Send in game mail to @bdoggak6901 for invite. Our kiosk is one of the best in game. Our weekly raffles have given out millions of gold to our members. Join today, 7 day inactive policy! Send in game mail.
I would love an invitation @berrin. I have Alchemy, Blacksmithing, Clothing, and Provisioning at 50 and maximized. Currently leveling Enchanting (at 33).
Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hello! I'm looking to join the Merchant's Circle guild. I've read that you are a great guild that promotes a fun, respectable, and healthy gaming community along with a good, strong foundation in trading. I'm becoming a more serious ESO player and looking to dive deeper into the ESO economy and wish to contribute to the guild! I heard about your guild through Deltia's Gaming. He says that this guild is the place to be for all your trading needs. My ID is @m4keyourself, thank you for your consideration!