedric leg? Its still a skirt right? ;)
    Lurking in the shadows.
  • Armitas
    People have done trials where the whole group is nekkid. Seems a bit crazy to demand skirts... unless they just left one of those nekkid runs.
    Edited by Armitas on September 2, 2014 2:21PM
    Nord mDK
  • Sunrock
    Vaelen wrote: »
    What can be done about all the "Stick and Skirt Only" elitist [snip] out there doing trials and endgame content who hate diversity and melee/stamina builds getting singled out?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Inappropriate Content

    Those that insist on "stock and skirt only" builds on trials are not elitists... They are the wannabe "l33t", n00bz. That think they are god send leaders that know everything but in reality have no clue about every thing. All there knowledge comes from watching a 4 month old youtube video of how you did things in patch 1.1.

    It was true that back in 1.0-1.1 builds that focused around any other weapon then the destruction staff and the restoration staff sucked. But that is no longer true for all classes at least. There are 2h weapon, medium armor, Templar builds that can pull off over 1k sustainable DPS in the trials for an example. Just do a search on and you will find good builds that are not only stick and skirt.
  • Sunrock
    As a response to your question.. most groups will only take DPS that can do 800+ DPS (about what all the DPS in AA need to kill the 3rd boss in time)
    So if you cant do it don't join a pug that want to kill all bosses :p..

    On the other hand I run pug groups for AA and take stam DPS all the time, but only the ones that can pull over that DPS mark.. It's quite possible for all classes to pull way over 1k DPS with 2 handed or bow stam builds. It's not as good as some resto/destro builds.. but it can be a improvement on the normal Templar/Sorc magicka builds.

    No the minimum DPS needed for 3rd boss in AA is 500+ sustainable DPS. However it's really really hard to get a good DPS read out of that boss. I have tested several DPS meters and no one have manage to give me an exact read from that boss fight yet. But if you use FTC 500+ should be enough if you have 10.5 DPS plus 1 healer. the 0.5 is the tank trying to DPS as mush as he can. If you insist on having 2 or 3 dedicated healers there you need allot higher DPS from the rest of the group of course. This means you need to have healers in the group that can switch to a 500+ DPS roll as well.
  • AnteCoyote
    They want to do things as effectively as possible. Maybe they are trying to get good times or something. I barely do trials, but the best I've done was nearly kill the mage with a half experienced, half inexperienced group which consisted of myself and another stamina nightblade on DPS, and we did fine for our first time on the mage. We nearly had her until the tank went down and lost aggro on the axes, which proceeded to triple-team everyone one by one until the fight was salvageable. The fights were very well coordinated and, typically, as long as we dropped ultimates at the right time and did enough DPS while avoiding AOE spells, we'd win, even though a bunch of us were completely new. I was getting 800 sustainable DPS with bow and dual wield, and I'm sure I can do better with more experience. 95% of the time, I PvP, so I mainly burst from stealth and don't have much practice with sustainable DPS.

    Anyway, it just proved you don't need to do stick and skirt to run trials as long as you have good strategy and OK dps.
    Aldmeri Dominion -J'Ualizz - Siphons-Spirits - S'Renrij - Byz Only Sweeps - Winds-Roots
    Daggerfall Covenant - Lucky Lakhim
    North America
  • Varicite
    Circuitous wrote: »
    Make your own group.

    They don't hate diversity, they want to complete trials quickly to get their gear and maybe get on the leaderboards.

    Here's the truth.

    They aren't "elitists" and they don't hate you. They want to complete the Trial in the fastest possible time, because they are timed, and leaderboards exist.

    When your cool stamina build is also pumping out the same DPS as a "stick and skirt" build, nobody will have any issue w/ you.

    What this thread is really complaining about is: People enjoy playing low DPS builds, but are upset that players who are looking for high DPS won't accept them.

    If I go to the store looking for ice cream, and you keep trying to shove your meatball sandwich in my face, don't be mad when I respectfully decline your offer. You just don't have what I'm looking for, no hard feelings.
  • Anastasia
    AnteCoyote wrote: »
    They want to do things as effectively as possible. Maybe they are trying to get good times or something. I barely do trials, but the best I've done was nearly kill the mage with a half experienced, half inexperienced group which consisted of myself and another stamina nightblade on DPS, and we did fine for our first time on the mage. We nearly had her until the tank went down and lost aggro on the axes, which proceeded to triple-team everyone one by one until the fight was salvageable. The fights were very well coordinated and, typically, as long as we dropped ultimates at the right time and did enough DPS while avoiding AOE spells, we'd win, even though a bunch of us were completely new. I was getting 800 sustainable DPS with bow and dual wield, and I'm sure I can do better with more experience. 95% of the time, I PvP, so I mainly burst from stealth and don't have much practice with sustainable DPS.

    Anyway, it just proved you don't need to do stick and skirt to run trials as long as you have good strategy and OK dps.

    Great post AnteCoyote. I will say I chuckled here since you note you mainly PvP though (*for PvE>): "...with sustainable DPS. (For a NB bow/ dual wield... sustainable, *coughs, and wonders what that means. Is that sort of like when one can last and last and perform alllll at the same time? B)o:)

    Edited by Anastasia on September 3, 2014 2:16AM
  • Sighlynce
    Vatter wrote: »
    the 3rd boss is a dps check.
    If this is so, then it would seem that Zos is encouraging the exclusion of some players...... shame
    "What is better - to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" - Paarthurnax
  • rashkosh127ub17_ESO
    Anvos wrote: »
    Either ignore or hope ZOS realizes that it would be better to switch to a scoring system over pure time where you time to complete is only a modifier and not the primary judging component.

    Interesting.. but what would be the other components? No matter what they are, the situation won't change. Magicka builds are superior in dps and survivability and overcome stamina builds in just about every way imaginable.
  • Potenza
    They aren't being elitist at all. Maybe they just know what it takes to get the job done on that particular boss. Why take you on if you will not survive or be able to dps the boss fight?
    To add to this, I would like the ability for others to see the gear your wearing and see what skills you have slotted. An example would be - how do you know if that particular player is only wearing dropped greens? when they should be wearing a crafted set. Improperly geared players are most likely not going to survive the boss fight, not put out their maximum dps and are going to contribute only to wiping the group. They are just a waste of time.
    Edited by Potenza on September 4, 2014 8:15PM
  • Cody
    Don't waste your time dealing with them. If that means you cant do trials, fine. All you are missing is some gear drops, which you don't really even need to be good at the game. or find some people who are open minded like you and run it. whatever is the most fun for you.

    on a side note, ZOS claims they plan to wipe the boards at some point, once they get all the exploits taken care of, then we will see who the real "elite" players are:)
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